All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2018

Subspace Multi-Clustering: A Review, Juhua Hu and Jian Pei


Building Containerized Workflows Using the BioDepot-workflow-builder (Bwb), Ling-Hong Hung, Jiaming Hu, Trevor Meiss, Alyssa Ingersoll, Wes Lloyd, Daniel Kristiyanto, Yuguang Xiong, Eric Sobie, and Ka Yee Yeung


Holistic Optimization of RNA-seq Workflow for Multi-Threaded Environments, Ling-Hong Hung, Wes Lloyd, Radhika Agumbe Sridhar, Saranya Devi Ravishankar, Yuguang Xiong, Eric Sobie, and Ka Yee Yeung

Factors Influencing Hospital Readmission Penalties: Are They Really Under Hospitals’ Control?, R.P. Jindal, D.K. Gauri, G. Singh, and S. Nicholson

Workplace Bullying in the Healthcare Sector, Susan Johnson


Cutting Through the Discussion on Caesarean Delivery: Birth Practices as Social Practices, Natalie Jolly

Corporate Social Responsibility and Word - Of - Mouth Intentions, B. Kang and E. Sivadas

The Effect of Prenatal Exposure to Ramadan on Children's Height, Seyed Karimi and A. Basu

Framing Digital Exclusion in Technologically Mediated Urban Spaces, M. Kelley

"If Everyone Would Just Act White": Education as a Global Investment in Whiteness, Christopher Knaus


Disability and Accessibility in the Workplace: Some Exemplars and a Research Agenda for Business and Professional Communication, M. Knight and S.K. Oswal

Editor's Choice: Underappreciated Science, E.P. Kolodziej

Use of Science in Collaborative Environmental Management: Evidence From Local Watershed Partnerships in the Puget Sound, T.M. Koontz and C.W. Thomas


Barriers to Higher Education for Students With Bipolar Disorder: A Critical Social Model Perspective, Allison K. Kruse and Sushil K. Oswal


Serverless Computing Provides On-Demand High Performance Computing for Biomedical Research, Dimitar Kumanov, Ling-Hong Hung, Wes Lloyd, and Ka Yee Yeung

Container Memory Allocation Discrepancies: An Investigation on Memory Utilization Gaps for Container-Based Application Deployments, Garrett Lahmann, Thom McCann, and Wes Lloyd

Mobile Health Technology Knowledge and Practices Among Patients of Safety-Net Health Systems in Washington State and Washington, DC, Sharon Laing, Muhammad Alsayid, Carlota Ocampo, and Stacey Baugh

Affordable and Effective Healthcare Might Simply Be Mobile Health Care, Sharon S. Laing

Media Coverage of Mass Killers: Content, Consequences, and Solutions, A. Lankford and E. Madfis


Microsoft and the Future of AI, Joe Lawless


Millennial Workforce at Premera, Joe Lawless

Breastfeeding Outcomes in Washington State: Determining the Effect of Loving Support Peer Counseling Program and Characteristics of Participants at WIC Agencies, Catherine Hui Lee, Jean O'Leary, Phyllis Kirk, and Timothy A. Lower

Relative Value in Corporate Bond Sectors, F. Leng and G. Noronha

Rampage School Shootings, J. Levin and E. Madfis


Temporal Genetic Association and Temporal Genetic Causality Methods for Dissecting Complex Networks, Luan Lin, Quan Chen, Jeanne P. Hirsch, Seungyeul Yoo, Ka Yee Yeung, Roger E. Bumgarner, Zhidong Tu, Eric E. Schadt, and Jun Zhu

Serverless Computing: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Microservice Performance, W. Lloyd, S. Ramesh, S. Chinthalapati, L. Ly, and S. Pallickara

Big Ideas and Revolutionary Activity: Selected Essays, Talks and Articles by Lois Holzman, Carrie Lobman and Tony Perone

Washington Principals’ Perceptions of Their Professional Development Needs for the Spike of English Learners, Belinda Y. Louie, Bronwyn Pughe, Annie Camey Kuo, and Elin A. Björling

Female Involvement in School Rampage Plots, Eric Madfis and Jeff W. Cohen

TrueWeb: A Proposal for Scalable Semantically-Guided Data Management and Truth Finding in Heterogeneous Web Sources, A. Madkour, W.G. Aref, S. Prabhakar, M. Ali, and S. Bykau

Oxford House Residents’ Attitudes Toward Medication Assisted Treatment Use in Fellow Residents, J.M. Majer, C. Beasley, E. Stecker, T.J. Bobak, J. Norris, H.M. Nguyen, M. Ogata, J. Siegel, B. Isler, E. Wiedbusch, and L.A. Jason

Correction To: Oxford House Residents’ Attitudes Toward Medication Assisted Treatment Use in Fellow Residents, J.M. Majer, C. Beasley, E. Stecker, T.J. Bobak, J. Norris, H.M. Nguyen, M. Ogata, J. Siegel, E. Wiedbusch, I. Dovale, N. Gelfman, S. Callahan, and L.A. Jason

Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Life, Chris Marriott, J.M. Borg, P. Andras, and P.E. Smaldino

Multilevel Selection Can Lead To Cooperation In A Public Goods Game, Chris Marriott and S. DeMartini

The Association Between Hardship and Self-Rated Health: Does the Choice of Indicator Matter?, Gillian L. Marshall and Reginald Tucker-Seeley


Pain and Hardship Among Older Men: Examining the Buffering Effect of Medicare Insurance Coverage, G.L. Marshall, T.A. Baker, C. Song, and D.B. Miller


Exploration of Microplastics in the Lower Puyallup River Watershed, Julie Masura, Shannon Black, Jessica Kelsey, and Mary Eldridge

Reflections on a Retrofit: Organizational Commitment, Perceived Productivity and Controllability in a Building Lighting Project in the United States, Lindsay McCunn, A. Kim, and J. Feracor


Global Trends in Media Theory, Divya C. McMillin

Non-Human Humanitarians, Benjamin Meiches

The Charge of Genocide: Racial Hierarchy, Political Discourse, and the Evolution of International Institutions, Benjamin Meiches

Should Cookie Monster Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle or Continue to Indulge? Insights Into Brand Icons, Altaf Merchant, K.A. LaTour, J.B. Ford, and M.S. LaTour

Cognitive Outcomes of Brand Heritage: A Signaling Perspective, Altaf Merchant, Fabien Pecot, Pierre Valette-Florence, and Virginie De Barnier


In Defense of the Medium: Review of Why Comics? From Underground to Everywhere, Alex Miller

Teaching Systems Thinking to General Education Students, G.E. Mobus

Livability and the Challenge of Planning in Tehran, Ali Modarres

Green Screen or Smokescreen? Hollywood’s Messages About Nature and the Environment, Ellen Moore

Book Review of Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City by Amy Starecheski, Pierpaolo Mudu

Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy, Pierpaolo Mudu and Sutapa Chattopadhyay

Occupations of Housing and Social Centers in Rome: A Durable Resistance to Neoliberalism and Institutionalization, Pierpaolo Mudu and Luisa Rossini


Commercialization of Obstetric and Neonatal Care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Study of the Variability in User Fees in Lubumbashi, 2014, A.M. Ntambue, F.K. Malonga, M. Dramaix-Wilmet, T.M. Ilunga, A.N. Musau, C.M. Matungulu, Karen Cowgill, and P. Donnen

Can Workplaces, Classrooms, and Pedagogies Be Disabling?, Sushil K. Oswal


Orientations and Embodiment, Sushil K. Oswal and Lisa Melancon


Developing a Persona-Driven, Online Technical and Professional Communication Knowledge Database for Teaching, Sushil K. Oswal and Lisa Meloncon


Can Diversity Be Intersectional? Inclusive Business Planning and Accessible Web Design Internationally on Two Continents and Three Campuses, Sushil K. Oswal and Zsuzsanna Palmer

Dictionary Extraction and Detection of Algorithmically Generated Domain Names in Passive DNS Traffic, M. Pereira, S. Coleman, B. Yu, Martine DeCock, and Anderson Nascimento

Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Identify Organic Contaminants Linked to Urban Stormwater Mortality Syndrome in Coho Salmon, K.T. Peter, Z. Tian, C. Wu, P. Lin, S. White, B. Du, J.K. McIntyre, N.L. Scholz, and E.P. Kolodziej

Web Traffic Prediction of Wikipedia Pages, N. Petluri and E. Al-Masri

Psychological and Autonomic Correlates of Emotion Dysregulation Among Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment, C.J. Price, S.E. Crowell, K.C. Pike, S.C. Cheng, M. Puzia, and E.A. Thompson

Immediate Effects of Interoceptive Awareness Training Through Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT) for Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment, C.J. Price, E.A. Thompson, S.E. Crowell, K. Pike, S.C. Cheng, S. Parent, and C. Hooven

Selling, General, and Administrative Expense (SGA)-based Metrics in Marketing: Conceptual and Measurement Challenges, A. Ptok, R.P. Jindal, and W.J. Reinartz

Connections and Collaboration—Celebrating the Contributions of Barbara Gray, J. Purdy, J. Kish-Gephart, G.J. Labianca, and S. Ansari

Social Justice in UX: Centering Marginalized Users, Emma Rose, L. Gonzales, N. Jones, A. Edenfield, A.S. McNair, G.I. Garcia De Mueller, R. Walton, T. Zhvotovska, and K. Moore


Usability Testing With Teens: Adapting Human-Centered Design and UX Methods, Emma J. Rose, Elin A. Björling, Ada Kim, and Nicole Young Alvarez

Poor Poor Dumb Mouths, and Bid Them Speak for Me: Theorizing the Use of Personas in Practice, Emma J. Rose and Josh Tenenberg

Factors to Actors Implications for Posthumanism in Social Justice Work, Emma Rose and R. Walton


Approaching Engagement Towards Human-Engaged Computing, Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Sayan Sarcar, Huatong Sun, Effie L-C. Law, Torkil Clemmensen, Jeffrey Bardzell, Antti Oulasvirta, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, Ann Light, and Xiangshi Ren

Evaluation of Semi-Volatile Contaminant Transport in a Novel, Gas-Tight Direct Contact Membrane Distillation System, K.A. Salls, D. Won, E.P. Kolodziej, A.E. Childress, and S.R. Hiibel

Tracking Hazardous Aerial Plumes Using IoT-Enabled Drone Swarms, Carl Seiber, David Nowlin, Bob Landowski, and Matthew Tolentino


Voluntary Placements in Child Welfare: A Comparative Analysis of State Statutes, Annette Semanchin Jones, JaeRan Kim, K. Hill, and J. Diebold


Trade Liberalization and Constraints on Moves to Protectionism: Multilateralism vs. Regionalism, I.M. Sheldon, D.C.K. Chow, and W. McGuire


The 2015 Landslide and Tsunami in Taan Fiord, Alaska, Dan Shugar

Changing Glaciers, Changing Rivers, Dan Shugar and John Clague

Late Holocene Activity of Sherman and Sheridan Glaciers, Prince William Sound, Alaska, D.H. Shugar, J.J. Clague, and M.J. McSaveney


‘Boundary’: Mapping and Visualizing Climatically Changed Landscapes at Kaskawulsh Glacier and Kluane Lake, Yukon, D. H. Shugar, K. A. Colorado, J. J. Clague, M. J. Willis, and J. L. Best

An Evaluation of DGA Classifiers, R. Sivaguru, C. Choudhary, B. Yu, V. Tymchenko, A. Nascimento, and M. D. Cock

Designing the Correctional Landscape: An Invitation to Landscape Architecture Professionals, J.L. Stevens, B. Toews, and A. Wagenfeld


Post-New Orleans Reflections, Alyssa Tatro, Sarah Cho, Wesley Duncan, Miles Cameron, Clara Le, Alex Alderman, Margo Knight, Rafael Regen, and Emily Casebeer


Dear Prudence: Power, Campus-Community Collaborations, and the Elusive Space Between Constructive Disruption and Neoliberal Subcontract, Anne Taufen

Politicisation of Community Development: Universities as Boundary Objects, Anne Taufen

Evaluation of Student Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Perception of the Value of Geologic Monitoring From Living on the Edge, an InTeGrate Curriculum Module, Rachel Teasdale, Peter Selkin, and Laurel Goodell

Evaluation of Student Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Perception of the Value of Geologic Monitoring From Living on the Edge, an Integrate Curriculum Module, R. Teasdale, P. Selkin, and L. Goodell

More Than the Code: Learning Rules of Rejection in Writing Programs, J. Tenenberg, W.-M. Roth, D. Chinn, A. Jornet, D. Socha, and S. Walter


Thinking Big Data in Geography: New Regimes, New Research, Jim Thatcher, Andrew Shears, and Josef Eckert


From Mass to Social Media: Governing Mental Health and Depression in the Digital Age, Riki Thompson and Rich Furman


UWT Experiences in the Townships of South Africa, Bridging Borders, Breaking Bread, Fern Tiger, Christopher Knaus, Maija Thiel, Anneka Olson, and Autumn Diaz


“It’s a dead place”: A qualitative exploration of violence survivors’ perceptions of justice architecture, Barb Toews

Impact of a Nature-Based Intervention on Incarcerated Women, B. Toews, A. Wagenfeld, and J. Stevens

Evaluating the Impact of Pushing Voice-Driven Interaction Pipelines to the Edge, Matthew Tolentino and Smruthi Sridhar


Math Origins: Orders of Growth | Mathematical Association of America, Erik Tou


Math Origins: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, Erik R. Tou

A Community‐Responsive Adaptation to Reach and Engage Latino Families Affected by Maternal Depression, Carmen R. Valdez, Alyssa Ramírez Stege, Elizabeth Martinez, Stephanie D'Costa, and Thomas Chavez

Reconfiguring Worker Subjectivity: Career Advice Literature and the “Branding” of the Worker's Self, S.P. Vallas and A.L. Hill


Developing a Transformative Drug Policy Research Agenda in the United States, Ingrid Walker and J. Netherland


A Systems Analysis of Factors Influencing Household Solar PV Adoption in Santiago, Chile, Jeffrey Walters, Jessica Kaminsky, and Lawrence Gottschamer


Crucial Considerations in the Understanding and Treatment of Intimate Partner Violence in African American Couples, Carolyn West

Treatment Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence in the Lives of African American Women, Carolyn M. West


An Examination of the Sufficiency of Small Qualitative Samples, Diane S. Young and Erin A. Casey


Kept in the Dark: Exploring Children's Preparation for Parental Incarceration and Reentry, Diane Young and Carrie Smith

Identifying Dynamical Time Series Model Parameters From Equilibrium Samples, With Application to Gene Regulatory Networks, W.C. Young, K.Y. Yeung, and A.E. Raftery