All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2016


What Motivates Men's Involvement in Gender-Based Violence Prevention? Latent Class Profiles and Correlates in an International Sample of Men, Erin A. Casey, Richard M. Tolman, Juliana Carlson, Christopher T. Allen, and Heather L. Storer


Gender Transformative Approaches to Engaging Men in Gender-Based Violence Prevention: A Review and Conceptual Model, Erin Casey, Juliana Carlson, Sierra Two Bulls, and Aurora Yager

At Night My Body Splits and Splits, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, Even the Notes in My Books Are More Mature, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, He Called Me a Pack Rat, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, I’m Waiting in the Houston Airport for My Connecting Flight, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, in My Dream Last Night, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, I Only Relate to Male Singers Now, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, I’ve Had Too Much Caffeine Today, Sarah A. Chavez


Infoxicated Corner: 2016 Spotlight Series: Poems by Sarah A. Chavez, Sarah A. Chavez

In the Toaster Room at Irene's Cafe, Sarah A. Chavez


Mexican Americans and American Mexicans: An Etymology, Sarah A. Chavez

My Body Is All Memory, Sarah A. Chavez

Neighborhood Watch, Sarah A. Chavez


Oppositional Identities and the Mestiz@ Writer/Scholar: A Memoir, Sarah A. Chavez

Praise This Land, the San Joaquin Valley, Sarah A. Chavez

Review of Karankawa by Iliana Rocha, Sarah A. Chavez


The Female Body at the Front of the Room, Sarah A. Chavez


Interoceptive Awareness Among Women in Treatment for Chemical Dependency in Response to Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Cynthia Price, and Carole Hooven

Early Intervention in Schizophrenia: A Literature Review, Sunny Chieh Cheng and Karen G. Schepp

Vulnerability, Stress, and Support in the Disease Trajectory From Prodrome to Diagnosed Schizophrenia: Diathesis-Stress-Support Model, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Elaine Walsh, and Karen G. Schepp


Attending to Loyalties, Afections, Convictions… and Doubts, J. Compson


Conversation #48: Jane Compson on Contemplative Pedagogy in Online Course, Jane Compson and Bart Everson


Our Stories, Our Voices: The Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project, David R. Coon

Hidden Corporate Profits in the U.S. Prison System: The Unorthodox Policy-Making of the American Legislative Exchange Council, R. Cooper, C. Heldman, A.R. Ackerman, and V.A. Farrar-Meyers


The Northwest Detention Center: A Nexus of the Immigration Debate, Dafney Blanca Dabach, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, David Androff, Doug Epps, Susanna Jones, and Melody Loya


Critical Data Studies: A Dialog on Data and Space, Craig M. Dalton, Linnet Taylor, and Jim Thatcher

Singing for Tacoma: Mrs. Goheen and the Lincoln High School Choirs (1929-1955), Kim Davenport

Tacoma's Theater District, Kim Davenport


The Tacoma Theater: The Finest Temple on the Coast, Kim Davenport

Unconditionally Secure, Universally Composable Privacy Preserving Linear Algebra, B. David, R. Dowsley, J. van Graaf, D. Marques, A. C. Nascimento, and A. C. Pinto

Emerging Service Orientations and Transformations (SOT), Haluk Demirkan and James C. Spohrer

Collaborative Innovation, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and Nicholas Donofrio

Digital Innovation and Strategic Transformation, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and J. J. Welser


Social, Economic, and Health Disparities Among LGBT Older Adults, C.A. Emlet

Will Teachers Create Opportunities for Discussion When Teaching Proof in a Geometry Classroom?, Ander Erickson and Patricio Herbst

Using Multimedia Questionnaires to Study Influences on the Decisions Mathematics Teachers Make in Instructional Situations, Ander Erickson, Patricio Herbst, Daniel Chazan, Karl W. Kosko, and Justin Dimmel

Social Networks of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults, Elena A. Erosheva, Hyun-Jun Kim, Charles A. Emlet, and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen

Asthma Management Disparities: A Photovoice Investigation With African American Youth, R. Evans-Agnew

Questioning Photovoice Research: Whose Voice?, R.A. Evans-Agnew and M.-A.S. Rosemberg

Applying Critical Discourse Analysis in Health Policy Research: Case Studies in Regional, Organizational, and Global Health, Robin A. Evans-Agnew, Susan Johnson, Fuqin Liu, and Doris M. Boutain

Asthma Education: Five Key Messages, Robin Evans-Agnew and Cindy Cooper


"Mi Niño Con Asma": Hispanic/Latina Mothers, Environmental Justice, and Photovoice at the Front Lines of the Asthma Epidemic, Robin Evans-Agnew, Julie Postma, and Lee Sledd

Community Health Needs Assessments: Expanding the Boundaries of Nursing Education in Population Health, Robin Evans-Agnew, David Reyes, Janet Primomo, Karen Meyer, and Corrie Matlock-Hightower

Firm Strategy and Market Reaction to Earnings, G.D. Fernando, R.A. Schneible, and A. Tripathy

How Do Staff Perceive Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports? Implications for Teams in Planning and Implementing Schools, Laura L. Feuerborn and Ashli D. Tyre

A Qualitative Analysis of Middle and High School Teacher Perceptions of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports, Laura L. Feuerborn, C. Wallace, and A. D. Tyre


Editor's Introduction for NANO Special Issue 9: Intoxication, Alexine Fleck and Ingrid Walker


Detaining the Immigrant Other: Global and Transnational Issues, Rich Furman, Douglas Epps, and Greg Lamphear


The Immigrant Other: Lived Experiences in a Transnational World, Rich Furman, Greg Lamphear, and Douglas Epps

Developing a Prototype for Evaluations of Healthcare Appointment and Registration Smart Assistant, C. Gao and N. Iwane


Lake Kapowsin Data Report, James E. Gawel and Christopher Wu

Heard Music, Claudia Gorbman


“The Third Reality” (Translation of “La Troisième Realité” by Michel Chion),, Claudia Gorbman

Nursing Professional Development: Revision of the Scope and Standards of Practice, M.G. Harper and P. Maloney

Recruiting Unmotivated Smokers Into a Smoking Induction Trial, K.J. Harris, A. Bradley-Ewing, K. Goggin, K.P. Richter, C. Patten, K. Williams, H.S. Lee, V.S. Staggs, and D. Catley


The Significance of Community Support for Survivors of a Natural Disaster, Marian S. Harris, Ganita Musa, and Ryan Brookman

Leveraging Cues From Person-Generated Health Data for Peer Matching in Online Communities, Andrea L. Hartzler, Megan N. Taylor, Albert Park, Troy Griffiths, Uba Backonja, David W. McDonald, Sam Wahbeh, Cory Brown, and Wanda Pratt

Design and Usability of Interactive User Profiles for Online Health Communities, Andrea L. Hartzler, Bridget Weis, Carly Cahill, Wanda Pratt, Albert Park, Uba Backonja, and David W. McDonald

Being an Agent of Change in the Criminal Justice System: Preparation and Practice, Janelle Hawes, Tarna Derby-McCurtain, Ashleigh Watson, Regina Harper, Liliana Carcoza, Shannon Widdicombe, and Stephanie Moller

Is Sustainability Knowledge Half the Battle?: An Examination of Sustainability Knowledge, Attitudes, Norms, and Efficacy to Understand Sustainable Behaviours, A J. Heeren, A S. Singh, A. Zwickle, Tom M. Koontz, K.M. Slagle, and A.C. McCreery

“Serving and Providing for Those ‘In Need’: ‘Intermediary’ Spaces and Practices of Liaising, Collaborating, and Mobilizing in Urban China” in New Mentalities of Government in China, Lisa M. Hoffman

Hear My Sad Story: The True Tales That Inspired Stagolee, John Henry, and Other Traditional American Folk Songs by Richard Polenberg (A Review), Michael K. Honey


Educational alliances: Building community in active learning classrooms, Amanda Hornby, Janice Fournier, Marisa Petrich, and Louise Richards


GUIdock: Using Docker Containers With a Common Graphics User Interface to Address the Reproducibility of Research, Ling-Hong Hung, Daniel Kristiyanto, Sung Bong Lee, and Ka Yee Yeung

"Home" and the Filipino Channel: Stabilizing Economic Security, Migration Patterns, and Diaspora Through New Technologies, E.N. Ignacio

A Study on Haptic Media to Support Verbal Explanations, Noriyuki Iwane, Chunming Gao, Makoto Yoshida, and Hajime Kishida

Evaluating Contaminants of Emerging Concern as Tracers of Wastewater From Septic Systems, C.A. James, J.P. Miller-Schulze, S. Ultican, A.D. Gipe, and J.E. Baker

Designed to Succeed: Dimensions of Product Design and Their Impact on Market Share, R.P. Jindal, K.R. Sarangee, R. Echambadi, and S. Lee


Birthing Baby Blue: Beyoncé and the Changing Face of Celebrity Birth Culture, Natalie Jolly

Risk Attitudes and Global Infrastructure Technology Choices, Jessica Kaminsky and Jeffrey Walters

The Role of Task Uncertainty in IT Project Team Advice Networks, Mark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul


A Real American, JaeRan Kim

Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions: School Issues, JaeRan Kim and B. Hall

The Unrealized Value of Incentivized eWOM Recommendations, J. Kim, G. Naylor, E. Sivadas, and V. Sugumaran

'We Talk but We Don't Say Shit': Education and the Silencing of Voice, Christopher B. Knaus

Framing the Discussion: Elections as Components of Larger Political and Cultural Geographies, L. Knopp


Predicting Discontinuation of Docetaxel Treatment for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) With Random Forest, Daniel Kristiyanto, Kevin E. Anderson, Ling-Hong Hung, and Ka Yee Yeung

Mobile Technology and Promoting Health Equity for Low-Income Patients, Sharon Laing, Cindy Mendez-Hernandez, Carlota Ocampo, and Stacy Baugh

Anxiety and Depression Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Workplace Health Support and Presenteeism: A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Sharon S. Laing and Salene M. Jones


2016 CSR Planning at PEMCO Insurance, Joe Lawless


2016 Tacoma Eats - Minimum Wage, Joe Lawless

Demystifying the Clouds: Harnessing Resource Utilization Models for Cost Effective Infrastructure Alternatives, Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Mazdak Arabi, Tyler Wible, and Jeffrey Ditty

Family Literacy Project: Bilingual Picture Books by English Learners, Belinda Louie and Karlyn Davis-Welton

Women's Reproductive History Before the Diagnosis of Incident Endometriosis, Germaine M. Louis, Uba Backonja, Karen C. Schliep, Liping Sun, C. Matthew Peterson, and Zhen Chen

Silent Struggles—the Plight of Undocumented Students in Social Work Education, Melody Loya, Susanna Jones, Huatong Sun, and Rich Furman

Critical Criminologies of the Present and Future: Left Realism, Left Idealism, and What's Left in Between, Eric Madfis and Jeffrey Cohen

ANPD's Call to Convention: Pittsburgh, PA, "City of Bridges", P. Maloney

ANPD Strategic Plan: Organizational Transformation, P. Maloney

Transforming ANPD Through Membership Engagement and Leadership, P. Maloney

Exploring Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Stress, Social Networks, and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Black Americans, Gillian L. Marshall-Fabien and David B. Miller


Apportioned Commodity Fetishism and the Transformative Power of Game Studies, K. S. McAllister, J. E. Ruggill, T. Conrad, S. Conway, J. deWinter, C. Hanson, C. Kocurek, K. Moberly, and Randy Nichols

"A Conversation With George Saunders", Alex Miller

"Err[ing] in the Direction of Kindness:" George Saunders' Compassionate Interrogation of Post-Postmodern America, Alex Miller

Teamwork: Collaborative Engagement With Sports Argumentation, Alex Miller


Letter to America, JM Miller


Moth (Persius Duskywing), JM Miller

Wilderness Lessons, JM Miller


Wolf Tone, JM Miller

Toxicological Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) on Freshwater Turtles in the United States, Adams Ming-ch'eng, J.E. Baker, and B.V. Kjellerup