All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2018

Faster Key Compression for Isogeny-Based Cryptosystems, G.H.M. Zanon, M.A. Simplicio Jr, G.C. C. F. Pereira, J. Doliskani, and Paulo Barreto

Faster Isogeny-Based Compressed Key Agreement, Gustavo H. Zanon, Marcos A. Simplicio, Geovandro C. Pereira, Javad Doliskani, and Paulo S. Barreto


Hot-Starting Software Containers for STAR Aligner, Pai Zhang, Ling-Hong Hung, Wes Lloyd, and Ka Yee Yeung

Submissions from 2017

ÔLosing My Religion:Õ an Exploration of Religion and Spirituality in Men Who Claim to Have Desisted From Sexual Offending, Alissa Ackerman, Molly Haley, and Danielle Arlanda Harris

Squatting Movements: Reappropriating Democracy From the State, Andrea Aureli and Pierpaolo Mudu


Seeking the Truth From Mobile Evidence: Basic Fundamentals, Intermediate and Advanced Overview of Current Mobile Forensic Investigations, John Bair


Residential Mobility of Low-Income, Subsidized Households: A Synthesis of Explanatory Frameworks, Victoria Basolo and Anaid Yerena

Advancing Prevention Intervention From Theory to Application: Challenges and Contributions of Community Psychology, Christopher Beasley


The Road to Scholarly Riches: Preparing and Applying for the Academic Market, Christopher Beasley


A Qualitative Study of Transgender Women and Cisgender Men Living Together in Two Recovery Homes, Christopher Beasley, Sarah Callahan, Emily Stecker, Michael Dekhtyar, Charmaine Yang-Atian, Frank Charles Ponziano, Brandon Isler, and Leonard Jason

Suicide Attempts and Personal Need for Structure Among Ex-Offenders, Christopher Beasley, John M. Majer, and Leonard A. Jason

The Legacy of the American Legacy Foundation, Ruth Bernstein


What Went Wrong at the Wounded Warrior Project, Ruth Bernstein and Jeff Aulgur


Intercultural Comfort Through Social Practices: Exploring Conditions for Cultural Learning, Ruth Sessler Bernstein and Paul Salipante


Virginia Woolf and the Power of Story: A Literary Darwinist Reading of Six Novels, Linda Nicole Blair

Photovoice and Youth Empowerment in Environmental Justice Research: A Pilot Study Examining Woodsmoke Pollution in a Pacific Northwest Community, Mattie B. Brickle and Robin Evans-Agnew


The Psychology of Overeating: Food and the Culture of Consumerism (Korean Edition), Kima Cargill


University of Washington Tacoma: How We Stopped Over Analyzing and Started Acting, Colleen Carmean


Dear Carole, Dermatologists Call the Body a “trunk”, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, I've Been Meditating on Transgression, Sarah A. Chavez

Hands That Break and Scar, Sarah A. Chavez


In This New Age, Sarah A. Chavez

Dose–Response Relationships of Multisensory Intervention on Hospitalized Patients With Chronic Schizophrenia, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Wen-Shin Hsu, Shu-Hua Shen, Mei-Chi Hsu, and Mei-Feng Lin

From Manageable to Losing Control: A Grounded Theory Study of Psychosis Risk Syndrome, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Karen G. Schepp, Chen-Chung Liu, Barbara G. McGrath, Elaine Walsh, and Eleanor Chen

Words on Screen, Michel Chion and Claudia Gorbman

A Legal and Economic Critique of President Trump's China Trade Policies, D.C.K. Chow, W. McGuire, and I. Sheldon


Impacts of Inquiry Pedagogy on Undergraduate Students Conceptions of the Function of Proof, Emily Cilli-Turner

Cultivating the Contemplative Mind in Cyberspace: Field Notes From Pedagogical Experiments in Fully Online Classes, Jane Compson

Is Mindfulness Secular or Religious, and Does It Matter?, Jane Compson

Smart Health: Big Data Enabled Health Paradigm Within Smart Cities, Haluk Demirkan, Md Ileas Pramanik, Raymond Y. Lau, and Md Abul Azad

Cognitive Computing, H. Demirkan, S. Earley, and R. R. Harmon

The Smart State as Utopian Space for Urban Politics, Yonn Dierwechter


Urban Sustainability through Smart Growth: Intercurrence, Planning, and Geographies of Regional Development across Greater Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter

What's Smart Growth Got to Do With Smart Cities? Searching for the 'Smart City Region' in Greater Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter

The Travels, Triumphs and Travails of New Urbanism: Representational Geographies in US Newspapers, 1990–2012, Yonn Dierwechter and Brian Coffey

Public Health Nurses' Graduate Education Decision Making Processes, Denise J. Drevdahl and Mary K. Canales

Development of Suspect and Non-Target Screening Methods for Detection of Organic Contaminants in Highway Runoff and Fish Tissue With High-Resolution Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, B. Du, J.M. Lofton, K.T. Peter, A.D. Gipe, C.A. James, J.K. McIntyre, N.L. Scholz, J.E. Baker, and E.P. Kolodziej


ÒThe Journey I Have Been ThroughÓ: The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Aging Well Among HIV-Positive Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet


Bouncing Back: Resilience and Mastery Among HIV-Positive Older Gay and Bisexual Men, Charles A. Emlet

Stigma in an Aging Context, Charles A. Emlet

The Cascading Effects of Marginalization and Pathways of Resilience in Attaining Good Health Among LGBT Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Green Light Given to More Research on Health Disparities in LGBT Elders, Charles A. Emlet and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen


Rethinking the Numerate Citizen: Quantitative Literacy and Public Issues – Reply, Ander Erickson

Advancing Nursing Research in the Visual Era: Reenvisioning the Photovoice Process Across Phenomenological, Grounded Theory, and Critical Theory Methodologies, Robin A. Evans-Agnew, Doris M. Boutain, and Marie-Anne S. Rosemberg

Antibody Blood-Brain Barrier Efflux Is Modulated by Glycan Modification, J.M. Finke, K.R. Ayres, R.P. Brisbin, H.A. Hill, E.E. Wing, and W.A. Banks


Modulators of IgG Penetration Through the Blood-Brain Barrier: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease Immunotherapy, John M. Finke and William A. Banks

Plan of Action for Real-World Translation of LGBTQ Health and Aging Research, K.I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, H.-J. Kim, G.L. McKenzie, L. Krinsky, and C.A. Emlet

Conveying Sense of Force Explicitly: Designing Future E-Reading Systems to Support Subjective Knowledge Sharing, Chunming Gao


Waughop Lake Management Plan Grant G1400475, James E. Gawel


Wapato Lake Water Quality Monitoring Data Report, James E. Gawel and Kimberly Oliva-Membreno


Emergency Response Mapping of Alexandrium Cysts in the Surface Sediments of Hood Canal WA, Cheryl Greengrove, Julie Masura, and Stephanie Moore

Acceptance and Perceived Usefulness of Robots to Assist With Activities of Daily Living and Healthcare Tasks, Amanda K. Hall, Uba Backonja, Ian Painter, Maya Cakmak, Minjung Sung, Timothy Lau, Hilaire J. Thompson, and George Demiris

The Balance Gap: Working Mothers and the Limits of the Law, Sarah Cote Hampson

What's Holding Women Back From Creating Leadership Parity?, Donta Harper


Introduction to the Bedford Bibliography of Research in Online Writing Instruction, Heidi Harris, Mahli Mechenbier, Sushil K. Oswal, and Natalie Stillman-Webb


The Bedford Bibliography of Research in Online Writing Instruction, Heidi Harris, Mahli Mechenbier, Sushil K. Oswal, and Natalie Stillman-Webb


For Girls With Moms in Prison, Growing Up Is Hard to Do, Marian Harris

Incarcerated Mothers: Trauma and Attachment Issues, Marian S. Harris

Instituting Contact Visits at King County's Jail Between Children & Their Incarcerated Parents, Marian S. Harris

Children of Incarcerated Parents: Challenges and Promise, Marian S. Harris and J. Mark Eddy

Guest Editorial: Children of Incarcerated Parents: Challenges and Promise, Marian S. Harris and J. Mark Eddy


Developing and Supporting Critically Reflective Teachers, Frank Hernandez and Rachel Endo


Consejos as a Family Process in Transnational and Mixed-Status Mayan Families, Rachel M. Hershberg

Subject Formation as a Field of Inquiry in Urban Studies, Lisa Hoffman

“Doing Good”: Affect, Neoliberalism, and Responsibilization Among Volunteers in China and the United States, Lisa M. Hoffman and Hope Reidun John

Urban Studies and Thinking Topologically, Lisa M. Hoffman and Jim E. Thatcher

We Shall Not Be Moved/No Nos Moverán: Biography of a Song of Struggle, Michael Honey

50 Years of the Golomb–Welch Conjecture, P. Horak and D. Kim

Finding Multiple Stable Clusterings, Juhua Hu, Qi Qian, Jian Pei, Rong Jin, and Shenghuo Zhu


fastBMA: Scalable Network Inference and Transitive Reduction, Ling-Hong Hung, Kaiyuan Shi, Migao Wu, William Chad Young, Adrian E. Raftery, and Ka Yee Yeung

Effects of Quizzes in Marking Supported E-Learning, Noriyuki Iwane, Chunming Gao, and Makoto Yoshida


Historical Abundance of the Harmful Dinoflagellate Alexandrium in a Sediment Core From Quartermaster Harbor, Puget Sound, Washington, Alison-Marie Johnson, Julie Masura, and Cheryl Greengrove


Beyoncé and Amal's Pregnancies Can Change the World in a Real Way, Natalie Jolly


Birth and the Bush: Untangling the Debate Around Women's Pubic Hair, Natalie Jolly

Birthing New Kinships: The Cross-Pollinating Potential of Amish Health Research, Natalie Jolly


Envisioning Mothers: Visualizations and the Invisibility of Motherhood, Natalie Jolly


'Girls' and the Power of Hannah Horvath's Vagina, Natalie Jolly


Hot Mamas & Knocked Up Knockouts, Natalie Jolly


Not Another Guilty Mother, Natalie Jolly


Sexy Birth: Breaking Hollywood’s Last Taboo, Natalie Jolly


The Handmaid's Homebirth, Natalie Jolly

Roundtable: Current Perspectives on Music, Sound, and Narrative in Screen Media, Anahid Kassabian, E Boschi, J Buhler, C Gorbman, M Mera, R Moseley, R Sadoff, and B Winters

Uncertainty and Complexity Tradeoffs When Integrating Fire Spread With Hydroecological Projections: Modeling and Decision Support, Maureen C. Kennedy and Donald McKenzie


Balancing Uncertainty and Complexity to Incorporate Fire Spread in an Eco-Hydrological Model, Maureen C. Kennedy, Donald McKenzie, Christina Tague, and Aubrey L. Dugger

Choose Your Neighborhood Wisely: Implications of Subsampling and Autocorrelation Structure in Simultaneous Autoregression Models for Landscape Ecology, M.C. Kennedy and S.J. Prichard

Is Real Earnings Smoothing Harmful? Evidence From Firm-Specific Stock Price Crash Risk, Inder K. Khurana, Raynolde Pereira, and Eliza (Xia) Zhang

ÒYou Can't Run Into a Burning Building Without Getting Burned YourselfÓ: An Ecological Systems Perspective of Parents Choosing Out-Of-Home Care for an Intercountry Adopted Child, JaeRan Kim


Intercountry Adoption, Jae Ran Kim and O.M. Kim

Exploring Adoption-Specific Curricula in Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs, Bibiana D. Koh, JaeRan Kim, and Ruth McRoy

The Necessity of Bioanalytical Tools for Advancing Water and Sediment Quality Assessment, E.P. Kolodziej, K. Choi, R. Marfil-Vega, and B.W. Brooks

The Good Doctor, Michael Kula

Design of Efficient Multiplierless Modified Cosine-Based Comb Decimation Filters: Analysis and Implementation, Massimiliano Laddomada, G. Jovanovic Dolecek, and J. R. Baez


Analytics and the New Academy, Melissa Lavitt and Colleen Carmean


Global Diversity & Inclusion at Microsoft, Joe Lawless


T-Mobile: Ramping up Impact with WinWin, Tri-Sector Strategies, Joe Lawless

On the Next Decade of Research in Voluntary Employee Turnover, T.W. Lee, P.W. Hom, M.B. Eberly, J.L.I. Jason, and T.R. Mitchell

Mitigating Resource Contention and Heterogeneity in Public Clouds for Scientific Modeling Services, Wes Lloyd, S. Pallickara, O. David, M. Arabi, and K. Rojas

How Could Nurse Researchers Apply Theory to Generate Knowledge More Efficiently?, M. Lor, Uba Backonja, and D.R. Lauver

Millennials in the Association for Nursing Professional Development: Out of Place or the Perfect Fit?, P. Maloney and V. Cameron

Visualizing New Political Ecologies: A Critical Data Studies Analysis of the World Bank’s Renewable Energy Resource Mapping Initiative, James McCarthy and Jim Thatcher