All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2019

Three Years’ Experience, Patsy Maloney and Mary G. Harper

Ninety Years and Counting: The Past, Present, and Future of the Nursing Professional Development Specialty, P. Maloney and L. Woolforde


Gender Differences in the Association Between Modifiable Risk Factors and Financial Hardship Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, G.L. Marshall, W. Bryson, O. Ronstant, and S. Canham


Generational Shifts: Adult Adoptee Scholars’ Perspective on Future Research and Practice, Hollee A. Mcginnis, Amanda L. Baden, Adam Y. Kim, and Jaeran Kim

Traumas Without Bodies: A Reply to Emma Hutchison’s Affective Communities, B. Meiches

On the Loss of Death: Necropolitics in the Study of Genocide, Benjamin Meiches

The Politics of Annihilation: A Genealogy of Genocide, Benjamin Meiches

Wars of Excess: Georges Bataille, Solar Economy, and the Accident in the Age of Precision War, Benjamin Meiches


Between Hagiography and Wounded Attachment: Raphaël Lemkin and the Study of Genocide, Benjamin Meiches and Jeff Benvenuto


Indigenous Women’s Approaches to Educational Leadership: Creating Space for Indigenous Women in Education, Robin Starr Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn and Heather Shotton


Empowering First-Generation Students: Bardolatry and the Shakespeare Survey, Cassie M. Miura


A More Complete Ahab: Into the Darkness of Moby-Dick, Andrea Modarres and Ellen Bayer


Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice, Ellen Moore


Dies-Non: Refusal of Work in the 21st Century, P. Mudu

Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue, “Neoliberal Youth Carceralism and Alternative Visions of Justice”, Randy Myers and Tim Goddard

Young People, Shadow Carceral Innovations, and the Reproduction of Inequality, Randy Myers, Kaitlyn J. Selman, and Tim Goddard

Young People, Shadow Carceral Innovations, and the Reproduction of Inequality, Randy Myers, Kaitlyn J. Selman, and Tim Goddard

Young People, Shadow Carceral Innovations, and the Reproduction of Inequality, Randy Myers, Kaitlyn J. Selman, and Tim Goddard

Versatile Undergraduate Neurobiology Course-Based Research Experiences Using Open Access 3D Electron Microscopy Image Volumes, Marc Nahmani

Not Just Words: A 30-Year Exhortation to Love & Resistance, Beverly Naidus and Bob Spivey


CharBot: A Simple and Effective Method for Evading DGA Classifiers, A. C. Nascimento, Martine De Cock, Jonathan Peck, Claire Nie, Raaghavi Sivaguru, Charles Grumer, Femi Olumofin, and Bin Yu

A Framework for Network Intrusion Detection Using Network Programmability and Data Stream Clustering Machine Learning Algorithms, Anderson C. Nascimento, Edward Ordonez, and Admilson de Ribamar Lima Ribeiro


Engaged Learning in Community: At WACC and in your Canvas course, Heather Newcomer and Marisa Petrich


Scaling and Complexity in Landscape Ecology, Erica A. Newman, Maureen C. Kennedy, Don A. Falk, and Don McKenzie

Pokemon Go: Globalization, Randy Nichols

Political Economy of Media Industries: Global Transformations and Challenges, Randy Nichols and Gabriela Martinez


Elks Temple, Julie Nicoletta


Museum of Glass, Julie Nicoletta


Old City Hall, Julie Nicoletta


Pantages Theater, Julie Nicoletta


University of Washington, Tacoma, Julie Nicoletta


U.S. Courthouse at Union Station (Union Depot), Julie Nicoletta


Incidence of Catastrophic Expenditures Linked to Obstetric and Neonatal Care at 92 Facilities in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2015, Abel Mukengeshayi Ntambue, Françoise Kaj Malonga, Karen D. Cowgill, Michèle Dramaix-Wilmet, and Philippe Donnen

Multidisciplinary Partnership: Targeting Aggression and Mental Health Problems of Adolescents in Detention, Karey L. O'Hara, Jennifer E. Duchschere, Caroline E. Shanholtz, Samantha J. Reznik, Connie J. Beck, and Erika Lawrence


Factors Influencing Revenue Collection for Preventative Maintenance of Community Water Systems: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Liesbet Olaerts, Jeffrey Walters, Karl G. Linden, Amy Javernick-Will, and Adam Harvey

Preservation, Rejuvenation, or Confusion? Changing Package Designs for Heritage Brands, Ulrich R. Orth, Gregory M. Rose, and Altaf Merchant


Breaking The Exclusionary Boundary Between User Experience And Access: Steps Toward Making UX Inclusive Of Users With Disabilities, Sushil K. Oswal


Disability, ICT and eLearning Platforms: Faculty-Facing Embedded Work Tools in Learning Management Systems, Sushil K. Oswal

Pedagogical Takeaways From a Three-Way Online Collaboration Project, Sushil K. Oswal, Rita Koris, and Zsuzsanna Palmer


Breaking the Exclusionary Boundary Between User Experience and Access, Sushil K. Oswal, Zsuzsanna B. Palmer, and Sherena Huntsman

Marketing Channel Strategy: An Omni-Channel Approach, Robert W. Palmatier, Eugene Sivadas, Louis W. Stern, and Adel I. El-Ansary


Cost-Related Delay in Filling Prescriptions and Health Care Ratings Among Medicare Advantage Recipients, T.J. Parikh, C.D. Helfrich, A.R. Quiñones, G.L. Marshall-Fabien, L.K. Makaroun, M.A. Black, and S.M. Thielke

The Role of Aspect in the Acquisition of Ser and Estar in Locative Contexts by English-Speaking Learners of Spanish, Silvia Perpiñán, Rafael Marín, and Itziri Moreno Villamar

Evaluating Emerging Organic Contaminant Removal in an Engineered Hyporheic Zone Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, K.T. Peter, S. Herzog, Z. Tian, C. Wu, J.E. McCray, K. Lynch, and E.P. Kolodziej


The OIC and Children's Rights, Marie Juul Petersen and Turan Kayaoglu

The OIC's Human Rights Regime, Marie Juul Petersen and Turan Kayaoglu

Advancing Our Understanding of Engaging With Aging, Janet Primomo and Basia Belza

Engaging With Aging: A Framework for Managing Daily Living, Janet Primomo, Doris L. Carnevali, and Basia Belza

“It May Be a Bit Uncertain But It's Never Boring”: Thematic Analysis of a Blog About Engaging With Aging, Janet Primomo, Yan Su, Shumenghui Zhai, Boeun Kim, Christina E. Miyawaki, and Basia Belza

Are Logics Enough? Framing as an Alternative Tool for Understanding Institutional Meaning Making, Jill Purdy, Shaz Ansari, and Barbara Gray

SoftTriple Loss: Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling, Qi Qian, Lei Shang, Baigui Sun, Juhua Hu, Hao Li, and Rong Jin

Coercive Controlling Behaviors in Intimate Partner Violence in Male Same-Sex Relationships:A Mixed-Methods Study, Chitra Raghavan, Connie J. Beck, James Michael Menke, and Jennifer E. Loveland


A Critical Postcolonial and Resilience-Based Framework of Supervision in Action, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege, Mun Yuk Chin, and Stephanie R. Graham

A Critical Postcolonial and Resilience-Based Framework of Supervision in Action, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege, Mun Yuk Chin, and Stephanie R. Graham

Identifying Community Priorities For Neighborhood Livability: Engaging Neighborhood Residents To Facilitate Community Assessment, David Reyes and Karen Meyer

Sleep Quality and Perceived Health in College Undergraduates With Adverse Childhood Experiences, Darlynn M. Rojo-Wissar, Ryan D. Davidson, Connie J. Beck, Ume S. Kobayashi, Angela C. VanBlargan, and Patricia L. Haynes

Participatory Design With Teens: A Social Robot Design Challenge, Emma J. Rose, Elin Björling, and Maya Cakmak

Blogging to Disseminate Research: Sharing Results With Communities and Partners, Emma J. Rose and Christina Nelson

The Food Locker: An Innovative, User-Centered Approach to Address Food Insecurity on Campus, Emma J. Rose, Erin Schoch, Anna Maria Choi, Harrison Lee, and Sequoia Connor


A Nano-Biased Energy Management Using Reinforced Learning Multi-Agent on Layered Coalition Model: Consumer Sovereignty, M. R. Saifuddin, T. Logenthiran, R. T. Naayagi, and W. L. Woo

Molecular systematics of the heteronemertean genus Dushia (Nemertea, Pilidiophora), with descriptions of D. wijnhoffae sp. nov. and D. nigra species complex comb. nov., Megan L. Schwartz, Natsumi Hookabe, Hiroshi Kajihara, and Jon L. Norenburg


Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Two Scaphopod Molluscs, Megan L. Schwartz, Kevin Kocot, Tim Wollesen, Rebecca Varney, Gerhard Steiner, and Andreas Wanninger

Integrating Work and Family Responsibilities: Experiences of Fathers of Children With Special Health Care Needs, Claudia Sellmaier


Real Time DC Water Tank Level Control Using Arduino Mega 2560, J. Sheng


Ruin Tours: Performing and Consuming Decay in Detroit, Emma Jean Slager


We Do Need an Education: Teaching Pink Floyd: The Wall, Libi Sundermann and Joshua Scullin

Extended Abstract: From User Experience to Engagement - A New Direction in Professional Communication and HCI, H. Sun

Workshop: Engaging Cultural Differences for Global Design, H. Sun

Factors Affecting Free Riding On Teams: Implications For Engineering Education, Josh Tenenberg

The Social Genesis in Learning, Josh Tenenberg


The Challenge of Imputation in Explainable Artificial Intelligence Models, Ankur Teredesai, Carly Eckert, and Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad

Benchmarking Large-Scale Data Management for Internet of Things, Ankur Teredesai, Abdeltawab Hendawi, Jayant Gupta, Jiayi Liu, Naveen Ramakrishnan, Mohak Shah, Shaker El-Sappagh, Kyung-Sup Kwak, and Mohamed Ali


Checking in on Critical Cartography:, Jim Thatcher and Craig Dalton

Who's Map? Everyday Actions of Spatial Data Resistance, Jim Thatcher and Craig M. Dalton

“Smart” Discourses, the Limits of Representation, and New Regimes of Spatial Data, Jim Thatcher, Craig Dalton, Clancy Wilmott, and Emma Fraser

Distance Matters: A More Than Euclidean Approach To Visualizing Gerrymandering, Jim Thatcher and Austin Jennings

Computational Parasites and Hydropower: A Political Ecology of Bitcoin Mining On The Columbia River, Jim Thatcher, Nick Lally, and Kelly Kay


Nobody Wants to Read Anymore! Using a Multimodal Approach to Make Literature Engaging, Riki Thompson and Matthew McIlnay

All Our Trials: Prisons, Policing, and the Feminist Fight to End Violence, Emily L. Thuma

Naming and Sharing Power in Prison Workshop Settings, Barb Toews, Margo Campbell, and Anne Dalke

Asymptotic Counting Theorems for Primitive Juggling Patterns, E.R. Tou


Math Origins: The Logical Ideas, Erik R. Tou

A Study of Early Career Teachers’ Practices Related to Language and Language Diversity During Mathematics Instruction, E. Turner, A. Roth McDuffie, A. Sugimoto, J. Aguirre, T.G. Bartell, C. Drake, M. Foote, K. Stoehr, and A. Witters

Faith and Politics in the Public Sphere, Etga Ugur


Religious Frames: The Gülen Movement, Etga Ugur


The Urban Serving University: Gauging an Emerging Digital Scholarship Program, Justin Wadland and Marisa Petrich

Celebrating Twenty Years of Black Girlhood: The Lauryn Hill Reader, M. Billye Sankofa Waters, Venus E. Evans-Winters, and Bettina L. Love

Sylvia Wynter: Science Studies and Posthumanism as Praxes of Being Human, Matthew Weinstein and Jennifer D. Adams

Promoting Students’ Critical and Active Engagement in Socio-Scientific Problems: Inter-Trans-National Perspectives, Matthew Weinstein, Larry Bencze, Lyn Carter, Audrey Groleau, Mirjan Krstovic, Ralph Levinson, Jenny Martin, Isabel Martins, and Chantal Pouliot

Domestic Violence Through a Caribbean Lens: Historical Context, Theories, Risks and Consequences, Carolyn M. West, Krim K. Lacey, and Rohan D. Jeremiah

Labor Radicalism and the Local Politics of Chinese Exclusion: Mayor Jacob Weisbach and the Tacoma Chinese Expulsion of 1885, Charles Williams

A Location Predictive Model Based on 2D Angle Data for HAPS Using LSTM, K. Xiao, C. Li, Y. He, C. Wang, and W. Cheng


Abnormal Behavior Detection Scheme of UAV Using Recurrent Neural Networks, K. Xiao, J. Zhao, Y. He, C. Li, and W. Cheng

On Some Parameter Estimation Algorithms for the Nonlinear Exponential Autoregressive Model, Huan Xu, Feng Ding, and Jie Sheng


Strategic Action for Affordable Housing: How Advocacy Organizations Accomplish Policy Change, Anaid Yerena

Using BioDepot-workflow-builder to Access Public Databases in a Containerized Environment, Ka Yee Yeung, Wes Lloyd, Ling-Hong Hung, and Christin Scott


Young Adult Reflections on the Impact of Parental Incarceration and Reentry, Diane S. Young and Carrie Jefferson Smith


Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for the Detection of Domain Generation Algorithms, B. Yu, J. Pan, D. Gray, J. Hu, C. Choudhary, A. C. Nascimento, and M. De Cock

The Impact of Cash Flow Management Versus Accruals Management on Credit Rating Performance and Usage, Eliza Xia Zhang

How Much is Too Much? The Effect of Offline Call Intensity on Online Purchase of Digital Services, Xingyue Zhang and Yuliang Yao