All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Books from 2020

The Political Economy of Sports Television, William M. Kunz


Technology’s Role in Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in Working Rural Women: A Cross-Sectional Quantitative Analysis, Sharon S. Laing, Muhammad Alsayid, Katheryn Christiansen, and Kathleen Shannon Dorcy

Provider perceptions of mHealth engagement for low-resourced, safety-net communities, Sharon S. Laing, Pilar Ocampo, Carlota Ocampo, Joicy Caravalho, Gerizim Perez, and Stacey Baugh

Physical Activity Support Predicts Safety-Net Patients' Digital Health-Care Engagement: Implications for Patient Care Delivery, Sharon S. Laing, Ryan Sterling, and Carlota Ocampo

Characterizing Public Cloud Resource Contention to Support Virtual Machine Co-residency Prediction, Wes Lloyd, Xinlei Han, Raymond Schooley, Delvin Mackenzie, and Olaf David

IoT Load Classification and Anomaly Warning in ELV DC Picogrids Using Hierarchical Extended k -Nearest Neighbors, Thillainathan Logenthiran, Yang Thee Quek, and Wai Lok Woo

Establishment of Enhanced Load Modeling by Correlating With Occupancy Information, Thillainathan Logenthiran, Yachen Tang, Shuaidong Zhao, Chee-Wooi Ten, and Kuilin Zhang


Pierce County Statistics on Labor Market Inequalities, Anna Lovasz, Zaher Kmail, and Teresa Dennerlein

How to Stop School Rampage Killing: Lessons from Averted Mass Shootings and Bombings, Eric Madfis

The Role of Shame in Developmental Trajectories Towards Severe Targeted School Violence: An In-Depth Multiple Case Study, Eric Madfis, Friederike Sommer, Vincenz Leuschner, Nora Fielder, and Herbert Scheithauer

Exploring Subcultural Trajectories: Racist Skinhead Disengagement, Desistance, and Countercultural Value Persistence, Eric Madfis and Stanislav Vysotsky

Advancing Our Specialty: What a Difference Two Years Make, Patsy Maloney

Reproductive Division of Labor in a Colony of Artificial Ants, Chris Marriott and Peter Bae

The Moderating Effect of Social Support and Social Integration on the Relationship Between Involuntary Job Loss and Health, Gillian L. Marshall, Maureen Caravan, and William T. Gallo

The Price of Mental Well-Being in Later Life: The Role of Financial Hardship and Debt, Gillian L. Marshall, Eva Kahana, William T. Gallo, Kim L. Stansbury, and Stephen Thielke

Conic System Analysis of Network Control Systems with a Human Controller, Michael McCourt, Emily A. Doucette, and J. Willard Curtis

Does Distance Matter? Evaluating the Impact of Drop Boxes on Voter Turnout, William McGuire, Katherine E. Baird, Benjamin Gonzalez O'Brien, Benjamin Corbett, and Loren Collingwood

Induced Innovation: Evidence from China’s Secondary Industry, William McGuire, Belton M. Fleisher, Xioajun Wang, and Min Qiang Zhao

Provincial Trade, Financial Friction and Misallocation in China, William McGuire, Ohyun Kwon, Belton M. Fleisher, and Min Qiang Zhao

Technical Progress and Induced Innovation in China: A Variable Profit Function Approach, William McGuire, Gary Wong, Belton M. Fleisher, and Min Qiang Zhao

Indigenizing the Doctoral Experience to Build Indigenous Community Leaders in Educational Leadership, Robin Starr Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn

“Sweet Moistning Sleepe”: Perturbations of the Mind and Rest for the Body in Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, Cassie M. Miura

Redefining waste to create action: The economic considerations and cultural politics of global waste, E.E. Moore

Care without Control: The Humanitarian Industrial Complex and the Criminalisation of Solidarity, Pierpaolo Mudu

Reconnecting Youth: Beyond Individualized Programs and Risks, Randy Myers, Tim Goddard, and Jennifer Davidtz

On the Commitment Capacity of Unfair Noisy Channels, Anderson C. Nascimento, Claude Crépeau, and Rafael Dowsey


Inline Detection of DGA Domains Using Side Information, Anderson C. Nascimento, Martine De Cock, Raaghavi Sivaguru, Jonathan Peck, and Femi Olumofin

New York’s lonely streets: Constructions of soledad in Colombianx migrant experiences, Ariana Ochoa Camacho


A System Dynamics Model of Supply-Side Issues Influencing Beef Consumption in Nigeria, Kelechukwu G. Odoemena, Jeffrey P. Walters, and Holger Maximilian Kleemann

Culturally Situated Do-It-Yourself Instructions for Making Protective Masks: Teaching the Genre of Instructional Design in the Age of COVID-19, Sushil K. Oswal and Zsuzsanna B. Palmer


Building an OER program based on stakeholder feedback, Marisa Petrich


Empowering creators: Student agency and digital safety in alternative assignments, Marisa Petrich and Erika Bailey


Bridging the Gap: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Underrepresented Collegiate Students at Psychology Training Clinics, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege, Nickolas D. Frost, Stephanie R. Graham, Tiffany Jones, Tyson Pankey, and Elizabeth M. Martinez

German Domestic Pedestrian Tourism and the Rhetoric of National Historical Memory, Empire, and Middle-Class Identity 1780s–1850s, Johann J. K. Reusch

Identifying Community Priorities for Neighborhood Livability: Engaging Neighborhood Residents to Facilitate Community Assessment, David Reyes and Karen Meyer


Exploring Teens as Robot Operators, Users and Witnesses in the Wild, Emma J. Rose, Kyle Thomas, Maya Cakmak, and Elin A. Björling

Sports Teams Heritage: Measurement and Application in Sponsorship, Gregory M. Rose, Altaf Merchant, Mei Rose, and Ulrich R. Orth

The Reverse Napoleon Effect: The Brand Appreciation of Looking Up by Tall People, Gregory M. Rose, Ulrich R. Orth, and Casparus J. A. Machiels

Fundamental Valuation in Seven Asian Countries: Role of Earnings, Book Value, and Dividends, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Kriengkrai Boonlert-U-Thai, and Pradyot K. Sen

Sustainability Reporting and Bank Performance After Financial Crisis: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Amina Buallay, Sayed M. Fadel, and Jasim Alajami

Sustainability Reporting and Performance of MENA Banks: Is There a Trade-Off?, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Amina Buallay, Sayed M. Fadel, and Jasim Yusuf Al-Ajmi

Investigating the Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Interpack Aggression in North American Grey Wolves, Christopher Schell

The Complexity of Urban Eco-evolutionary Dynamics, Christopher Schell, Marina Alberti, Eric P. Palkovacs, Simone Des Roches, Luc de Meester, Kristien I. Brans, Lynn Govaert, Nancy B. Grimm, Nyeema C. Harris, Andrew P. Hendry, Marta Szulkin, Jason Munshi-South, Mark C. Urban, and Brian C. Verrelli

Recreating Wakanda by promoting Black excellence in ecology and evolution, Christopher Schell, Cylita Guy, Delia S. Shelton, Shane Campbell-Staton, Briana A. Sealey, Danielle N. Lee, and Nyeema C. Harris

The evolutionary consequences of human–wildlife conflict in cities, Christopher Schell, Lauren A. Stanton, Julie K. Young, Lisa M. Angeloni, Joanna E. Lambert, Stewart W. Breck, and Maureen H. Murray

Middle to Late Pleistocene Evolution of the Bengal Fan: Integrating Core and Seismic Observations for Chronostratigraphic Modeling of the IODP Expedition 354 8° North Transect, Peter A. Selkin, Brendan Reilly, Fenna Bergmann, Michael Weber, Joseph Stoner, Laure Meynadier, Tilmann Schwenk, Volkhard Spiess, and Christian France-Lanord

Disability Accommodation Experiences of Social Work Students in the United States, Claudia Sellmaier and JaeRan Kim

Workforce participation of parents of children and youth with mental health difficulties: the impact of community services and supports, Claudia Sellmaier, Lisa M. Stewart, and Eileen M. Brennan

Combined Estimation of the Parameters and States for a Multivariable State-Space System in Presence of Colored Noise, Jie Sheng, Ting Cui, Feiyan Chen, and Feng Ding

Hierarchical Multi-Innovation Generalised Extended Stochastic Gradient Methods for Multivariable Equation-Error Autoregressive Moving Average Systems, Jie Sheng, Ling Xu, Feng Ding, Xian Lu, and Lijuan Wan

Separable Multi-Innovation Stochastic Gradient Estimation Algorithm for the Nonlinear Dynamic Responses of Systems, Jie Sheng, Ling Xu, Feng Ding, and Lijuan Wan

Culturally Sustaining Instruction for Arabic-Speaking English Learners, Jarek Sierschynski and Belinda Louie

Global Social Media Design: Bridging Differences Across Cultures, Huatong Sun

Practice-Based Politicization: Planning Reports as Actants in a University–Community Partnership, Anne Taufen and Anneka Olson

Fairness, Accountability, Transparency in AI at Scale: Lessons from National Programs, Ankur Teredesai, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, and Carly Eckert

Fairness in Machine Learning for Healthcare, Ankur Teredesai, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Arpit Patel, Carly Eckert, and Vikas Kumar

English Language and Mulitmodal Narrative, Riki Thompson

Disruptive practice: Multimodality, innovation and standardisation from the medieval to the digital text, Riki Thompson and Matthew Collins

‘I see all the life’: designing spaces of respite for survivors of violence, Barb Toews

Feeling at Home in Nature: A Mixed Method Study of the Impact of Visitor Activities and Preferences in a Prison Visiting Room Garden, Barb Toews, Amy Wagenfield, Julie Stevens, and Carissa Shoemaker

The strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) quandary: an instructional case, Arindam Tripathy, Sandhya Bhatia, and Gaurav Gupta


System Approaches to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: A Systematic Literature Review, Nicholas Valcourt, Amy Javernick-Will, Jeffrey Walters, and Karl Linden

Assessing the efficacy of group model building workshops in an applied setting through purposive text analysis, Nicholas Valcourt, Jeffrey Walters, Amy Javernick‐Will, and Karl Linden


Understanding Rural Water Services as a Complex System: An Assessment of Key Factors as Potential Leverage Points for Improved Service Sustainability, Nicholas Valcourt, Jeffrey Walters, Amy Javernick-Will, Karl G. Linden, and Betelhem Gebeyehu Hailegiorgis


The Intersectionality of Intimate Partner Violence in the Black Community, Carolyn M. West, Johnny Rice II, Karma Cottman, and Gretta Gardner


Not a Matter of Choice: Eliminating Single-Family Zoning, Anaid Yerena


Constraints And Opportunities For Innovation In The Moving To Work Demonstration Program, Anaid Yerena, Rebecca J. Walter, Gregg Colburn, Melony Pederson, Rachel Fyall, and Kyle Crowder


Profiling Resource Utilization of Bioinformatics Workflows, Ka Yee Yeung, Ling-Hong Hung, Wes Lloyd, Huazeng Deng, Raymond Schooley, David Perez, and Niharika Arumilli

Parental readiness for hospital discharge as a mediator between quality of discharge teaching and parental self-efficacy in parents of preterm infants, Weichao Yuwen, Wenzhe Hua, Jane M. Simoni, Jie Yan, and Jiang Liping

A Wizard-of-Oz Interface and Persona-based Methodology for Collecting Health Counseling Dialog, Weichao Yuwen, William R. Kearns, Neha Kaura, Myra Divina, Cuong Vo, Dong Si, and Teresa Ward

Operating Cash Flow Opacity and Stock Price Crash Risk, Eliza Xia Zhang, C. S. Agnes Cheng, and Shuo Li

Submissions from 2019

Tipling Toward Freedom: Alcohol and Emancipation, Luther Adams

Engaging Teachers in the Powerful Combination of Mathematical Modeling and Social Justice: The Flint Water Task - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Julia Aguirre, Cynthia Anhalt, Ricardo Cortez, Erin E. Turner, and Ksenija Simic-Muller

Preparing to Use the Teachers Empowered to Advance Change in Mathematics Modules: Considerations for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Julia M. Aguirre and Tonya Gau Bartell

Prospective Teachers Learning to Connect to Multiple Mathematical Knowledge Bases Across Multiple Contexts, Julia M. Aguirre, Erin Turner, Tonya Gau Bartell, Corey Drake, Mary Foote, and Amy Roth McDuffie

Anti-Korean Sentiment and Online Affective Community in Taiwan, Ji-Hyun Ahn

Dealing with Hate Speech: Voices from Young Koreans Living in Japan, Ji-Hyun Ahn and Hyewon Park

Real-Time Partitioned Scheduling: Exploiting the Inter-Resource Affinity for Task Allocation on Multiprocessors, N. Akram, J. Li, Y. Bai, and Y. Zhang

An Interactive Map-based System for Visually Exploring and Cleaning GPS Traces, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Jianwei Shen, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm

Which One is Correct, The Map or The GPS Trace, Mohamed Ali, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Jianwei Shen, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm

Integrating Hardware Prototyping Platforms Into the Classroom, E. Al-Masri

Lab-As-A-Service (LaaS): A Middleware Approach for Internet-Accessible Laboratories, E. Al-Masri


Imagining Homeland: New Media Use Among Korean International Graduate Students in the U.S.A., Ahmet Atay, Margaret U. D'Silva, and Ji-Hyun Ahn

Visualizations Integrated Into Consumer Health Technologies Support Self-management of Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review, Uba Backonja and Maichou Lor


Citizen Science to Further Precision Medicine: From Vision to Implementation, Uba Backonja, Carolyn Petersen, Robin R. Austin, Hugo Campos, Arlene E. Chung, Pei-Yun S. Hsueh, Eric B. Hekler, Katherine K. Kim, Anthony Pho, Anthony Solomonides, Liz Salmi, and Rupa S. Valdez


Reproductive Division of Labor in a Colony of Artificial Ants, Peter Bae and Chris Marriott

An Analytics Handbook: Moving From Evidence to Impact, Linda Baer and Colleen Carmean

Induction of Microbial Oxidative Stress as a New Strategy to Enhance the Enzymatic Degradation of Organic Micropollutants in Synthetic Wastewater, Amrita Bains, Octavio Perez-Garcia, Gavin Lear, David R. Greenwood, Simon Swift, Martin J. Middleditch, Edward P. Kolodziej, and Naresh Singhal

Air Pollution Detection System Using Edge Computing, Orlando Baiocchi, Eyhab Al-Masri, K. Biondi, S. Jeyaraman, E. Pospisil, G. Boyer, and C. P. De Souza

An Automatic Emulation System for Environmental Thermal Energy Harvesting, Orlando Baiocchi, Marcelo Miranda Camboin, Andréa Willa Rodrigues Villarim, Sebastian Yuri Cavalcanti Catunda, Cleonilson Protasio de Souza, and Cleumar Da Silva Moreira

A Performance Evaluation of Raspberry Pi Zero W Based Gateway Running MQTT Broker for IoT, Orlando Baiocchi, Diana Bezerra Lima, Ruben da Silva Lima, Douglas de Farias Medeiros, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, and Cleonilson Protasio de Souza

Harvesting Energy from Tree Trunks, Orlando Baiocchi, N. T. Purcell, J. D. Stevens, E. Carlson, and G. Boyer

An Evaluation of LoRa Communication Range in Urban and Forest Areas: A Case Study in Brazil and Portugal, Orlando Baiocchi, Mariana Rodrigues Villarim, João Vitor Holanda de Luna, Douglas de Farias Medeiros, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, Cleonilson Protasio de Souza, and Francisco Cipriano da Cunha Martins


Project Design and Implementation for Digital Forensics Education, Yan Bai, Bryan Goda, and Xinli Wang

DAGS: Reloaded Revisiting Dyadic Key Encapsulation, Paulo S. Barreto, Gustavo Banegas, Brice Odilon Boidje, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Gilbert Ndollane Dione, Kris Gaj, Cheikh Thiécoumba Gueye, Richard Haeussler, Jean Belo Klamti, Ousmane N'diaye, Duc Tri Nguyen, Edoardo Persichetti, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marco Baldi, and Paolo Santini

Contrasting Arsenic Cycling in Strongly and Weakly Stratified Contaminated Lakes: Evidence for Temperature Control on Sediment–water Arsenic Fluxes, P. M. Barrett, E. A. Hull, K. Burkart, O. Hargrave, J. McLean, V. F. Taylor, B. P. Jackson, J. E. Gawel, and R. B. Neumann


Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education: An Equity-Based Approach, Tonya Glau Bartell, Corey Drake, Amy Roth McDuffie, Julia M. Aguirre, Erin E. Turner, and Mary Q. Foote


“‘The Strata of My History’: Reading the Ecological Chronotope in Wendell Berry’s That Distant Land”, Ellen Bayer

Subtypes of Violent Separating or Divorcing Couples Seeking Family Mediation and Their Association with Personality and Criminality Characteristics, Connie J. Beck, Fernanda S. Rossi, Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, and Amy G. Applegate

Data, Capacity-Building, and Training Needs to Address Rural Health Inequities in the Northwest United States: A Qualitative Study, B. Bekemeier, S. Park, U. Backonja, I. Ornelas, and A.M. Turner