All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2019

EcoJust STEM Education Mobilized Through Counter-Hegemonic Globalization, L. Bencze, L. Carter, R. Levinson, I. Martins, C. Pouliot, M. Weinstein, and M. Zouda

The Impact of Leadership Diversity Among Nonprofit Organizations, Ruth Bernstein and Christopher A. Fredette

From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Morgan Bulger, Paul Salipante, and Judith Y. Weisinger


Participatory Research Principles in Human-Centered Design: Engaging Teens in the Co-Design of a Social Robot, Elin A. Björling and Emma Rose

Can We Keep Him Forever? Teens’ Engagement and Desire for Emotional Connection With a Social Robot, Elin A. Björling, Emma Rose, Andrew Davidson, Rachel Ren, and Dorothy Wong

Participatory Pilot of an Art-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Adolescent Girls With Headache, Elin A. Björling, Christine Stevens, and Narayan B. Singh

Maryland Environmental Law Handbook, Theda Braddock


Book Clubs in Academic Libraries: A Case Study and Toolkit, Alaina C. Bull, Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman, and Kari Whitney

Participatory Video: An Apparatus for Ethically Researching Literacy, Power and Embodiment, Alison Cardinal

What’s in a Name? A Synthesis of “Allyship” Elements From Academic and Activist Literature, Juliana Carlson, Cliff Leek, Erin Casey, Rich Tolman, and Christopher Allen


Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response: What Drives the Commuter Campus Student Experience?, Erin Casey, Sarah Cote Hampson, and Alissa R. Ackerman


Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response: What Drives the Commuter Campus Student Experience?, Erin Casey, Sarah Cote Hampson, and Alissa R. Ackerman

Global Efforts to Engage Men and Boys in Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Erin Casey, Richard M. Tolman, Juliana Carlson, Christopher Allen, and Cliff Leek


Rethinking the Monstrous: Gender, Otherness, and Space in the Cinematic Storytelling of Arrival and The Shape of Water, Ed Chamberlain

Family Experiences Prior to the Initiation of Care for First-Episode Psychosis: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Studies, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Oladunni Oluwoye, Elizabeth Fraser, Bryony Stokes, and Michael G. McDonell

Social Genesis in Computing Education, Donald Chinn and J. Tenenberg

Algorithmically Generated Domain Detection and Malware Family Classification, C. Choudhary, R. Sivaguru, M. Pereira, B. Yu, A.C. Nascimento, and M. De Cock


Hospital Detention of Mothers and Their Infants at a Large Provincial Hospital: A Mixed-Methods Descriptive Case Study, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Karen D. Cowgill and Abel Mukengeshayi Ntambue

Systemic Endangerment: A Tale of Neoliberal “Slumcare”, Kenneth A. Cruz

Poetic Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis, Qiana M. Cutts and M. Billye Sankofa Waters


Seeing by the Starbucks: The Social Context of Mobile Maps and Users’ Geographic Knowledges, Craig M. Dalton and Jim Thatcher

A New Control Technique for Improved Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped (I-ANPC) Multilevel Converters Using Logic-Equations Approach, Vahid Dargahi, Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh, Keith Corzine, Johan Enslin, Jose Rodriguez, and Frede Blaabjerg


Community Health Care (Tacoma), Kim Davenport

The Hispanic Experience of the Child Welfare System, Ryan D. Davidson, Meredith W. Morrissey, and Connie J. Beck

The Revolving Door of Families in the Child Welfare System: Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Families Returning, Ryan D. Davidson, Claire S. Tomlinson, Connie J. Beck, and Anne M. Bowen

Habitat Imprinting and Natal Habitat Preference Induction, Jeremy M. Davis

Food Security in the Context of Paternal Incarceration: Family Impact Perspectives, K.M. Davison, C. D'Andreamatteo, S. Markham, C. Holloway, G. Marshall, and V.L. Smye

A 900/1900-MHz Band-Switchable CMOS Power Amplifier, Debasis Dawn and S. Babak Hamidi

A Novel RF Energy Harvester, Debasis Dawn, Jabir Mohammed Patel, Mohammed Wasil Nasry, and S. Babak Hamidi

Privacy-Preserving Classification of Personal Text Messages with Secure Multi-Party Computation, Martine De Cock, Anderson C. Nascimento, Devin Reich, Rafael Dowsley, and Ariel Todoki

Social Justice, Recognition Theory and the First Amendment: A New Approach to Hate Speech Restriction, Chris Demaske

Skills, Careers, and Cross-Cultural Understanding: How Russian-American Journalism Education Collaboration Works, Chris Demaske and Maria Lukina


Federal Weatherization and Health Education Team Up: Process Evaluation of a New Strategy to Improve Health Equity for People With Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Rachael De Souza, Robin Evans-Agnew, and Christine Espina


Evaluating Exposure of Northern Fur Seals, Callorhinus Ursinus, to Microplastic Pollution Through Fecal Analysis, M.J. Donohue, J. Masura, T. Gelatt, R. Ream, J.D. Baker, K. Faulhaber, and D.T. Lerner

Development and Prospective Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Risk of Readmission Model in a Large Military Hospital, Carly Eckert, Neris Nieves-Robbins, Elena Spieker, Tom Louwers, David Hazel, James Marquardt, Keith Solveson, Anam Zahid, Muhammad Ahmad, Richard Barnhill, T. Greg McKelvey, Robert Marshall, Eric Shry, and Ankur Teredesai

Accounting for HIV Health Disparities: Risk and Protective Factors Among Older Gay and Bisexual Men, Charles A. Emlet, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, and Hyunzee Jung

The Global Impact of HIV on Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults: Challenges, Progress, and Future Directions, Charles A. Emlet, Kelly K. O’Brien, and Karen Fredriksen Goldsen

Male of Color Refugee Teachers on Being Un/Desirable Bodies of Difference in Education, Rachel Endo


The Conversation As The Answer: Collective Information Seeking And Knowledge Construction On A Social Question And Answer Site, Ander Erickson

Defining Menstrual Literacy With the Aim of Evaluating Mobile Menstrual Tracking Applications., J. Eschler, A. Menking, S. Fox, and U. Backonja

Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Competencies: Proposing Connections Through a Review of the Research, Laura L. Feuerborn and Barbara Gueldner

Middle School Teachers’ Concerns for Implementing the Principles of SWPBIS, Laura Feuerborn, Ashli Tyre, Kathleen Beaudoin, and Jillian Bruce

Factor Validation of the Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) Survey, L.L. Feuerborn, A.D. Tyre, and M. Zečević

Ethno-Racial Diversity on Nonprofit Boards: A Critical Mass Perspective, C. Fredette and R. Bernstein

Privacy-Preserving Scoring of Tree Ensembles: A Novel Framework for AI in Healthcare, K. Fritchman, K. Saminathan, R. Dowsley, T. Hughes, M. De Cock, A. Nascimento, and A. Teredesai

Are We Ready for a VR Classroom?: A Review of Current Designs and a Vision of Future Virtual Reality Classrooms, Chunming Gao, Yan Bai, and Bryan Goda

Student-Centered Learning: Create a Significant Learning Experience by Using Flipped Classroom Approach, Chunming Gao and Bryan Goda

Design of Human Activity Recognition Algorithms Based on a Single Wearable IMU Sensor, Chunming Gao, Wei Zhuang, Yi Chen, Jian Su, and Baowei Wang


Panel: Online Learning, the Educators Experiences, Bryan Goda, Dan Bogaard, Hollis Greenberg, George Grispos, Rick Homkes, and Kevin McReynolds

From UX to Engagement: Connecting Theory and Practice, Addressing Ethics and Diversity, O. Goethe, K. Salehzadeh Niksirat, I. Hirskyj-Douglas, H. Sun, E.L.-C. Law, and X. Ren

Nursing Professional Development’s Spirit of Inquiry Focus Areas, Mary G. Harper, Joan I. Warren, Dora Bradley, Susan L. Bindon, and Patsy Maloney

Meritorious Academic Partnership (MAP) Designation Program, Mary Harper and Patsy Maloney

Incarcerated Girls, Criminal Pathways and Multiple Forms of Abuse, Janelle Hawes, Jerry Flores, and Breanne Bhinder


Asking the Right Questions: Bridging Gaps Between Information Literacy Assessment Approaches, Alison J. Head, Alaina C. Bull, and Margy MacMillan


Learning through Doing: Reflections on the use of Photovoice in an Undergraduate Community Psychology Classroom, Rachel M. Hershberg, Olivia Andringa, Katheryn Camm, Halimatu Hill, Joshua Little, Rebecca Smith, Sarah Wilkinson, and Sarah Wilkinson

Fathering Within Transnational and Mixed-Status Mayan Families: An Exploratory Study, Rachel M. Hershberg and M. Brinton Lykes

Critical Reflection About Socioeconomic Inequalities Among White Young Men From Poor and Working-Class Backgrounds, R.M. Hershberg and S.K. Johnson

Invasion and Citizen Mobilization: Urban Natures in Dalian, Lisa M. Hoffman


Evil in the Delta: Elaine, Arkansas, 1919, Michael K. Honey

Cost-adaptive Neural Networks for Peak Volume Prediction with EMM Filtering, Juhua Hu, Giovanna Graciani, Bin Yu, and Anderson C. Nascimento


Hierarchically Robust Representation Learning, Juhua Hu, Qi Qian, and Hao Li

A Multi-Omic Precision Medicine Clinical Trial in Acute Leukemia, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Pamela S. Becker, Vivian G. Oehler, Carl Anthony Blau, Timothy S. Martins, Niall Curley, Sylvia Chien, Jin Dai, Nicole Kauer, Cody Hammer, Paul C. Hendrie, Mary-Elizabeth Percival, Ryan D. Cassaday, Bart L. Scott, Roland B. Walter, Kelda Gardner, Mary Gwin, Heather Smith, Andrew Carson, Bradley Patay, and Elihu H. Estey

Integration of Multiple Data Sources for Gene Network Inference Using Genetic Perturbation Data, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Xiao Liang, William Chad Young, and Adrian E. Rafferty

Leveraging Serverless Computing to Improve Performance for Sequence Comparison, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Wes Lloyd, Xingzhi Niu, and Dimitar Kumanov

GANs for Semi-Supervised Opinion Spam Detection, Athirai Irissappane and Gray Stanton

Preliminary Study of Haptic Media for Future Digital Textbooks, Noriyuki Iwane, Chunming Gao, Makoto Yoshida, and Hajime Kishida

Developing an Emic Scale to Measure Ad-Evoked Nostalgia in a Collectivist Emerging Market, India, V. Jain, A. Merchant, S. Roy, and J.B. Ford

Altered Vegetation Structure From Mechanical Thinning Treatments Changed Wildfire Behaviour in the Wildland–urban Interface on the 2011 Wallow Fire, Arizona, USA, Morris C. Johnson and Maureen C. Kennedy

Workplace Bullying, Biased Behaviours and Performance Review in the Nursing Profession: A Qualitative Study, S.L. Johnson

Workplace Bullying in the Nursing Profession, Susan Johnson

Incivility and Clinical Performance, Teamwork, and Emotions: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Susan L. Johnson, Katie A. Haerling, Weichao Yuwen, Van Huynh, and Chi Le


Knocked Up Knockouts: Pregnancy, Media, and the Sexy Bump, Natalie Jolly

Factors Related to Intention to Leave and Job Satisfaction Among Registered Nurses at a Large Psychiatric Hospital, John Kagwe, Salene Jones, and Susan L. Johnson


The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Human Rights, Turan Kayaoglu and Marie Juul Petersen


How Big Is Enough? Vegetation Structure Impacts Effective Fuel Treatment Width and Forest Resiliency, Maureen C. Kennedy, Morris C. Johnson, Kendra Fallon, and Deborah Mayer

Fuel Treatments Change Forest Structure and Spatial Patterns of Fire Severity, Arizona, USA, Maureen C. Kennedy, Morris C. Johnson, and Sarah C. Harrison

Next-Generation Biomass Mapping for Regional Emissions and Carbon Inventories: Incorporating Uncertainty in Wildland Fuel Characterization, Maureen C. Kennedy, Susan J. Prichard, Anne G. Andreu, Paige C. Eagle, Nancy H. French, and Michael Billmire


Experimental Design Principles to Choose the Number of Monte Carlo Replicates for Stochastic Ecological Models, M.C. Kennedy


Towards Compassionate Care: A Critical Analysis of Teaching in Township Schools, Crystal Kennemer and Christopher Knaus

Detection and Quantification of Metastable Photoproducts of Trenbolone and Altrenogest Using Liquid Chromatography–tandem Mass Spectrometry, Philip T. Kenyon, Haoqi Zhao, Xingjian Yang, Christopher Wu, David M. Cwiertny, and Edward P. Kolodziej

Adoption Discontinuity in Intensive Out-of-Home Care Settings, JaeRan Kim, Kristine Piescher, and Traci LaLiberte

Making Disability Visible in Social Work Education, JaeRan Kim and Claudia Sellmaier


The Inclusive Family Support Model: Facilitating Openness for Post-Adoptive Families, JaeRan Kim and Angela Tucker

Flying by the Seat of Their Pants: A Grounded Theory of School Nurse Case Management, Nicole J. Klein and Robin Evans‐Agnew


Public Housing Authorities in the Private Market, Rachel Garshick Kleit, Whitney Airgood-Obrycki, and Anaid Yerena

Quantification of Organic Contaminants in Urban Stormwater by Isotope Dilution and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Edward P. Kolodziej, Fan Hou, Katherine T. Peter, Christopher Wu, Alex D. Gipe, Haoqi Zhao, Ernesto A. Alegria, Fengmao Liu, and Zhenyu Tian

Application of Nontarget High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data to Quantitative Source Apportionment, Edward P. Kolodziej, Katherine T. Peter, Christopher Wu, and Zhenyu Tian

Intramolecular [2+2] Photocycloaddition of Altrenogest: Confirmation of Product Structure, Theoretical Mechanistic Insight, and Bioactivity Assessment., Edward P. Kolodziej, Nicholas C. Pflug, Eric V. Patterson, Dalma Martinovic-Weigelt, James B. Gloer, Kristopher McNeill, David M. Cwiertny, and Kristine H. Wammer

Sorption and Transport of Trenbolone and Altrenogest Photoproducts in Soil–Water Systems, Edward P. Kolodziej, Xingjian Yang, Haoqi Zhao, and David M. Cwiertny

Assessing Collaborative Conservation: A Case Survey of Output, Outcome, and Impact Measures Used in the Empirical Literature, Tomas M. Koontz, Nicolas W. Jager, and Jens Newig

The Science–Policy Nexus in Collaborative Governance: Use of Science in Ecosystem Recovery Planning, Tom M. Koontz

Are the Deadliest Mass Shootings Preventable? An Assessment of Leakage, Information Reported to Law Enforcement, and Firearms Acquisition Prior to Attacks in the United States, A. Lankford, K.G. Adkins, and E. Madfis

Parent-Offspring Conflict Over Reproductive Timing: Ecological Dynamics Far Away and at Other Times May Explain Spawning Variability in Pacific Herring, Gabriella Ljungström, Tessa B. Francis, Marc Mangel, and Christian Jørgensen


Parent-Offspring Conflict Over Reproductive Timing: Ecological Dynamics Far Away and at Other Times May Explain Spawning Variability in Pacific Herring, G. Ljungström, T.B. Francis, M. Mangel, and C. Jørgensen

ParBio'19 - 8th Workshop on Parallel and Cloud-Based Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Wes Lloyd, Giuseppe Agapito, and Mario Cannataro

Improving Application Migration to Serverless Computing Platforms: Latency Mitigation With Keep-Alive Workloads, W. Lloyd, M. Vu, B. Zhang, O. David, and G. Leavesley

Skills, Careers and Cross-Cultural Understanding: How Russian-American Journalism Education Collaboration Works, Maria Lukina and Chris Demaske

Lawrence Martin Brammer (1922–2018), Ginger Phillips MacDonald and Allen E. Ivey


Advancing Urban Wildlife Research Through a Multi-City Collaboration, Seth B. Magle, Mason Fidino, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Travis Gallo, Matthew P. Mulligan, María Jazmín Ríos, Adam A. Ahlers, Julia Angstmann, Amy Belaire, Barbara Dugelby, Ashley Gramza, Laurel Hartley, Brandon MacDougall, Travis Ryan, Carmen Salsbury, Heather Sander, Christopher Schell, Kelly Simon, Sarah St Onge, and David Drake

Meritorious Academic Partnership Designation: Recognizing Nursing Professional Development in Graduate Curricula, Patsy Maloney, Mary Harper, Kathleen Burke, Susan Keim, and Larissa Morgan