All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2017


Software Solutions for Reproducible RNA-seq Workflows, Trevor Meiss, Ling-Hong Hung, Yuguang Xiong, Eric Sobie, and Ka Yee Yeung


Men Must Fight Oppression Against Women, Support #Metoo Movement, Alex Miller

Digital Archives, Danica Miller

Lecture, Danica Miller

Lecture, Danica Miller

Lecture, Danica Miller

Puyallup History, Danica Miller

Puyallup History, Danica Miller

Puyallup History, Danica Miller

Puyallup History, Danica Miller

Reflection, Danica Miller

Reflections, Danica Miller

Reflections, Danica Miller

Student Presentations, Danica Miller


GUIdock-VNC: Using a Graphical Desktop Sharing System to Provide a Browser-Based Interface for Containerized Software, Varun Mittal, Ling-Hong Hung, Jayant Keswani, Daniel Kristiyanto, Sung Bong Lee, and Ka Yee Yeung

Reexamining Race and Ethnicity in the Suburbs, Ali Modarres


Practitioner's Guide to Ethics and Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Lynette M. Monteiro, Jane F. Compson, and Frank Musten


Identity Politics of Difference: The Mixed-Race American Indian Experience, Michelle Montgomery


Landscape and the Environment in Hollywood Film, Ellen Moore


Framing Disaster: News Media Coverage of Environmental Justice, Ellen E. Moore and Kylie R. Lanthorn


Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Availability, Use, and Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study in the City of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011, Abel Mukengeshayi Ntambue, Françoise Kaj Malonga, Karen D. Cowgill, Michèle Dramaix-Wilmet, and Philippe Donnen

Spatiality, Maps, and Mathematics in Critical Human Geography: Toward a Repetition With Difference, David O'Sullivan, Luke Bergmann, and Jim Thatcher

Institutional, Legal, and Attitudinal Barriers to the Accessibility of University Digital Libraries: Implications for Retention of Disabled Students, Sushil K. Oswal


Contacting, Conveying, and Connecting Online Literacy Instruction in International Settings, Sushil K. Oswal and Rich Rice


Libraries on trend: Fake news, information literacy, and demonstrating relevance, Marisa Petrich


News Literacy: A Canvas Mini-MOOC, Marisa Petrich and Kathleen Monks

Advocating for Advocacy: An Exploratory Survey on Student Advocacy Skills and Training in Counseling Psychology, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege, Dustin Brockberg, and William T. Hoyt

Culture in La Clínica: Evaluating the Utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in a Mexican Outpatient Setting, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege and Kristin Elizabeth Yarris

Evolving Technology, Shifting Expectations: Cultivating Pedagogy for a Rapidly Changing GIS Landscape, Britta Ricker and Jim Thatcher


Designing for Engagement: Using Participatory Design to Develop a Social Robot to Measure Teen Stress, Emma J. Rose and Elin A. Björling


Expert Yet Vulnerable: Understanding the Needs of Transit Dependent Riders to Inform Policy and Design, Emma J. Rose, Robert Racadio, Travis Martin, Deidre Girard, and Beth Kolko


Community-Based User Experience: Evaluating the Usability of Health Insurance Information With Immigrant Patients, Emma J. Rose, R. Racadio, K. Wong, S. Nguyen, J. Kim, and A. Zahler

Making Practice-Level Struggles Visible: Researching UX Practice to Inform Pedagogy, Emma Rose and Josh Tenenberg

Fully Integrated LTE-Advanced Band-Switchable High-Gain CMOS Power Amplifier, Palash Roy, S Babak Hamidi, and Debasis Dawn

A High Power Fully Integrated Single-Chip CMOS Transmitter for Wireless Communication of Unmanned Aircraft System, Palash Roy and Debasis Dawn

Fully Integrated CMOS Power Amplifier Using Resistive Current Combining Technique, Palash Roy and Debasis Dawn


CBC News Interview, Dan Shugar

River Piracy and Drainage Basin Reorganization Led by Climate-Driven Glacier Retreat, D.H. Shugar, J.J. Clague, J.L. Best, C. Schoof, M.J. Willis, L. Copland, and G.H. Roe

Hillary Clinton and the Women Who Supported Her: Emotional Attachments and the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary, Evelyn M. Simien and Sarah Cote Hampson


Authenticity, Power, and Pluralism: A Framework for Understanding Stakeholder Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, Paul F. Skilton and Jill M. Purdy


A Retrospective Look at the Experience of Parental Incarceration and Family Reentry During Adolescence, Carrie Jefferson Smith and Diane S. Young

Educator Preparedness for Mental Health in Adolescents: Opportunities for School Nurse Leadership, T. Smith-Fromm and R.A. Evans-Agnew

Evaluating Voice Interaction Pipelines at the Edge, Smruthi Sridhar and Matthew Tolentino

Multiplexed Detection of Infectious Diseases With Microfluidic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and a Smartphone, F. Sun, W. Chen, H. Yu, A. Omob, R. Brisbin, A. Ganguli, V. Vemuri, P. Strzebonski, G. Cui, K.J. Allen, S.A. Desai, W. Lin, D.M. Nash, D.L. Hirschberg, I. Brooks, R. Bashir, and B.T. Cunningham


Inquiry as an Entry Point to Equity in the Classroom, Gail Tang, Houssein El Turkey, Emily Cilli-Turner, Milos Savic, Gulden Karakok, and David Plaxco

Looking Back to Detroit for a (Counter-Mapping) Path Forward, Jim Thatcher

Sousveillant and Locative Media, Jim Thatcher


College Campuses Are Vital for Critical Conversations, Riki Thompson

Writing Through Comics, Riki Thompson


Fostering Divergent Opinions and Encouraging Free Speech on Campus, Riki Thompson and Lars Larson


Math Origins: The Totient Function | Mathematical Association of America, Erik Tou

The Farey Sequence: From Fractions to Fractals, Erik Tou

Quadratic Prime-Generating Polynomials Over the Gaussian Integers, Erik Tou, Frank Fuentes, and Monta Meirose

The Creativity-In-Progress Rubric (CPR) on Proving: Two Teaching Implementations and Students' Reported Usage, Houssein El Turkey, Gail Tang, Milos Savic, Gulden Karakok, Emily Cilli-Turner, and David Plaxco


Guest Editorial: Safe Consumption Sites Will Save Lives, Money, and Improve Public Health, Ingrid Walker


High: Drugs, Desire, and a Nation of Users, Ingrid Walker


Working with complexity: a participatory systems-based process for planning and evaluating rural water, sanitation and hygiene services, Jeffrey Walters, Kate Neely, and Karla Pozo

A Qualitative Analysis of Information Sharing in Hospice Interdisciplinary Group Meetings, Karla Washington, Uba Backonja, George Demris, Debra Oliver, Alexandria Lewis, and Jeffrey Swarz


Land Trusts Could Aid Tacoma Affordability, Anaid Yerena

Model-Based Clustering With Data Correction for Removing Artifacts in Gene Expression Data, William Chad Young, Adrian E. Raftery, and Ka Yee Yeung

Submissions from 2016

How Many Sex Offenders Really Live Among Us? Adjusted Counts and Population Rates in Five US States, A.R. Ackerman, J.S. Levenson, and A.J. Harris

Rater Bias in Simulation Performance Assessment: Examining the Effect of Participant Race/Ethnicity, K. Adamson

Making Sense of Methods and Measurement: Cost-Effectiveness Research, K.A. Adamson and S. Prion

Making Sense of Methods and Measurement: Validation Part I, K.A. Adamson, S. Prion, and M. Gilbert

Feminist Mentoring and Relational Cultural Theory: A Case Example and Implications, Ann Rosegrant Alvarez and Marceline M. Lazzari

Can Polychlorinated Biphenyls Be Removed From Chesapeake Bay by a Commercial Fishery?, J. Ashley, R. Soroka, Y. Cintron, A. Sarno, L. Zaoudeh, D. Velinsky, and Joel Baker

Overall Adiposity, Adipose Tissue Distribution, and Endometriosis: A Systematic Review, Uba Backonja, Germaine M. Buck Louis, and Diane R. Lauver

Senior Tech: The Next Generation: Health Informatics Solutions for Older Adults Living in the Community, Uba Backonja, Laura Kneale, George Demiris, and Hilaire J. Thompson

Reproductive Health Knowledge Among African American Women Enrolled in a Clinic-Based Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Psychosocial and Behavioral Risk: Project DC-HOPE, Uba Backonja, Candace A. Robledo, Maeve E. Wallace, Katrina F. Flores, and Michele Kiely


Recent Trends in the Probability of High Out-Of-Pocket Medical Expenses in the United States, Katherine E. Baird


The Financial Burden of Out-Of-Pocket Expenses in the United States and Canada: How Different Is the United States?, Katherine E. Baird

How Many Hands on Deck and How Did They Get There? Comparing Income Protection Policies Over the Great Recession, Katherine Elizabeth Baird


The Incidence of High Medical Expenses by Health Status in Seven Developed Countries, Katherine Elizabeth Baird

The Safety Net's Cast in the US: Is It Drifting or Contracting?, Katherine Elizabeth Baird


High Out-Of-Pocket Medical Spending Among the Poor and Elderly in Nine Developed Countries, Katie Baird

Reversible Photohydration of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites: Mechanistic Understanding of Product-To-Parent Reversion Through Complementary Experimental and Theoretical Approaches, J. Baltrusaitis, E.V. Patterson, M. O'Connor, S. Qu, E.P. Kolodziej, and D.M. Cwiertny

Perceived Managerial (Remote Leader) Trustworthiness as a Moderator for the Relationship Between Overall Fairness and Perceived Supervisory (Direct Leader) Trustworthiness, Zoe I. Barsness and Dejun Tony Kong

Methods for Quantifying the Clinical Significance of Change During Intervention Program Participation, Blair Beadnell, Pamela A. Stafford, Michele A. Crisafulli, Erin A. Casey, and David B. Rosengren

Criminal History Disclosure Self-Efficacy Scale Development, Christopher Beasley

Oxford House Recovery Homes: Community Characteristics as Predictors of Sustainability, Christopher Beasley

Relationships Between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Substance Use Among Women, Christopher Beasley

Theories in the Field of Community Psychology, Christopher Beasley, Kristen Gleason, Steven Miller, Daphna Ram, and Leonard Jason


Factor Analysis of the Revised Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI-R), Christopher Beasley and David A. Kipper

Crowdsourcing Mutual-Help Research Funding, Christopher Beasley, Crystal Steltenpohl, and Emily Stecker


Revisiting Agency and Stewardship Theories: Perspectives From Nonprofit Board Chairs and CEOs, R. Bernstein, K. Buse, and D. Bilimoria

Exploring the Impact of CEO Tenure and Effective Board Performance on Organizational Change, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Kathleen Buse, and Diana Bilimoria

Preface, M. Bishop and Anderson C. A. Nascimento

Sex, Drink, and State Anxieties: Governance Through the Gay Bar, M. Brown and L. Knopp


Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention: Law and Practice in the Field, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Food Cults: How Fads, Dogma, and Doctrine Influence Diet, Kima Cargill


Overeating, Edible Commodities and the Global Industrial Diet: How Somaesthetics Can Help Psychology and Nutrition, Kima Cargill


Sugar Highs and Lows: Is Sugar Really a Drug? By Kima Cargill, Kima Cargill

The Psychology of Food Cult Membership, Kima Cargill

Introduction to the Decision Analytics, Mobile and Service Science Track (DA/MS/SS), Christer Carlsson and Haluk Demirkan

Merrell's Strong Kids, Grades 6-8: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Laura L. Feuerborn, Barbara A. Gueldner, Oanh K. Tran, and Kenneth W. Merrell

Merrell's Strong Kids, Grades 3-5: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Kenneth W. Merrell, Laura Feuerborn, Barbara A. Gueldner, and Oanh K. Tran

Merrell's Strong Teens, Grades 9-12: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Kenneth W. Merrell, Laura Feuerborn, Barbara A. Gueldner, and Oanh K. Tran


The Situational-Cognitive Model of Adolescent Bystander Behavior: Modeling Bystander Decision-Making in the Context of Bullying and Teen Dating Violence., Erin A. Casey, Taryn Lindhorst, and Heather L. Storer


Predicting Sexual Assault Perpetration Among Heterosexually Active Young Men, Erin A. Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Marilyn J. Hoppe, Diane M. Morrison, and Elizabeth A. Wells


A Latent Class Analysis of Heterosexual Young Men's Masculinities, Erin A. Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Elizabeth A. Wells, Diane M. Morrison, and Marilyn J. Hoppe