All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2015

Verrall's Piano Sonata: A Great Pacific Northwest Sonata, Kim Davenport

Tacoma's Theater District, Kimberly M. Davenport


Big Maggots Dig Deeper: Size-Dependent Larval Dispersal in Flies, Jeremy M. Davis, Laura E. Coogan, and Daniel R. Papaj

How Childhood Maltreatment Profiles of Male Victims Predict Adult Perpetration and Psychosocial Functioning, Kelly Cue Davis, N. Tatiana Masters, Erin Casey, Kelly F. Kajumulo, Jeanette Norris, and William H. George

Chapter 10: 60GHz All- Silicon Radio IC: How It All Started, Debasis Dawn

Rock Avalanches Onto Glaciers, Philip Deline, Kenneth Hewitt, Natalya Reznichenko, and Dan H. Shugar

Academic Freedom and Use of Social Technologies for Teaching and Learning, Chris Demaske and Colleen Carmean

Special Section: Enhancing E-Commerce Outcomes With IT Service Innovations, Haluk Demirkan

Innovations With Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Big Data, Cognitive Assistance, and the Internet of Everything, Haluk Demirkan, Charlie Bess, Jim Spohrer, Ammar Rayes, Don Allen, and Yassi Moghaddam

T-Shaped Innovators: Identifying the Right Talent to Support Service Innovation, Haluk Demirkan and Jim Spohrer


Convergent Realities: Magical Visions of Social Truths and Humanity’s Flaws in Miguel Méndez’s The Dream of Santa María de las Piedras, Vanessa de Veritch Woodside


La amenaza de la manipulación de la memoria: Identidad, memoria y resistencia en Dreaming in Cuban y The Agüero Sisters de Cristina García, Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Infrastructure and the Shaping of American Urban Geography, Yonn Dierwechter and Ali Modarres

A Pedagogical and Philosophical Discussion: Teaching Social Justice in a Criminal Justice Program, Janelle Eliasson-Nannini, Alissa R. Ackerman, Tarna Derby-McCurtain, Jerry Flores, and Paul Mezentsoff

The Relationship Between Sexual Minority Stigma and Sexual Health Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Older Gay and Bisexual Men, Charles A. Emlet, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hun-Jun Kim, and Charles Hoy-Ellis

Asthma Management in Educational Settings: Implementing Guideline-Based Care in Washington State Schools, Robin A. Evans-Agnew, Nicole Klein, and Sally Lecce


Bridging the Interdisciplinary Divide: Co-Advancing the Pedagogy of Environmental Justice Through a Digital Commons Initiative, Robin Evans-Agnew, Jane Compson, and Chris Scott Lower

The Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline Survey a Tool to Help Achieve Systemic Change Through Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support, Laura L. Feuerborn, Ashli D. Tyre, and Joe P. King

Knowledge capital, innovation, and growth in China, Belton M. Fleisher, William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi Zhou


A Race Conscious Pedagogy: Correctional Educators and Creative Resistance Inside California Juvenile Detention Facilities, Jerry Flores


CyNetworkBMA: A Cytoscape App for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks, Maciej Fronczuk, Adrian E. Raftery, and Ka Yee Yeung

Autoethnographic Explorations of Researching Older Expatriate Men: Magnifying Emotion Using the Research Pantoum, Rich Furman

Immigration Detention Centers: Implications for Social Work, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, Michelle Sanchez, and Doug Epps

Extreme Data Reduction: The Case for the Research Tanka, Rich Furman and LeContÂŽ Dill


A Social Network Model With Privacy Preserving and Reliability Assurance and Its Applications in Health Care, Chunming Gao and Noriyuki Iwane

A Social Network Model for Big Data Privacy Preserving and Accountability Assurance, C. Gao and N. Iwane

Narrating Resilience: Transforming Urban Systems Through Collaborative Storytelling, Bruce Evan Goldstein, Anne Taufen Wessells, Raul Lejano, and William Butler


Translation of Michel Chion, "Sensory Aspects of Contemporary Cinema", Claudia Gorbman


Translation of Michel Chion, “The Audio-Logo-Visual and the Sound of Languages in Recent Film“, Claudia Gorbman


Building a Computer Network Immune System, DC Grant


From Interactions to Institutions: Microprocesses of Framing and Mechanisms for the Structuring of Institutional Fields, Barbara Gray, Jill M. Purdy, and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari

A Plasmodium α/β-Hydrolase Modulates the Development of Invasive Stages., A. M. Groat-Carmona, H. Kain, J. Brownell, A. N. Douglass, A. S. Aly, and S. H. Kappe

A Plasmodium α/β-Hydrolase Modulates the Development of Invasive Stages, Anna M. Groat-Carmona, Heather Kain, Jessica Brownell, Alyse N. Douglass, Ahmed S. Aly, and Stefan H. Kappe

Integrating Mindfulness-Based Practices Into Social and Emotional Learning: A Case Application, Barbara A. Gueldner and Laura L. Feuerborn


One of Our Own: Hillary Clinton and the Voters who Support Her, Sarah Hampson and Evelyn M. Simien

IT-Enabled Business Innovation [Guest Editors' Introduction], R. R. Harmon and Haluk Demirkan


Transnational Mixed-Status Families: Critical Challenges in Cross-Border Relationships Over Time, Rachel M. Hershberg and M. Brinton Lykes

Partnering for a Seamless Transition to Higher Education: Lessons Learned, Lisa Hoffman


Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday, Lisa Hoffman and Heather Merrill

Leilah Danielson. American Gandhi: A. J. Muste and the History of Radicalism in the Twentieth Century., Michael K. Honey

Finding Multiple Stable Clusterings, Juhua Hu, Q. Qian, J. Pei, R. Jin, and S. Zhu

Pairwised Specific Distance Learning From Physical Linkages, Juhua Hu, De-Chuan Zhan, Xintao Wu, Yuan Jiang, and Zhi-Hua Zhou


Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing for a Socially Just Future, Asao B. Inoue

Economic Impact of Orthopedic Adult Reconstruction Office Practice: The Implications of Hospital Employment Models on Local Economies, Richard Iorio, Thomas Fehring, Sally York, Mark Froimson, David Halsey, Susan Odum, Charles M. Davis, Richard Santore, and Louis F. McIntyre

Create Effective Anti-Bullying Policies, Susan L. Johnson

Workplace Bullying Prevention: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Susan L. Johnson

An Investigation of Organizational and Regulatory Discourses of Workplace Bullying, Susan L. Johnson, Doris M. Boutain, Jenny H.-C. Tsai, and Arnold B. Castro

Managerial and Organizational Discourses of Workplace Bullying:, Susan L. Johnson, Doris M. Boutain, Jenny H.-C. Tsai, and Arnold B. de Castro

An Exploration of Managers' Discourses of Workplace Bullying, Susan L. Johnson, Doris M. Boutain, Jenny Hsin-Chun Tsai, Randal Beaton, and Arnold B. de Castro


Does Labour Mean Work? A Look at the Meaning of Birth in Amish and Non-Amish Society, Natalie Jolly


The Rise of Anti-immigrant Policies: An Analysis of Three State Laws and Implications for Social Work, Susanna Jones, Rich Furman, Melody Loya, Alissa R. Ackerman, Nalini Negi, Doug Epps, and Gladys Mondragon


Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake, J. S. Kargel, G. J. Leonard, Dan H. Shugar, U. K. Haritashya, A. Bevington, E. J. Fielding, K. Fujita, M. Geertsema, and E. S. Miles

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Politics, Problems, and Potential, Turan Kayaoglu

Whiteness Is the New South Africa: Qualitative Research on Post-Apartheid Racism, Christopher B. Knaus and M. Christopher Brown II

Predicting Discontinuation of Docetaxel Treatment for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) With Hill-Climbing and Random Forest, Daniel Kristiyanto, Kevin E. Anderson, Seyed Sina Khankhajeh, Kaiyuan Shi, Seth West, Ling Hong Hung, Azu Lee, Qi Wei, Migao Wu, Yunhong Yin, and Ka Yee Yeung

Audience Resurrected: Restoring Motive and Purpose to Creative Writing, Michael Kula


Anti-Aβ Oligomer IgG and Surface Sialic Acid in Intravenous Immunoglobulin: Measurement and Correlation with Clinical Outcomes in Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment, Hyewon Kwon, Amanda C. Crisostomo, Hayley M. Smalls, and John M. Finke


Design of Two-Stage Nonrecursive Rotated Comb Decimation Filters With Droop Compensation and Multiplierless Architecture, Massimiliano Laddomada and G. Jovanovic Dolecek

A Biochemical Filter for Frequency-Based Signal Reception in Molecular Communication, Massimiliano Laddomada and M. Pierobon

A Crosstalk-Based Linear Filter in Biochemical Signal Transduction Pathways for the Internet of Bio-Things, Massimiliano Laddomada and M. Pierobon


Investing for Good in a Shared Economy, Joe Lawless


Sustainable Innovation at REI, Joe Lawless


Concepts and Theories of Human Development, Richard M. Lerner, Rachel M. Hershberg, Lacey J. Hilliard, and Sara K. Johnson


Human Development, theories of, Richard M. Lerner, Rachel M. Hershberg, Lacey J. Hilliard, and Sara K. Johnson

The Study of the Development of Civic Engagement Within Contemporary Developmental Science: Theory, Method, and Application, Richard M. Lerner, Sara K. Johnson, Jun Wang, Kaitlyn A. Ferris, and Rachel M. Hershberg

Where for Art Thou? Transient Sex Offenders and Residence Restrictions, Jill Levenson, Alissa R. Ackerman, Kelly M. Socia, and Andrew J. Harris

MedTrust: Towards Trust-Assured Social Networking for Healthcare, J. Li, N. Zanman, and Y. Bai

One Regulatory State, Two Regulatory Regimes: understanding dual regimes in China's regulatory state building through food safety, Peng Liu and William H. McGuire


Enhancing English Learners' Language Development Using Wordless Picture Books, Belinda Louie and Jarek Sierschynski

Continuities and Discontinuities in Human Rights Violations: Historically Situating the Psychosocial Effects of Migration, M. Brinton Lykes and Rachel M. Hershberg

'It's Better to Overreact': School Officials' Fear and Perceived Risk of Rampage Attacks and the Criminalization of American Public Schools, Eric Madfis

Financial Hardship in Later Life: Social Work's Challenge or Opportunity, Gillian L. Marshall


Fostering Movements or Silencing Voices: School Principals in Egypt and South Africa, Tyson E.J. Marsh and Christopher B. Knaus

QC-MDPC McEliece: An Optimized Implementation of a New McEliece Variant, H. Oliveira Martins and A. C. Nascimento

Condoms And Contexts: Profiles Of Sexual Risk And Safety Among Young Heterosexually Active Men, N. Tatiana Masters, Erin A. Casey, Blair Beadnell, Diane M. Morrison, Marilyn J. Hoppe, and Elizabeth A. Wells

Laboratory Methods for the Analysis of Microplastics in the Marine Environment : Recommendations for Quantifying Synthetic Particles in Waters and Sediments, Julie Masura, Joel Baker, Greg Foster, Courtney Arthur, and Carlie Herring


Déterminants de l’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives dans la zone de santé Mumbunda à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo, Charles Matungulu Matungulu, Simon Ilunga Kandolo, Abel Ntambue Mukengeshayi, Angèle Musau Nkola, Dorcas Ilunga Mpoyi, Sylvie Katanga Mumba, Julie Ndayi Kabamba, Karen Cowgill, and Françoise Malonga Kaj

A political ecology of the camp, Benjamin Meiches

Review of Andrew Hoberek's Considering Watchmen: Poetics, Property, Politics (2014), Alex Miller


Book Review: “X Saying Here” – Holly Hughes’ Sailing by Ravens, JM Miller


Carrot and Mist, JM Miller


On Senses: A Nature Essay, JM Miller

Primitive Elegy, JM Miller


Red Song of the Passenger Pigeon, JM Miller


Snap the Whip, JM Miller

SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons, Rebecca K. Miller and Lauren Pressley


Green Screen or Smokescreen? Hollywood's Messages about Nature and the Environment, Ellen E. Moore


Starving for Diversity: Ideological Implications of Race Representations in the Hunger Games, Ellen E. Moore and Catherine Coleman

Factors Regulating Excystment of Alexandrium in Puget Sound, WA, USA, Stephanie K. Moore, Brian D. Bill, Levi R. Hay, Jennifer Emenegger, Kiara C. Eldred, Cheryl L. Greengrove, Julie Masura, and Donald M. Anderson

The Relationship Between ART Adherence and Smoking Status Among HIV+ Individuals, Jose L. Moreno, Delwyn Catley, Hyoung Suk Lee, and Kathy Goggin

Toward a luminescence chronology for coastal dune and beach deposits on Calvert Island, British Columbia central coast, Canada, Christina M. Neudorf, Olav B. Lian, Ian J. Walker, Dan H. Shugar, Jordan B. R. Eamer, and Libby C. M. Griffin


Prévalence de l’hypertension artérielle dans la population des meuniers de la ville de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo, Léon Kabamba Ngombe, Karen Cowgill, Ben Bondo Monga, Benjamin Kabyla Ilunga, Wembonyama Okitotsho Stanis, and Oscar Luboya Numbi


Sex Work and Agency: Decriminalization of Prostitution, Cathy Nguyen, Rich Furman, and Alissa R. Ackerman


Curt Schilling's Gold Coins: Questioning the 38 Studios Collapse in Light of Creative Industry Policy, Randy Nichols

Selling Spirituality and Spectacle: Religious Pavilions at the New York World's Fair of 1964–65, Julie Nicoletta

A Conversation on Usability and Accessibility With Janice (Ginny) Redish, Sushil K. Oswal


Disabling Policies and Exclusionary Infrastructures: A Critique of the AAUP Policy, Sushil K. Oswal


Physical and Learning Disabilities in OWI, Sushil K. Oswal

Pre-fire and post-fire surface fuel and cover measurements collected in the south-eastern United States for model evaluation and development – RxCADRE 2008, 2011 and 2012, Roger D. Ottmar, Andrew T. Hudak, Susan J. Prichard, Clinton S. Wright, Joseph C. Restaino, Maureen C. Kennedy, and Robert E. Vihnanek

High-Power and High-Efficiency Complementary Metal–oxide– Semiconductor Voltage-Controlled Oscillator for Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast System, Roy Palesh and Debasis Dawn