All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Books from 2014

An Experiential Approach to Group Work, Rich Furman, Kimberly Bender, and Diana Rowan


Meaning as a Core Principle in Social Work Practice, Rich Furman, Michelle D. Enterline, Greg Lamphear, and Allison E. Shukraft

The immigration detention center as a transnational problem: Implications for international social work, Rich Furman, Michelle Sanchez, Alissa R. Ackerman, and Tien Ung

Application of a Blended Active Learning Model in Teaching Computer Programming to Non-Majors (Abstract Only), Chunming Gao and Noriyuki Iwane

Developing a Multi-Trust Model for Multi-Purpose Healthcare Social Networks, C. Gao and N. Iwane


Relational Developmental Dystems Theories of Positive Youth Development: Methodological Issues and Implications, John G. Geldhof, Edmond P. Bowers, Sara K. Johnson, Rachel M. Hershberg, Lacey J. Hilliard, and Richard M. Lerner


The Master's Voice, Claudia Gorbman

Energy Northwest Columbia Generating Station Proposed Enhancements: Transformation of Mothballed Nuclear Facilities Into Hydrogen Oxygen Energy Storage and Electrical Generation Facilities, DC Grant


Alexandrium Cyst Distribution and Germination in Puget Sound, Cheryl Greengrove, Julie Masura, Stephanie Moore, Brian Bill, Levi Hay, Kiara Eldred, Neil Banas, Eric Salathe, Nat Mantua, James Johnstone, Donald Anderson, Vera Trainer, and John Stein


Quartermaster Harbor Marine Water Quality Data Report 2007-2011, Cheryl Greengrove, Nick Schlafer, Nannette Huber, and Julie Masura


A Synopsis of Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Marian S. Harris

Group Therapy at a Prison for Women: A Therapist's Perspective, Marian S. Harris


Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Marian S. Harris

The Scope of Social Work in the United States, Marian S. Harris

Age and Psychological Influences on Immune Responses to Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in the Meditation or Exercise for Preventing Acute Respiratory Infection (MEPARI) Trial, Mary S. Hayney, Christopher L. Coe, Daniel Muller, Chidi N. Obasi, Uba Backonja, Tola Ewers, and Bruce Barrett

Illuminating trajectories of adolescent thriving and contribution through the words of youth: qualitative findings from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, Rachel M. Hershberg, Lisette M. DeSouza, Amy E. Warren, Jacqueline V. Lerner, and Richard M. Lerner

Beyond the deficit model: bullying and trajectories of character virtues in adolescence, Lacey J. Hilliard, Edmond P. Bowers, Kathleen N. Greenman, Rachel M. Hershberg, G. John Geldhof, Samantha A. Glickman, Jacqueline V. Lerner, and Richard M. Lerner


Tacoma's Japanese Language School: An Alternative Path to Citizenship and Belonging in Pre-WWII Urban America, Lisa Hoffman

Regional patterns of food safety in China: What can we learn from media data?, Nicholas Holtkamp, Peng Liu, and William H. McGuire


To the Mountaintop: The Last Speech of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Honey


Toward a Better World: Following the Way of Martin Luther King, Michael Honey

"Sharecroppers Troubadour": Can We Use Songs and Oral Poetry as Oral History?, Michael K. Honey


Sharecropper's Troubadour: Songs of Solidarity in Hard Times, Michael K. Honey


Chinese Vintners Are Winning Renown as Wine Industry Soars, Cynthia Howson and Pierre Ly


Chinese Wine Tourism: Not Just About Wine | Alternative Emerging Investor, Cynthia Howson, Pierre Ly, and Jeff Begun

How Can I Index My Thousands of Photos Effectively and Automatically? An Unsupervised Feature Selection Approach, Juhua Hu, J. Pei, and J. Tang


A Grade-Less Writing Course That Focuses on Labor and Assessing, Asao Inoue

Theorizing Failure in US Writing Assessments, Asao Inoue

A Study of Using Handwritten Annotations on Digital Textbooks, N. Iwane and C. Gao

Health risk perceptions predict smoking-related outcomes in Greek college students, John D. Jacobson, Delwyn Catley, Hyoung Suk Lee, Solomon W. Harrar, and Kari Jo Harris

Exploring Characteristics of Young Adult Men: Initial Findings from a Mixed Methods Evaluation of an All-Male, Character-Focused Trade School, Sara K. Johnson, Rachel M. Hershberg, Miriam R. Arbeit, Lisette M. DeSouza, Kristina Schmid Callina, Akira S. Gutierrez, Daniel J. Warren, Elise M. Harris, and Rachel O. Rubin


Amish Femininity: New Lessons from the Old Order, Natalie Jolly


In This World but Not of It: Midwives, Amish, and the Politics of Power, Natalie Jolly

Mass Balance Approaches to Characterizing the Leaching Potential of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites in Agro-Ecosystems, Gerrad D. Jones, Peter V. Benchetler, Kenneth W. Tate, and Edward P. Kolodziej


Surface and Subsurface Attenuation of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites and Manure-Derived Constituents in Irrigation Runoff on Agro-Ecosystems, Gerrad D. Jones, Peter V. Benchetler, Kenneth W. Tate, and Edward P. Kolodziej

Trenbolone Acetate Metabolite Transport in Rangelands and Irrigated Pasture: Observations and Conceptual Approaches for Agro-Ecosystems, Gerrad D. Jones, Peter V. Benchetler, Kenneth W. Tate, and Edward P. Kolodziej

Fuel treatment prescriptions alter spatial patterns of fire severity around the wildland–urban interface during the Wallow Fire, Arizona, USA, Maureen C. Kennedy and Morris C. Johnson

RHESSys-WMFire: coupling wildfire to hydrology and vegetation to project the effects of climate change on mountain watersheds., Maureen C. Kennedy and D. McKenzie

Seeing What They Want to See: Racism and Leadership Development in Urban Schools, Christopher B. Knaus

What if We All Wore Hoodies? Educational Silencing of Black Male Voices, Christopher B. Knaus

“Back in the Day”… What Are Surgeon Bloggers Saying About Their Careers?, Aaron D. Knox, Shalini Reddy, Briseida Mema, Marc DeMoya, Emily Cilli-Turner, and Ilene Harris

Improved Sharpening of Comb-Based Decimation Filters: Analysis and Design, Massimiliano Laddomada, D. E. Troncoso, and G. J. Dolecek


Optimal Sharpening of Compensated Comb Decimation Filters: Analysis and Design, Massimiliano Laddomada, David Ernesto Troncoso Romero, and Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek

Psychological Distress After a Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test Result Among Members of an Integrated Healthcare Delivery System, Sharon S. Laing, Andy Bogart, Jessica Chubak, Sharon Fuller, and Beverly B. Green


Better Living at Walmart?, Joe Lawless


Outerwall and Beyond, Joe Lawless


Improving understanding of the quitting process: psychological predictors of quit attempts versus smoking cessation maintenance among college students, Hyoung Suk Lee, Delwyn Catley, and Kari Jo Harris

Developmental Science in 2025: A Predictive Review, Richard M. Lerner, Jennifer P. Agans, Lisette M. DeSouza, and Rachel M. Hershberg

An Effective Message Forwarding Algorithm for Delay Tolerant Network With Cyclic Probabilistic Influences, Y. Li, L. Ding, J. Sheng, C. Liu, and A.M. Teredesai


The Virtual Machine (VM) Scaler: An Infrastructure Manager Supporting Environmental Modeling on IaaS Clouds, Wes J. Lloyd, Olaf David, Mazdak Arabi, James C. Ascough II, Timothy R. Green, Jack R. Carlson, and Ken W. Rojas


Dynamic Scaling for Service Oriented Applications: Implications of Virtual Machine Placement on IaaS Clouds, Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Mazdak Arabi, and Ken Rojas


Complexity of Perspectives: WWII Historical Fiction of the Pacific Front, Belinda Louie

Building Comunidad: Fundacion Humanitaria De Costa Rica, Melody Aye Loya, Rich Furman, Susanna Jones, and Gail Nystrom


Made in China: Wine Edition | Alternative Emerging Investor, Pierre Ly, Cynthia Howson, and Jeff Begun


Red Obsession | Alternative Emerging Investor, Pierre Ly, Cynthia Howson, and Jeff Begun

Using Semifield Studies to Examine the Effects of Pesticides on Mobile Terrestrial Invertebrates, Sarina Macfayden, John E. Banks, John D. Stark, and Andrew P. Davies

Averting School Rampage Student Intervention Amid a Persistent Code of Silence, Eric Madfis


Mass Murder, Eric Madfis


Postmodern Criminology, Eric Madfis


The Risk of School Rampage: Assessing and Preventing Threats of School Violence, Eric Madfis

Triple Entitlement and Homicidal Anger an Exploration of the Intersectional Identities of American Mass Murderers, Eric Madfis


Understanding Microplastic Marine Pollution With Citizen Science Partnerships, Julie Masura, Joel Baker, Susie Richards, Chris Burt, and Megan Addison

The effect of ISO 14001 on environmental regulatory compliance in China, William H. McGuire


A post-glacial sea level hinge on the central Pacific coast of Canada, Duncan McLaren, Daryl Fedje, Murray B. Hay, Quentin Mackie, Ian J. Walker, Dan H. Shugar, Jordan BR Eamer, Olav B. Lian, and Christina Neudorf

Conceptualizing Change in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction, Alex Miller


Sport: A Powerful Topic to Generate Language Work, Alex Miller

The Trickster and the Federal Narrative in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks, Danica Miller

Archetype on Looking, JM Miller


Field Notes (The Arcade Poem), JM Miller


Lonely Species, JM Miller

Wilderness Lessons, JM Miller

Principles of Systems Science, George E. Mobus and Michael C. Kalton


A Monolithic Endeavor: Creating a Digital Collection of Soil Profiles at the University of Idaho, Kathleen Monks


A Statewide Survey of Censorship and Intellectual Freedom, Kathleen Monks, Anne Gaines, and Caitlin Marineau

Traditional and Contemporary Mindfulness: Finding the Middle Path in the Tangle of Concerns, Lynette Monteiro, R F. Musten, and Jane Compson


Alexandrium Ecology in Puget Sound: Bloom Transport and Climate Pathways, Stephanie Moore, Neil Banas, Eric Salathe, Nathan Mantua, James Johnstone, Cheryl Greengrove, Julie Masura, Brian Bill, Vera Trainer, Donald Anderson, and John Stein


ÒHe Enjoys Giving Her PleasureÓ: Diversity And Complexity In Young MenÕs Sexual Scripts, Diane M. Morrison, N. Tatiana Masters, Elizabeth A. Wells, Erin A. Casey, Blair Beadnell, and Marilyn J. Hoppe


Housing and Homelessness in Contemporary Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu


Ogni Sfratto Sarà Una Barricata: Squatting for Housing and Social Conflict in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu


Where Is Culture in Rome? Self-Managed Social Centers and the Right to Urban Space, Pierpaolo Mudu

Fear of School Violence in the Post-Columbine Era, Glenn W. Muschert and Eric Madfis


Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals: Essays on Critical Theory and Human Rights, Amós Nascimento and Matthias Lutz-Bachmann

The Video Game Business, Randy Nichols

Access to Digital Library Databases in Higher Education: Design Problems and Infrastructural Gaps, Sushil K. Oswal

Participatory Design: Barriers and Possibilities, Sushil K. Oswal

Healing With(in) Imaginative Play, Tony Perone

Life-Span Pretend Play in Two Communities, Tony Perone and Artin Göncü

Feminism and Intellectual Freedom, Lauren Pressley

At the Corner of Personality and Competencies: Exploring Professional Personas for Librarians, Lauren Pressley, Jenny Dale, and Lynda M. Kellam

Evaluation of the CONSUME and FOFEM fuel consumption models in pine and mixed hardwood forests of the eastern United States, Susan J. Prichard, Eva C. Karau, Roger D. Ottmar, Maureen C. Kennedy, James B. Cronan, Clinton S. Wright, and Robert E. Keane


Fuel treatments and landform modify landscape patterns of burn severity in an extreme fire event, Susan J. Prichard and Maureen C. Kennedy

Making Sense of Methods and Measurement: Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, Susan Prion and Katie A. Haerling

Distance Metric Learning Using Dropout: A Structured Regularization Approach, Qi Qian, Juhua Hu, Rong Jin, Jian Pei, and Shenghuo Zhu

Sorption and Mineral-Promoted Transformation of Synthetic Hormone Growth Promoters in Soil Systems, Shen Qu, Edward P. Kolodziej, and David M. Cwiertny

Fuzzy Boundaries: Hybridizing Location-Based Services, Volunteered Geographic Information and Geovisualization Literature, Britta Ricker, Sylvie Daniel, and Nick Hedley

Implications of Smartphone Usage on Privacy and Spatial Cognition: Academic Literature and Public Perceptions, Britta Ricker, Nadine Schuurman, and Fritz Kessler

Sentenced to Pretrial Detention: A Study of Bail Decisions and Outcomes, Meghan Sacks, Vincenzo A. Sainato, and Alissa R. Ackerman

The Problematization of Immigration as a Pacification Strategy, Michelle Sanchez, Rich Furman, and Alissa R. Ackerman


An Exploration of Social Justice Intent in Photovoice Research Studies from 2008 to 2013, Marie-Anne Sanon, Robin A. Evans-Agnew, and Doris M. Boutain

Bathymetric and Geophysical Surveys of the Southern End of Kluane Lake, Dan H. Shugar