All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2013

CMOS 45 GHz Vector Modulator With Gain/Phase Correction Through Calibration, J. Laskar, J. Papapolymerou, E. Juntunen, and Debasis Dawn


Kentucky Fried Transparency, Joe Lawless


Sustainable Fashion at Nordstrom, Joe Lawless

Exploring Liars' Strategies for Creating Deceptive Reports, Drew A. Leins, Ronald P. Fisher, and Stephen J. Ross

Exploring liars’ strategies for creating deceptive reports, Drew A. Leins, Ronald P. Fisher, and Stephen J. Ross

Catch Me If You Can: : An Analysis of Fugitive Sex Offenders, Jill Levenson, Alissa R. Ackerman, and Andrew J. Harris

Compressive Sensing Based Data Collection in VANETs, C. Liu, C. Chigan, and Chunming Gao

STCP2: Short-Time Certificate-Based Privacy Protection for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Z. Li, C. Chigan, and Chunming Gao


Service Isolation vs. Consolidation: Implications for Iaas Cloud Application Deployment, Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Jim Lyon, Mazdak Arabi, and Ken Rojas


Performance Implications of Multi-Tier Application Deployments on Infrastructure-As-A-Service Clouds: Towards Performance Modeling, W. Lloyd, S. Pallickara, O. David, J. Lyon, M. Arabi, and K. Rojas

Children’s Literature in the People’s Republic of China: Its Purposes and Genres, Belinda Louie and Douglas Louie

'Dear Diary' Revisited: Reflecting on Collaborative Journaling, Catrina A. Mackenzie, Britta Ricker, Julia Christensen, Elizabeth Heller, Emily Kagan, Philip M. Osano, Lindsay Long, and Sarah Turner

The Dilemmas of Embodied Symbolic Representation: Regret in Contemporary American Tattoo Narratives, Eric Madfis and Tammi Arford

School Rampage in International Perspective: The Salience of Cumulative Strain Theory, Eric Madfis and Jack Levin

Association of Socio-Demographic Factors and Parental Education With Depressive Symptoms Among Older African Americans and Caribbean Blacks, Gillian L. Marshall, Nancy R. Hooyman, Karl G. Hill, and Tessa C. Rue

Conceptualization, Operationalization, Construct Validity, and Truth in Advertising In Criminological Research, Randy Martin, Jeffrey W. Cohen, and David R. Champion

Sexual Scripts Among Young Heterosexually Active Men And Women: Continuity And Change, N. Tatiana Masters, Erin A. Casey, Elizabeth A. Wells, and Diane M. Morrison

Use of Main Channel and Two Backwater Habitats by Larval Fishes in the Detroit River, Erik A. McDonald, A. Scott McNaught, and Edward F. Roseman

The Responsibility to Protect and luxurious war, Benjamin Meiches

Regime Theory, Benjamin Meiches and Raymond Hopkins

Salish Education and Colonial punishment in D'Arcy McNickle The Surrounded, Danica Miller


2 Pieces: "Cleft" and "The Famous Wolf: A Triolet", JM Miller


"30 Days Orthodox", "Prayer Circle", and "Pearl" (3 Poems), JM Miller

31 Poems, JM Miller


'November', 'Biscuit', 'Ligature', and 'Desert Autopsy (2012)' (Four Poems), JM Miller

Zombie Autopsy, JM Miller

Undocumented Latino Immigrant Men at Risk, Gladys Mondragon, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, Derek Iwamoto, and Nalini Negi


Recruitment Tools for College Librarianship, Kathleen Monks, Julie Judkins, Brittney Thomas, and Marci Zane


Indigenous Cultural Autonomy: Decolonizing Autonomy to Transform Research Practices, Michelle Montgomery and J Sharpe


Building Cosmopolitan Communities: A Critical and Multidimensional Approach, Amós Nascimento


Bourdieu's Forms of Capital and Video Game Production, Randy Nichols

Who Pays, Who Plays? Mapping Video Game Production and Consumption Globally, Randy Nichols


Accessible ePortfolios for Visually-Impaired Users: Interfaces, Designs, and Infrastructures, Sushil K. Oswal

Exploring Accessibility as a Potential Area of Research for Technical Communication: A Modest Proposal, Sushil K. Oswal

Introducing Online Credit-Based Instruction for Undergraduates, Lauren Pressley

Conflict in Cross-Sector Partnerships, Jill M. Purdy

Ligand Binding and Unfolding of Tryptophan Synthase Revealed by Ion Mobility-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Employing Collision and Surface Induced Dissociation., Royston S. Quintyn, Mowei Zhou, Shai Dagan, John M. Finke, and Vicki H. Wysocki

Product-To-Parent Reversion of Trenbolone: Unrecognized Risks for Endocrine Disruption, Shen Qu, Edward P. Kolodziej, Sarah A. Long, James B. Gloer, Eric V. Patterson, Jonas Baltrusaitis, Gerrad D. Jones, Peter V. Benchetler, and Emily A. Cole

Tourism and Environmental Change in Barbados: Gathering Citizen Perspectives With Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Britta A. Ricker, Peter A. Johnson, and Renee E. Sieber

HcBench: Methodology, Development, and Characterization of a Customer Usage Representative Big Data/Hadoop Benchmark, V. A. Saletore, K. Krishnan, V. Viswanathan, and M. E. Tolentino

CMOS Phase Shifter for Conformal Phased Array Beamformer Applications, Alarka Sanyal, Alfonso Mendoza-Radal, Bilal Ijaz, and Debasis Dawn

A quantitative assessment of the sedimentology and geomorphology of rock avalanche deposits, Dan H. Shugar, John J. Clague, and Marco Giardino

Service Science: On Reflection, James C. Spohrer, Stephen K. Kwan, and Haluk Demirkan

Service Science: Reframing Progress With Universities, Jim Spohrer, Alessio Giuiusa, Haluk Demirkan, and David Ing


Coarsening Dynamics of Domains in Lipid Membranes, Cynthia A. Stanich, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Gregory G. Putzel, Christopher S. Warth, Andrea K. Lamprecht, Pritam Mandal, Elizabeth Mann, Thien-An D. Hua, and Sarah L. Keller


Applied statistics in ecology: common pitfalls and simple solutions, E. Ashley Steel, Maureen C. Kennedy, Patrick G. Cunningham, and John S. Stanovick


A "Temple of Pleasure:" Missoula's Wilma Theatre, Elizabeth 'Libi' A. Sundermann

Sina Weibo of China: From a Copycat to a Local Uptake of a Global Technology Assemblage, Huatong Sun

Avoiding the Ghetto Through Hope and Fear: An Analysis of Immanent Technology Using Ideal Types, Jim Thatcher


From Volunteered Geographic Information to Volunteered Geographic Services, Jim Thatcher

Justice and Peace in Restorative Justice: A Path to Interdependence, Barb Toews

Toward a Restorative Justice Pedagogy: Reflections on Teaching Restorative Justice in Correctional Facilities, Barb Toews

A Typology for Finite Groups, Erik R. Tou


Organizing Civil Society: The Abant Platform of the Gulen Movement, Etga Ugur

Spatial Dynamics of Two Oriental Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Parasitoids, Fopius arisanus and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), in a Guava Orchard in Hawaii, Roger I. Vargas, John D. Stark, John E. Banks, Luc Leblanc, Nicholas C. Manoukis, and Steven Peck


Developing a Market for Chinese Wine: Tourism and Education, Mike Veseth, Cynthia Howson, Pierre Ly, and Jeff Begun


In Search of Chinese Terroirs, Mike Veseth, Cynthia Howson, Pierre Ly, and Jeff Begun


Wine in China: Government Investment, Civil Servants and Hospitality, Mike Veseth, Cynthia Howson, Pierre Ly, and Jeff Begun


Secondary flow deflection in the lee of transverse dunes with implications for dune morphodynamics and migration, Ian J. Walker and Dan H. Shugar


Pathways to Positive Futures: State-Of-The-Science Conference Proceedings, J. Walker, K. Gowen, P. Jivanjee, C. Moser, Claudia Sellmaier, N. Koroloff, and Eileen M. Brennan


Group Man and the Limits of Working-Class Politics: The Political Vision of Steinbeck's In Dubious Battle, Charles Williams

Urban Stasis and the Politics of Alternative Development in the United States, Charles Williams and J. Mark Pendras

Discovery of Expression Signatures in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia by Bayesian Model Averaging, Ka Yee Yeung

Signature Discovery for Personalized Medicine, Ka Yee Yeung

Personalized Approach to Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Using a High-Throughput Chemosensitivity Assay, Ka Yee Yeung, C. Anthony Blau, Vivian G. Oehler, Su-In Lee, Christopher P. Miller, Sylvia Chien, Timothy Martins, and Elihu H. Estey

Submissions from 2012


Community based management for sex offenders in the US: An evidence based evaluation, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman

Assessing reporting patterns of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church using discontinuities in model parameter timeseries, Alissa R. Ackerman and Bilal Khan

How many sex offenders really live among us? Adjusted counts and population rates in five US states, Alissa R. Ackerman, Jill S. Levenson, and Andrew J. Harris

Can general strain theory be used to explain recidivism among registered sex offenders?, Alissa R. Ackerman and Meghan Sacks

Legislation Targeting Sex Offenders: Are Recent Policies Effective in Reducing Rape?, Alissa R. Ackerman, Meghan Sacks, and David F. Greenberg

Faulty Sex Offense Policies, Alissa R. Ackerman and Karen J. Terry

What's Language Got to Do With It?: Identifying Language Demands in Mathematics Instruction for English Language Learners, Julia Maria Aguirre and G. C. Bunch

Analyzing Effective Mathematics Lessons for English Learners: A Multiple Mathematical Lens Approach, Julia Maria Aguirre, E. Turner, T. G. Bartell, C. Drake, M. Q. Foote, and A. Roth-McDuffie

Transforming Korea Into a Multicultural Society: Reception of Multiculturalism Discourse and Its Discursive Disposition in Korea, Ji-Hyun Ahn

Disentangling Ribbon Worm Relationships: Multi-Locus Analysis Supports Traditional Classification of the Phylum Nemertea, Sonia C. S. Andrade, Malin Strand, Megan L. Schwartz, Haixia Chen, Hiroshi Kajihara, Jorn von Dohren, Shichun Sun, Juan Junoy, Martin Thiel, Jon L. Norenburg, James M. Turbeville, Gonzalo Giribet, and Per Sundberg

Role Conflict and Congruence: Academic Sociologists Occupy Boston, Tammi Arford and Andrea Hill

Observations of Daily Living: Putting the "Personal" in Personal Health Records, Uba Backonja, Katherine Kim, Gail R. Casper, Timothy Patton, Edmond Ramly, and Patricia Flatley Brennan


Trapped in Mediocrity: Why Our Schools Aren't World-Class and What We Can Do About It, Katherine Baird

Forest-Type Preference of an Afrotropical Thrush (East Coast Akalat Sheppardia Gunningi Sokokensis) in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya, John E. Banks, Colin Jackson, Albert Baya, H. Minnella, M. Nitz, J. Hitchcock, and D. Bruinsma


Communication Media: Implications for Negotiation Process and Outcome, Zoe I. Barsness

When Cultures Clash Electronically: The Impact of Email and Social Norms on Negotiation Behavior and Outcomes, Zoe Barsness, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Jeanne M. Brett, and Anne L. Lytle

Hope as a Predictor of Reincarceration Among Mutual-Help Recovery Residents, Christopher Beasley, Michael Dekhtyar, Leonard A. Jason, and Joseph R. Ferrari

The General Environment Fit Scale: A Factor Analysis and Test of Convergent Construct Validity, Christopher Beasley, Leonard Jason, and Steven Miller

The “Virtual” Panel: A Computerized Model for LGBT Speaker Panels, Christopher Beasley, Susan Torres-Harding, and Paula J. Pedersen


Review: The Matter of Assignments in Writing Classes and Beyond, Anne Beaufort


Determining Distribution and Size of Larval Pacific Geoduck Clams (Panopea Generosa Gould 1850) in Quartermaster Harbor (Washington, USA) Using a Novel Sampling Approach, Bonnie Becker, Michael D. Behrens, Yvonne A. Shevalier, Christine M. Henzler, Elizabeth A. Hoaglund, and Brenda K. LeMay


Novel Larval Trapping Technique Indicates Importance of Rare Events Driving Connectivity of Geoduck Clams in Puget Sound, Washington, Bonnie Becker, Michael Behrens, Christine Henzler, Elizabeth Hoaglund, Yvonne Shevalier, Brenda Lemay, Shayla Staggers, and Jolene Brokenshire

On the Subdifferential Regularity of Max Root Functions for Polynomials, James V. Burke and Julie Eaton

Food, Consumption, and the Psychology of Cooking, Kima Cargill


Historical Background of Food Scholarship in Psychology and Major Theoretical Approaches in Use, Kima Cargill


In Childhood, Sarah A. Chavez


The Poem I Wouldn’t Write for You (After Larry Levis), Sarah A. Chavez


Watching the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly With My Dad, Sarah A. Chavez

Marketplace Substitution of Atlantic Salmon for Pacific Salmon in Washington State Detected by DNA Barcoding, Erica T. Cline


The Phytophthora Ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) Stream Monitoring Project, Erica T. Cline and Marianne Elliott


Using Phylogenetic Analysis to Detect Market Substitution of Atlantic Salmon for Pacific Salmon: an Introductory Biology Laboratory Experiment, Erica T. Cline and Jennifer Gogarten

Metal Stress and Decreased Tree Growth in Response to Biosolids Application in Greenhouse Seedlings and In Situ Douglas-Fir Stands, Erica T. Cline, Quyen T. N. Nguyen, Lucy Rollins, and James E. Gawel

The Four Dimensions of Gender, Jeffrey W. Cohen

Taking Stock: Exploring Trends in the Field of Men's Studies Through a Content Analysis of the American Men's Studies Association (AMSA) Annual Conference Programs (1993-2011), Jeffrey W. Cohen and Yiu-Tung Suen

Sun, Sand, and Citizenship: The Marketing of Gay Tourism, David R. Coon