All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2012

An Indian Child Welfare Perspective on Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Thomas L. Crofoot and Marian S. Harris

Ensuring Reliability in B2B Services: Fault Tolerant Inter-Organizational Workflows, Haluk Demirkan, Sagnika Sen, Michael Goul, and Jason Nichols


A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem, N. Dottling, R. Dowsley, J. Muller-Quade, and A. C. Nascimento

IND-CCA Secure Cryptography Based on a Variant of the LPN Problem, Nico Döttling, Jörn Müller-Quade, and Anderson C. Nascimento

Health Screening and Health Promotion Programs for the Elderly, Adam Drewnowski, Elaine Monsen, Diana Birkett, Susan Gunther, Susan Vendeland, Jeff Su, and Gillian Marshall

Introducing Embedded Indigenous Psychological Support Teams: A Suggested Addition to Psychological First Aid in an International Context, Amanda Edwards-Stewart, Zeba S. Ahmad, John W. Thoburn, Rich Furman, Ashly J. Lambert, Lauren Shelly, and Ginger Gunn

Re-Introducing the Frustration Into Status Frustration Theory, Janelle Eliasson-Nannini and Jorge Chavez


The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Multivariate Level Analysis, Janelle M. Eliasson-Nannini and Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers


Pastoral Misconduct: The American Black Church Examined, Janelle EliassonNannini and Anson Shupe


A Zeta Function for Juggling Sequences, Carten Elsner, Dominic Klyve, and Erik Tou


Asthma Management: An Ecosocial Framework for Disparity Research, Robin A. Evans-Agnew

Diffusive Exchange of Pahs Across the Air-Water interface of the Kaohsiung Harbor Lagoon, Taiwan, Meng-Der Fang, Chon-Lin Lee, Jheng-Jie Jiang, Fung-Chi Ko, and Joel E. Baker


Jail Pedagogy: Liberatory Education Inside a California Juvenile Detention Facility, Jerry Flores


Moments, Attachment and Formations of Selfhood: Dancing with Now, Kelly Forrest

Coming to Know Within 'Healthy Uncertainty': An Autoethnography of Engagement and Transformation in Undergraduate Education, Kelly A. Forrest, Kathy R. Judd, and Jodi R. Davison

Analytics, Nudges, and Learner Persistence, Jill Frankfort, Colleen Carmean, Kenneth N. Salim, and Tracey Haynie

The Physical and Mental Health of Lesbian, Gay Male, and Bisexual (LGB) Older Adults: The Role of Key Health Indicators and Risk and Protective Factors, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Charles A. Emlet, Hyun-Jun Kim, Anna Muraco, Elena A. Erosheva, Jayn Goldsen, and Charles P. Hoy-Ellis

A Poetry Group for Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: A Brief Report, Rich Furman


The Criminalization of Immigration: Value Conflicts for the Social Work Profession, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, Melody Loya, Susanna Jones, and Nalini Negi

Undocumented Latino immigrant men in the United States: Policy and practice considerations, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, and Nalini Junko Negi


Advancing Discussion of Federal Faith-Based Social Service Policies Through Overview and Application of Established Health Services Research Models, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, Michelle D. Garner, Karen Lee Montanaro, and Gwen Weber

Poetry Therapy, Men and Masculinities, Rich Furman and LeContÂŽ Dill


Poetry Matters: A Case for Poetry in Social Work Practice, Rich Furman, Michelle Enterline, Riki Thompson, and Allison Shukraft

Navigating Human Service Organizations: Essential Information for Thriving and Surviving in Agencies, Rich Furman and Margaret Gibelman

Men at Risk in a Global WorldÑChallenges for a Transnational Social Work, Rich Furman, Elke Kaufmann, and Alissa R. Ackerman

The Impossible Flaw of Nativism: The Need for Transnational Social Policy, Rich Furman and Michelle Sanchez

Implications of Modified Waterfall Model to the Roles and Education of Health IT Professionals, C. Gao and G. Hembroff

Tilt-Click: One-Handed Eyes-Free Numeric and Symbol Input for Calculator Applications, C. Gao, R. Pastel, and J. Tan

Project-Based Housing First for Chronically Homeless Individuals With Alcohol Problems: Within-Subjects Analyses of 2-Year Alcohol Trajectories, Michelle Garner

Crossing the Boundaries: The Need to Integrate School Leadership and Early Childhood Education, A. Göncü, C. Main, Tony Perone, and S. Tozer

Finding a Voice: Varda's Early Travelogues, Claudia Gorbman

Glass-Whispering, Claudia Gorbman

Maestro: Recent Work by Lino Tagliapietra, Claudia Gorbman

Musical Worlds of the Millennial Western: Dead Man and Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, Claudia Gorbman

“O Canto Amador”, Portuguese Translation of “Artless Singing”, Claudia Gorbman

Nonparticipation in a Population-Based Trial to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening, Beverly B. Green, Andy Bogart, Jessica Chubak, Sally W. Vernon, Leo S. Morales, Richard T. Meenan, Sharon S. Laing, Sharon Fuller, Cynthia Ko, and Ching-Yun Wang

A Novel Coding-Region RNA Element Modulates Infectious Dengue Virus Particle Production in Both Mammalian and Mosquito Cells and Regulates Viral Replication in Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes, Anna Maria Groat-Carmona, Susana Orozco, Peter Friebe, Anne Payne, Laura Kramer, and Eva Harris

Liberalism’s Leaky Legacy: Theory and the Narratives of Graduate Student Mothers, Sarah Hampson

Sustainable IT Services: Creating a Framework for Service Innovation, Robert R. Harmon and Haluk Demirkan

Roadmapping the Next Wave of Sustainable IT, Robert R. Harmon, Haluk Demirkan, and David Raffo

Registered Sex Offenders in the United States: Behind the Numbers, Andrew J. Harris, Jill S. Levenson, and Alissa R. Ackerman


Redefining Family: Transnational Girls Narrate Experiences of Parental Migration, Detention, and Deportation, Rachel M. Hershberg and M. Brinton Lykes


Participatory Action Research and Feminisms: Social Inequalities and Transformative Praxis, Sharlene N. Hesse-Biber, M. Brinton Lykes, and Rachel M. Hershberg

'I'm Ambivalent About It' the Dilemmas of PowerPoint, Andrea Hill, Tammi Arford, Amy Lubitow, and Leandra M. Smollin


Race and Labor in Memphis Since the King Assassination, Michael K. Honey


Women Smuggling and the Men Who Help Them: Gender, Corruption and Illicit Networks in Senegal, Cynthia Howson

Online Methods and Analyzing Knowledge-Production: A Cautionary Tale, Emily N. Ignacio

Racial Formations in Two Writing Assessments: Revisiting White and Thomas’ Findings on the English Placement Test After 30 Years, Asao Inoue


Racial Methodologies for Composition Studies: Reflecting on Theories of Race in Writing Assessment Research, Asao Inoue

Race and Writing Assessment, Asao Inoue and Mya Poe

Measuring Intention: Form and Penetration of Corporate Social Responsibility Principles in India’s Top 100 Corporations, Shalini Jain

High-Power, High-Efficiency CMOS Millimetre-Wave Oscillators, E. Juntunen, Debasis Dawn, J. Laskar, and J. Papapolymerou

Constructing the Dialogue of Civilizations in World Politics: A Case of Global Islamic Activism, Turan Kayaoglu


Review of "Sovereignty in Fragments: The Past, Present and Future of a Contested Concept," edited by H. Kalmo and Q. Skinner, Turan Kayaoglu

The Slippery Slope of Evaluation: Ethics & Methodological Challenges Using a Case Study of a Housing Development, JoDee Keller, Janice H. Laakso, Christine Stevens, and Cathy Tashiro

Prenatal HIV testing: the compartmentalization of women's sexual risk exposure and the return of the maternal fetal conflict, Kristin Kelly, Sarah Hampson, and Jamie Huff

Integrating simple stochastic fire spread model with the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System, M. C. Kennedy and D. McKenzie

Breaking the Silence: Teaching My Children to Talk About Race and Racism, JaeRan Kim


Cooking Lessons, JaeRan Kim


Some Children See Him: A Transracial Adoptee's View of Color-Blind Christianity, JaeRan Kim

One Size Never Fits All: Why Standardized Student Assessments Should Not Guide Curriculum and Instruction, Christopher B. Knaus

Teaching for Voice: Instructional Strategies for Empowering Youth, Christopher B. Knaus

Kinetics of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Partitioning to Marine Chrysophyte Isochrysis Galbana, Fung-Chi Ko, Joel E. Baker, and Kwee S. Tew


FCC Studies of the Television Marketplace under George W. Bush: Flawed Measurements and Invalid Conclusions, William M. Kunz

Children of Incarcerated Parents: How a Mentoring Program Can Make a Difference, Janice H. Laakso and Julie Nygaard


A Novel Two-Stage Nonrecursive Architecture for the Design of Generalized Comb Filters, Massimiliano Laddomada and Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek

Design of Multiplierless Linear-Phase Comb Corrector Filters for Multirate Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, D. E. Romero, and G. J. Dolecek


PS2-22: Exploring the Course of Psychological Distress and Perceived Health Status After Receiving a Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test Result, Sharon Laing, Andy Bogart, Beverly Green, and Jessica Chubak

Increasing Evidence-Based Workplace Health Promotion Best Practices in Small and Low-Wage Companies, Mason County, Washington, 2009, Sharon S. Laing, P A. Hannon, A Talburt, S Kimpe, B Williams, and J R. Harris


Victoria's Little Secret, Joe Lawless


A comparison of autonomous regulation and negative self-evaluative emotions as predictors of smoking behavior change among college students, Hyoung Suk Lee, Delwyn Catley, and Kari Jo Harris

Research in Hands-Free Control of Digital Photogrammetric 3D Measurements, E. Levin, Chunming Gao, and J. Carter


Cultivating Bias in the Media: Problematic Presentations and Future Prospects, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis

Towards Discovering What Patterns Trigger What Labels, Yu-Feng LI, JuHua Hu, Yuang Jiang, and Zhi-Hua Zhou


The Cloud Services Innovation Platform-Enabling Service-Based Environmental Modelling Using Infrastructure-As-A-Service Cloud Computing, W. Lloyd, O. David, James C. Ascough II, T. R. Green, J. R. Carlson, J. Lyon, and K. W. Rojas


Performance Modeling to Support Multi-Tier Application Deployment to Infrastructure-As-A-Service Clouds, Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Jim Lyon, Mazdak Arabi, and Ken Rojas


Integrating External Biological Knowledge in the Construction of Regulatory Networks From Time-Series Expression Data, Kenneth Lo, Adrian E. Raftery, Kenneth M. Dombek, Jun Zhu, Ka Yee Yeung, Eric E. Schadt, and Roger E. Bumgarner

Across Crimes, Criminals, and Contexts: Traps Along the Troubled Path Towards a General Theory of Crime, Eric Madfis


Aging: Social and Cultural Perspectives, Gillian L. Marshall

Perceived Discrimination and Social Networks Among Older African Americans and Caribbean Blacks, Gillian L. Marshall and Tessa C. Rue


Power laws reveal phase transitions in landscape controls of fire regimes, Donald McKenzie and Maureen C. Kennedy

‘Laughter and Tears are Pretty Much the Same Thing’: Humor as Resistance in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Danica Miller


The Body of This, JM Miller

Identity Politics: the Mixed-race American Indian Experience, Michelle Montgomery


The Native Comic Book Project: native youth making comics and healthy decisions, Michelle Montgomery, Brenda Manuelito, Carrie Nass, Tami Chock, and Dedra Buchwald


Responsible Research Partnerships with Indigenous Communities, Michelle Montgomery and J Sharpe

"Sexual Hyenas" and Programs for At-risk Youth: Structural Opportunities for Abuse, Ellen E. Moore

I Centri Sociali Italiani: Verso Tre Decadi Di Occupazioni E Di Spazi Autogestiti, Pierpaolo Mudu


The Dynamics of Public Opinion on Cultural Policy Issues in the U.S., 1972-2010, Kenneth Mulligan, J. Tobin Grant, and Daniel Bennett


Sisters’ Retiring Room From the North Family Dwelling, Mount Lebanon, New York, Ca. 1845, Julie Nicoletta

How Accessible are the Voice-Guided Automatic Teller Machines for the Visually Impaired?, Sushil K. Oswal

Analysis of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites and Melengestrol in Environmental Matrices Using Gas Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry, Jed A. Parker, Jackson P. Webster, Stephanie C. Kover, and Edward P. Kolodziej

A W-Band CMOS PA Encapsulated in an Organic Flip-Chip Package, Chad E. Patterson, Debasis Dawn, and John Papapolymerou

Social Networks Should Not Be Banned at Libraries and Schools, Lauren Pressley

Fuel treatment effects on tree mortality following wildfire in dry mixed conifer forests, Washington State, USA, Susan J. Prichard and Maureen C. Kennedy

Phototransformation Rates and Mechanisms for Synthetic Hormone Growth Promoters Used in Animal Agriculture, Shen Qu, Edward P. Kolodziej, and David M. Cwiertny

Designing and Evaluating the Mobile Experience Through Iterative Field Studies, Robert Racadio, Emma J. Rose, and Suzanne Boyd

Fast Inference for the Latent Space Network Model Using a Case-Control Approximate Likelihood, Adrian E. Raftery, Xiaoyue Niu, Peter D. Hoff, and Ka Yee Yeung

Interactive Mapping Tools on the Geoweb, Britta A. Ricker

Bail and Sentencing : Does Pretrial Detention Lead to Harsher Punishment?, Meghan Sacks and Alissa R. Ackerman