All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2014


Post-glacial sea-level change along the Pacific coast of North America, Dan H. Shugar, Ian J. Walker, Olav B. Lian, Jordan BR Eamer, Christina Neudorf, Duncan McLaren, and Daryl Fedje


Complexity in Picture Books, Jarek Sierschynski, Belinda Louie, and Bronwyn Pughe


Institutional Complexity and the Authenticity of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives, Paul F. Skilton and Jill M. Purdy

Text Messaging, Huatong Sun

Binding the Material and the Discursive with a Relational Approach of Affordances, Huatong Sun and William F. Hart-Davidson


Living on Fumes: Digital Footprints, Data Fumes, and the Limitations of Spatial Big Data, Jim Thatcher

Information-Theoretically Secure Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation in the Commodity-Based Model, Rafael Tonicelli, Anderson C. Nascimento, Rafael Dowsley, Jörn Müller-Quade, Hideki Imai, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Akira Otsuka


Measuring the Accuracy of an Ancient Area Formula, Erik Tou

DO THE MATH!: Juggling With Numbers, Erik R. Tou


Using Wikipedia in Sociology Courses: the Faculty Perspective, Darcie Vandegrift and Natalie Jolly

White Supremacist Stigma Management and Legitimation via Anti-Immigration Activism: The Case of the Keystone State Skinheads, Stanislav Vysotsky and Eric Madfis


Cyberinfrastructure for Scalable Access to Stream Flow Analysis, Tyler Wible, Wes Lloyd, Olaf David, and Mazdak Arabi

Outcomes of the Evidence-Based Pitocin Administration Checklist at a Tertiary-Level Hospital, Danuta M. Wojnar, Karen Cowgill, Lindsay Hoffman, and Hannah Carlson

Bayesian Model Averaging Methods and R Package for Gene Network Construction, Ka Yee Yeung, Chris Fraley, Chad Young, Roger Bumgarner, and Adrian E. Raftery


Social Workers' Perspectives on Effective Practice in Criminal Justice Settings, Diane S. Young


Fast Bayesian Inference for Gene Regulatory Networks Using ScanBMA, William Chad Young, Adrian E. Raftery, and Ka Yee Yeung

The Electronic Trauma Health Record: Design and Usability of a Novel Tablet-Based Tool for Trauma Care and Injury Surveillance in Low Resource Settings, Eiman Zargaran, Nadine Schuurman, Andrew J. Nicol, Richard Matzopoulos, Jonathan Cinnamon, Tracey Taulu, Britta Ricker, David Ross Garbutt Brown, Pradeep Navsaria, and S. Morad Hameed

Submissions from 2013


An Analysis of Latino Male Immigrant Sex Offenders in Florida: The Impact of National Solutions on a Transnational Problem, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman

The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of the immigration detention: implications for justice, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman

The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman

The Experiences of Registered Sex Offenders With Internet Offender Registries in Three States, Alissa R. Ackerman, Meghan Sacks, and Lindsay N. Osier

Global Migration and the Racial Project in Transition: Institutionalizing Racial Difference Through the Discourse of Multiculturalism in South Korea, Ji-Hyun Ahn

The Application of Relational Cultural Theory to Mentoring of Feminist Academics, Ann Rosegrant Alvarez and Marceline M. Lazzari

Infant Feeding Buddies: A Strategy to Support Safe Infant Feeding for HIV-positive Mothers, Jennifer Andreson, Nobanzi Dana, Barbara Hepfer, Eugenia King'ori, Jecinter Oketch, Danuta Wojnar, Karen Cowgill, and Kiersten Israel-Ballard


Assessing the War on Terror, Mohammed Ayoob and Etga Ugur


Henry James, Impressionism, and The Public by Daniel Hannah, Ellen Bayer


In the Vermicular, Ellen Bayer

Person–Environment Interactions Among Residents of Oxford Houses, Christopher Beasley, Leonard A. Jason, Steven A. Miller, Ed Stevens, and Joseph R. Ferrari

Slicing and Dicing the Digital Preservation and Dissemination of Land Grant Research: A Survey of and Model for Digital Collections of Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Publications, Devin Becker and Kathleen Monks


Diversity Perspectives and Minority Nonprofit Board Member Inclusion, Ruth Sessler Bernstein and Diana Bilimoria


Knowing Self, Knowing Other: Aesthetics in the Grass Is Singing, Linda Nicole Blair


The Return: A Native Environmental Health Story, Janice Brendible, Kelly Edwards, Amber Forslund, Rose James, Adib Jamshedi, Regina Wilson Johny, Mary Teri Kennedy, Michelle Montgomery, Amy Paul, Nicholas Salazar, Valerie Segrest, Jon Sharpe, and Buffy Towle


Having the Last Word: Human Rights Reporting (Re)Imagined Through Critical Qualitative Methodology, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Potential Trends in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Drug Use on a College Campus: Wastewater Analysis of Amphetamine and Ritalinic Acid, Daniel A. Burgard, Rick Fuller, Brian Becker, Rebecca Ferrell, and M. J. Dinglasan-Panlilio

Mobility, Connection, Support: Nudging Learners to Better Results, Colleen Carmean and Jill Frankfort


Ecological Models Of Sexual Violence Prevention, Erin A. Casey


Ecological Theories Of Sexual Violence, Erin A. Casey


Context, Challenges, And Tensions In Global Efforts To Engage Men In The Prevention Of Violence Against Women: An Ecological Analysis, Erin A. Casey, Juliana Carlson, Cathlyn Fraguela-Rios, Ericka Kimball, Tova B. Neugut, Richard M. Tolman, and Jeffrey L. Edleson


Acquaintance Sexual Assault And Sexual Harassment Treatment And Prevention Among Teens, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius


A Year of Dreams, Sarah A. Chavez


Cheers to the Dead, Sarah A. Chavez


Dancing, Sarah A. Chavez

Dear Carole, It’s Dia De Los Muerte, Sarah A. Chavez


Full Again, Sarah A. Chavez

Tag, Sarah A. Chavez


Viscosity, Sarah A. Chavez

When Dana Was About to Be Raped, Sarah A. Chavez

Uptake and Positive Predictive Value of Fecal Occult Blood Tests: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Jessica Chubak, Andy Bogart, Sharon Fuller, Sharon S. Laing, and Beverly B. Green


Risk Factors for Severe Cholera Among Children Under Five in Rural and Urban Bangladesh, 2000-2008: A Hospital-Based Surveillance Study, Danny V. Colombara, Karen D. Cowgill, and Abu S. Faruque


Look Closer: Suburban Narratives and American Values in Film and Television, David Coon


Weathering a Recession With the Real Housewives, David R. Coon

From Consumers To Citizens: Student-Directed Goal Setting and Assessment, David R. Coon and Ingrid Walker


From Consumers to Citizens: Student-Directed Goal Setting and Assessment, David R. Coon and Ingrid Walker

A Software Engineering Perspective on Environmental Modeling Framework Design: The Object Modeling System, O. David, J. C. Ascough II, W. Lloyd, T. R. Green, K. W. Rojas, G. H. Leavesley, and L. R. Ahuja

Millimeter-Wave CMOS Switching Power Amplifiers, Debasis Dawn

Data, Information and Analytics as Services, Dursun Delen and Haluk Demirkan

Leveraging the Capabilities of Service-Oriented Decision Support Systems: Putting Analytics and Big Data in Cloud, Haluk Demirkan and Dursun Delen

Analytical, Computational and Conceptual Modeling in Service Science and Systems, Haluk Demirkan and Daniel Dolk

Taking Value-Networks to the Cloud Services: Security Services, Semantics and Service Level Agreements, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul


Incorporating a Service Learning Project in Upper Division Environmental Chemistry Course – Partnership With a Local Middle School, Mary Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, D. Chang, and L. Wetzstein

On the Composability of Statistically Secure Bit Commitments, Rafael Dowsley, Jeroen van Graaf, Jörn Müller-Quade, and Anderson C. Nascimento

Status Frustration Theory and In-School Peer Networks: An Examination of Delinquency Trajectories, Janelle Eliasson-Nannini and Jorge Chavez

A Zeta Function for Juggling Sequences, Carten Elsner, Dominic Klyve, and Erik Tou

Protective and Risk Factors Associated With Stigma in a Population of Older Adults Living With HIV in Ontario, Canada, Charles A. Emlet, David J. Brennan, Sarah Brennenstuhl, Sergio Rueda, Trevor A. Hart, and Sean B. Rourke


Expanding Students' Involvement in Proof Problems: Are Geometry Teachers Willing to Depart From the Norm?, Ander Erickson


How Preservice Teachers Respond to Representations of Practice: A Comparison of Animations and Video, Ander Erickson

Gaining Staff Support for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: A Guide for Teams, Laura L. Feuerborn, Caroline Wallace, and Ashli D. Tyre


Research for Effective Social Work Practice: New Directions in Social Work, Jerry Finn and Judy L. Krysik

Patent law, TRIPS, and economic growth: evidence from China, Belton M. Fleisher, William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi Zhou

Patent Law, TRIPS, and Economic Growth: Evidence from China, Belton M. Fleisher, William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi Zhou

The Paucity of Social Workers Prepared to Work With Latino Populations, Rich Furman, Melody Aye Loya, Susanna Jones, and Russell Hugo

An Experimental Study of a New Channel for Data Input on Small Mobile Devices, Chunming Gao, Robert Pastel, and Jindong Tan


Jim Gawel Interview, James E. Gawel

Play, A. Göncü, Tony Perone, and S Ryan


The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics, Claudia Gorbman


Short and Long Term Energy Storage for Enhanced Resilience of Electric Infrastructures Storage of Compressed Hydrogen and Oxygen Gasses Derived From Electrolysis to Provide Grid Connected Mechanical and Electrochemical Electrical Power Generation on Demand, DC Grant


African American Families in Kinship Care, Marian S. Harris


African American Perspectives: Family Dynamics, Health Care Issues and the Role of Ethnic Identity, Marian S. Harris

CloudHealth: Developing a Reliable Cloud Platform for Healthcare Applications, E. Hendrick, B. Schooley, and Chunming Gao


Boundaryless Careers, Andrea Hill

Sharecropper’s Troubadour: John L. Handcox, the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union, and the African American Song Tradition (Palgrave Studies in Oral History), Michael Honey


Introductory Essay, Michael K. Honey

Interspecific Variation in the Distribution of Ungulates Relative to Human Infrastructure Surrounding Amboseli National Park, Marian Howe, Moses M. Okello, and Jeremy M. Davis

Adverse Incorporation and Microfinance Among Cross-Border Traders in Senegal, Cynthia Howson

Assessing forest vegetation and fire simulation model performance after the Cold Springs wildfire, Washington USA, Susan Hummel, Maureen C. Kennedy, and E. Ashley Steel

Gain Limits of Phase Compensated Conformal Antenna Arrays on Non-Conducting Spherical Surfaces Using the Projection Method, Bilal Ijaz, Alarka Sanyal, Alfonso Mendoza-Radal, Sayan Roy, Irfan Ullah, Michael T. Reich, Debasis Dawn, Benjamin D. Braaten, Neil F. Chamberlain, and Dimitris E. Anagnostou

Question Generation for Learner Centered Learning, N. Iwane, C. Gao, and M. Yoshida

A Method for Knowledge Acquisition From Handwritten Mark on Digital Text, N. Iwane, C. Gao, and Makoto Yoshida


At the Intersections: Race, Gender and Violence, Nikki Jones and Jerry Flores


A Rights Agenda for the Muslim World? The Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Evolving Human Rights Framework, Turan Kayaoglu

Service-Oriented Methodology for Systems Development, Mark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul


Ethnically Diverse HOPE VI Redevelopments: A Community Case Study From the Pacific Northwest, JoDee Keller, Janice H. Laakso, Christine Stevens, and Cathy Tashiro

Integrating fire with hydrological projections: model evaluation to identify uncertainties and tradeoffs in model complexity, Maureen C. Kennedy and D. McKenzie

Virtual Boundaries: Ethical Considerations for Use of Social Media in Social Work, Ericka Kimball and JaeRan Kim

Developing Urban Youth Voice: A Framework for Culturally Responsive Classrooms, Christopher B. Knaus

You Are the Ones Who Need to Hear Us: The Role of Youth Voice in a Democracy, Christopher B. Knaus

Identification and Environmental Implications of Photo-Transformation Products of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites, Edward P. Kolodziej, Shen Qu, Kristy L. Forsgren, Sarah A. Long, James B. Gloer, Gerrad D. Jones, Daniel Schlenk, Jonas Baltrusaitis, and David M. Cwiertny

Flawed Policy Assumptions and HOPE VI, Janice H. Laakso


An Improved Class of Multiplierless Decimation Filters: Analysis and Design, Massimiliano Laddomada and G. Jovanovic Dolecek

Efficient Design of Two-Stage Comb-Based Decimation Filters Using Chebyshev Sharpening, Massimiliano Laddomada, D. E. Romero, and G. J. Dolecek