All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2015

Public-Key Encryption Schemes With Bounded CCA Security and Optimal Ciphertext Length Based on the CDH and HDH Assumptions, Mayana Pereira, Rafael Dowsley, Anderson C. Nascimento, and Goichiro Hanaoka

Improving water content description of ice-rich permafrost soils, M. R. Phillips, C. R. Burn, S. A. Wolfe, P. D. Morse, A. J. Gaanderse, H. B. O'Neill, Dan H. Shugar, and S. Gruber

Mexican-American Caregivers' Perceptions About Asthma Management: A Photovoice Study, Julie Marie Postma, Robin Evans-Agnew, and Jared Capouya

Making Sense of Methods and Measurements: Helpful Resources for Research Methods and Data Analysis, Susan Prion and Katie A. Adamson

What Does It Mean to Be Mexican American? Children’s and Adolescents’ Perspectives., Alyssa Ramírez Stege, T.A. Chavez, and S.M. Quintana

Risk of Suicide Among US Military Service Members Following Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom Deployment and Separation From the US Military, Mark A. Reger, Derek J. Smolenski, Nancy A. Skopp, Melinda J. Metzger-Abamukang, Han K. Kang, Tim A. Bullman, Sondra Perdue, and Gregory A. Gahm


Introduction, John Richardson, Claudia Gorbman, and Carol Vernallis

UX as Disruption: Managing Team Conflict as a Productive Resource, Emma J. Rose and Josh Tenenberg


Balancing Work & Family Responsibilities: A Guidebook for Parent Support Providers, Julie M. Rosenzweig, Anna M. Malsch, Eileen M. Brennan, Claudia Sellmaier, Kathryn L. Mills, and Lisa M. Stewart


Evaluating Eyewitness Testimony of Adults, Stephen J. Ross, Colin G. Tredoux, and Roy S. Malpass

A High-Power and High-Efficiency CMOS VCO, Palash Roy and Debasis Dawn

A High-Power and High-Efficiency CMOS VCO for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) System, Palash Roy and Debasis Dawn

Book Review: In Our Hands: The Struggle for U.S. Child Care Policy, Claudia Sellmaier


Barack Obama’s Victory and the New Black Voter, Evelyn M. Simien and Sarah Cote Hampson


One of Our Own: Hillary Clinton and the Voters Who Support Her, Evelyn M. Simien and Sarah Cote Hampson

ÒBrothers Under the BridgeÓ Factors Influencing the Transience of Registered Sex Offenders in Florida, Kelly M. Socia, Jill S. Levenson, Alissa R. Ackerman, and Andrew J. Harris

Social Value: A Service Science Perspective, Jim Spohrer, Haluk Demirkan, and Kelly Lyons

Efficacy Of Bystander Programs To Prevent Dating Abuse Among Youth And Young Adults A Review Of The Literature, Heather L. Storer, Erin A. Casey, and Todd Herrenkohl


For God and Country: Butler's 1944 Education Act, Elizabeth Libi Sundermann

Operationalizing culture with design cards: Translating critical knowledge into provocative insights, Huatong Sun


An Exploratory Study of Confidence in Policing in India, John R. Tahiliani and Jeffrey W. Cohen

UX as Disruption: Managing Team Conflict as a Productive Resource, Josh Tenenberg and Emma J. Rose

Mobile Geospatial Search and the Limits of Knowledge: Linking Application Design and Use in Time and Space, Jim Thatcher

Clinical Experiences With Clients Who Are Low-Income: Mental Health Practitioners’ Perspectives, Mindi N. Thompson, Rachel S. Nitzarim, Odessa D. Cole, Nickholas D. Frost, Alyssa Ramírez Stege, and Pa Tou Vue


Restorative Justice: Rebuilding the Web of Relationships; Drawing/Diagramming RJ Values; Circles in Response to Drug Offenses: Race, Economics and Social Injustice; Facing Victims (And/Or Offenders); And Designing Restorative Justice Space., Barb Toews


Juggling With Numbers, Erik Tou

Challenges, Changes, and Impact of the Council on Social Work Education Women's Council: An Update, Leslie E. Tower, Marceline M. Lazzari, Anna C. Faul, and Ann Rosegrant Alvarez

Psychosocial Mechanisms for the Transmission of Somatic Symptoms From Parents to Children, Miranda A. Van Tilburg, Rona L. Levy, Lynn S. Walker, Michael Von Korff, Lauren D. Feld, Michelle Garner, Andrew D. Feld, and William E. Whitehead


Coming Out Of The Psychedelic Closet, Ingrid Walker

Long-Term Functionality of Rural Water Services in Developing Countries: A System Dynamics Approach to Understanding the Dynamic Interaction of Factors, Jeffrey Walters and Amy N. Javernick-Will

Management of rural water services in Nicaragua: a systemic network approach to evaluating stakeholder alignment, Jeffrey Walters and Amy N. Javernick-Will


Investigating the Benefits of Group Model Building Using System Dynamics for EngineersWithout Borders Students, Jeffrey Walters and Kaitlin Litchfield

Developmental Trajectories of Youth Character: A Five-Wave Longitudinal Study of Cub Scouts and Non-Scout Boys, Jun Wang, Kaitlyn A. Ferris, Rachel M. Hershberg, and Richard M. Lerner

Character in childhood and early adolescence: models and measurement, Jun Wang, Lacey J. Hilliard, Rachel M. Hershberg, Edmond P. Bowers, Paul A. Chase, Robey B. Champine, Mary H. Buckingham, Dylan A. Braun, and Erin S. Gelgoot


Coupled Reversion and Stream-Hyporheic Exchange Processes Increase Environmental Persistence of Trenbolone Metabolites, Adam S. Ward, David M. Cwiertny, Edward P. Kolodziej, and Colleen C. Brehm


Straight Outta Intersectionality: A Review of “Straight Outta Compton” From My Six Selves, M. Billye Sankofa Waters


Lived Challenges to Ethical Social Work Practice in Criminal Justice Settings, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2014

Profit Over Pragmatism: Privatizing Immigration Detention Centers, Alissa R. Ackerman, Rich Furman, Britt Judy, and Jeffrey Cohen


The New Penology Revisited: The Criminalization of Immigration as a Pacification Strategy, Alissa R. Ackerman, Meghan Sacks, and Rich Furman

Rearticulating Black Mixed-Race in the Era of Globalization, Ji-Hyun Ahn

Animal Abuse as a Warning Sign of School Massacres a Critique and Refinement, Arnold Arluke and Eric Madfis

Computing Fuzzy Rough Approximations in Large Scale Information Systems, Hasan Asfoor, Rajagopalan Srinivasan, Gayathri Vasudevan, Nele Verbiest, Chris Cornells, Matthew Tolentino, Ankur Teredesai, and Martine De Cock

Older Adults' Current and Potential Uses of Information Technologies in a Changing World: A Theoretical Perspective, Uba Backonja, Amanda K. Hall, and Stephen Thielke

Young Women's Reasons to Seek Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Uba Backonja, Heather R. Royer, and Diane R. Lauver

International Datasets in Education, Katherine E. Baird

National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), Katherine E. Baird

Tragedy of the Commons, Katherine E. Baird


Factores Asociados Al Logro Académico en Paraguay: Un Análisis Multinivel, Katherine E. Baird and Rodolfo Elias


Advocacy and Social Justice, Christopher Beasley, Jason L.A., and Hunter B.A.

Attitudes and Stereotypes Regarding Older Women and HIV Risk, Richard Beaulaurier, Karen Fortuna, Danielle Lind, and Charles A. Emlet

What Do Human Rights Lawyers Do? Examining Practice and Expertise in the Field, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Guest Editorial: What's So Big About Big Data? Finding the Spaces and Perils of Big Data, Ryan Burns and Jim Thatcher


The Influence of Board Diversity, Board Diversity Policies and Practices, and Board Inclusion Behaviors on Nonprofit Governance Practices, Kathleen Buse, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, and Diana Bilimoria

Community/Public Health Nursing: Is There a Future for the Specialty?, Mary K. Canales and Denise J. Drevdahl


Data Provisioning for the Object Modeling System (OMS), Jack R. Carlson, Olaf David, Wes J. Lloyd, George H. Leavesley, Ken W. Rojas, Timothy R. Green, Mazdak Arabi, Lucas Yaege, and Hom Kipka


The Power of the Personal: Discovering the M in M-Learning, Colleen Carmean, Jill Frankfort, and Kenneth N. Salim

Conjecture, Tension, and Online Learning, Colleen Carmean and Debra Friedman


Just-In-Time Technology: Improving Retention and Success of “New Traditionals”, Colleen Carmean and Darcy Janzen

Evaluation of a Non-Destructive Sampling Method and a Statistical Model for Predicting Fruit Load on Individual Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Trees, Sebastian Castro-Tanzi, Manuel Flores, Nathan Wanner, Thomas V. Dietsch, John E. Banks, Natalia Ureña-Retana, and Mark Chandler

Integrated Assessment of Runoff From Livestock Farming Operations: Analytical Chemistry, in Vitro Bioassays, and in Vivo Fish Exposures, Jenna E. Cavallin, Elizabeth J. Durhan, Nicola Evans, Kathleen M. Jensen, Michael D. Kahl, Dana W. Kolpin, Edward P. Kolodziej, William T. Foreman, and Carlie A. LaLone


Civil Unions, Ed Chamberlain


Domestic Masculinity, Ed Chamberlain


Queer Hybridity and Performance in the Multimedia Texts of Arroyo and Lozada, Ed Chamberlain


Spectacles of Otherness, Sexuality, and Space in Guillermo Reyes’s Madre and I: A Memoir of Our Immigrant Lives, Ed Chamberlain

All Day, Talking, Sarah Chavez

Dear Carole, for Hours It’s Been Burning, Sarah Chavez


Working Class Poetry, Sarah Chavez

Looking on Marvin Cone’s Painting Attic Door No. 2, Sarah A. Chavez


My Mother Teaches Me to Change a Flat, Sarah A. Chavez


Review of Queen of the Platform by Laura Madeline Wiseman, Sarah A. Chavez

The Mexican American Parade, Sarah A. Chavez


This, Like So Much, Sarah A. Chavez


Constructivism, David Coghlan, Mary Brydon-Miller, and Rachel M. Hershberg


Human Rights, David Coghlan, Mary Brydon-Miller, and Rachel M. Hershberg


Confronting School Bullying: Kids, Culture, and the Making of a Social Problem, Jeffrey Cohen and Robert A. Brooks


Gender and Crime: Addressing Threats to Construct Validity in the Criminological Research, Jeffrey W. Cohen, David R. Champion, and Randy Martin


Risk Factors for Diarrhea Hospitalization in Bangladesh, 2000-2008: A Case-Case Study of Cholera and Shigellosis, Danny V. Colombara, Abu SG Faruque, Karen D. Cowgill, and Jonathan D. Mayer

Meditation, Trauma and Suffering in Silence: Raising Questions about How Meditation is Taught and Practiced in Western Contexts in the Light of a Contemporary Trauma Resiliency Model, Jane Compson

Environmental Designer Drugs: When Transformation May Not Eliminate Risk, David M. Cwiertny, Shane A. Snyder, Daniel Schlenk, and Edward P. Kolodziej


Designing an If-Then Rules Based Ensemble of Heterogeneous Bankruptcy Classifiers: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, Sergio Davalos, Fei Leng, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Zhiyan Cao

When Rachmaninoff Played Tacoma: Music at the Tacoma Theater, Kim Davenport


Model-As-A-Service (MaaS) Using the Cloud Services Innovation Platform (CSIP), O. David, W. Lloyd, K. Rojas, M. Arabi, F. Geter, James C. Ascough II, T. Green, G. Leavesley, and J. Carlson


Service Research and Innovation, Joseph G. Davis, Haluk Demirkan, and Hamid R. Motahari-Nezhad

Service Research and Innovation: Emerging Developments, Joseph G. Davis, Haluk Demirkan, and Hamid R. Motahari-Nezhad

Sex Differences and Eating Disorder Risk Among Psychiatric Conditions, Compulsive Behaviors and Substance Use in a Screened Canadian National Sample, Karen M. Davison, Gillian L. Marshall-Fabien, and Lovedeep Gondara

60GHz CMOS Transmitter Front-End With Built-In Temperature Sensor, Debasis Dawn

Millimeter-Wave CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Development and Its Potential Applications, Debasis Dawn

Developing a Framework to Improve Virtual Shopping in Digital Malls With Intelligent Self-Service Systems, Haluk Demirkan and Jim Spohrer


Taylorism 2.0: Gamification, Scientific Management and the Capitalist Appropriation of Play, Jennifer deWinter, Carly A. Kocurek, and Randall Nichols

The Spaces That Smart Growth Makes: Sustainability, Segregation, and Residential Change Across Greater Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter

Perfluorinated Compounds in the Surface Waters of Puget Sound, Washington and Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds, British Columbia, Mary Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, Shristi S. Prakash, and Joel E. Baker

Within-Individual Differences in Offending From Adolescence to Young Adulthood: A Modified Theoretical Approach to Understanding Academic Achievement and Delinquency, Janelle Eliasson-Nannini and Jorge Chavez

Current Knowledge and Future Directions on Aging and HIV Research, Charles A. Emlet

Expert Advice, Robin Evans-Agnew

Critical Research Methodologies and Social Justice Issues: A Methodological Example Using Photovoice, Robin Evans-Agnew, Marie-Anne Sanon, and Doris M. Boutain

Intangible Capital, Innovation, and Growth in China, Belton M. Fleisher, William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi Zhou


Physical and Mental Health of Transgender Older Adults: An At-Risk and Underserved Population, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Loree Cook-Daniels, Hyun-Jun Kim, Elena A. Erosheva, Charles A. Emlet, Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, Jayn Goldsen, and Anna Muraco

Creating a Vision for the Future: Key Competencies and Strategies for Culturally Competent Practice With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults in the Health and Human Services, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, Jayn Goldsen, Charles A. Emlet, and Nancy R. Hooyman

Successful Aging Among LGBT Older Adults: Physical and Mental Health-Related Quality of Life by Age Group, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, Chengshi Shiu, Jayn Goldsen, and Charles A. Emlet

Beyond the Literary Uses of Poetry: A Class for University Freshmen, Rich Furman