All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2016

A Variable Gain CMOS Phase Shifter for Phased Array Antenna Applications, Dipankar Mitra, Palash Roy, and Debasis Dawn

A Variable High Gain and High Dynamic Range CMOS Phase Shifter for Phased Array Beamforming Applications, Dipankar Mitra, Palash Roy, and Debasis Dawn

Not Only Riflusso: The Repression and Transformation of Radical Movements in Italy Between 1978 and 1985, Pierpaolo Mudu

Il Cammino Tortuoso Per “Mettere in Comune”. Le Occupazioni Come Una Pratica Di Definizione Dei Diritti, Pierpaolo Mudu and Andrea Aureli


Using Causal Loop Diagramming to Explore the Drivers of the Sustained Functionality of Rural Water Services in Timor-Leste, Kate Neely and Jeffrey Walters


MOOCs in the Global Context, Sushil K. Oswal

Emerging Digital Frontiers for Service Innovation, Christoph Peters, Paul Maglio, Ralph Badinelli, Robert Harmon, Roger Maull, James Spohrer, Tuure Tuunanen, Stephen Vargo, Jeffrey Welser, Haluk Demirkan, Terri Griffith, and Yassi Moghaddam

Closing the Gap: Supporting Patients' Transition to Self-Management After Hospitalization, Ari H. Pollack, Uba Backonja, Andrew D. Miller, Sonali R. Mishra, Maher Khelifi, Logan Kendall, and Wanda Pratt

The Role of Power in Collaborative Governance, Jill M. Purdy

Best Practices for Teaching Accessibility in University Classrooms: Cultivating Awareness, Understanding, and Appreciation for Diverse Users, C. Putnam, M. Dahman, E. Rose, J. Cheng, and G. Bradford

I Too Am Black: Bi/Multiracial Black Youth Speak About Their Racialized Experiences., Alyssa Ramírez Stege, S.M. Quintana, and S. Lambe Sarinana

Biomedical Informatics Advancing the National Health Agenda: The AMIA 2015 Year-In-Review in Clinical and Consumer Informatics, Kirk Roberts, Mary Regina Boland, Lisiane Pruinelli, Jina Dcruz, Andrew Berry, Mattias Georgsson, Rebecca Hazen, Raymond F. Sarmiento, and Uba Backonja

Design as Advocacy: Using a Human- Centered Approach to Investigate the Needs of Vulnerable Populations, Emma J. Rose

Emphasizing Brand Heritage: Does It Work? And How?, G.M. Rose, A. Merchant, U.R. Orth, and F. Horstmann

Comparing Legal Attitudes of Anglo- And Latino-Americans: Confirming the Factor Structure of the Legal Attitudes Questionnaire, S.J. Ross and O.F. Morera

Discourse/s In/Of CSCW, W.-M. Roth, J. Tenenberg, and D. Socha

A Single-Chip CMOS Transmitter for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) System, Palash Roy and Debasis Dawn


Inside the Video Game Industry: Game Developers Talk About the Business of Play, Judd Ruggill, Ken McAllister, Randy Nichols, and Ryan Kaufman

Sexual and Physical Abuse and Gynecologic Disorders, K. C. Schliep, Sunni L. Mumford, Erica B. Johnstone, C. Matthew Peterson, Howard T. Sharp, Joseph B. Stanford, Zhen Chen, Uba Backonja, and Maeve E. Wallace

Consequences of Consumer Animosity: A Meta-Analytic Integration, A. Shoham, Y. Gavish, and G.M. Rose


Reflecting on Reflections: Using Video in Learning Reflection to Enhance Authenticity, Jarek Sierschynski, Emma J. Rose, and Elin Björling


Reflecting on Reflections: Using Video in Learning Reflection to Enhance Authenticity, Jarek Sierschynski, Emma J. Rose, and Elin Björling


Identifying Relevant Socio-Theoretic Foundations for Supporting Multi-Issue IT Cloudsourcing Negotiations, D. S. Soper, H. Demirkan, and M. Goul

Primary Prevention Is? A Global Perspective On How Organizations Engaging Men In Preventing Gender-Based Violence Conceptualize And Operationalize Their Work, Heather L. Storer, Erin A. Casey, Juliana Carlson, Jeffrey L. Edleson, and Richard M. Tolman

From I-Awareness to We-Awareness in CSCW, J. Tenenberg, W.-M. Roth, and D. Socha

Seeing Design Stances, J. Tenenberg, D. Socha, and W.-M. Roth


The Object of Mobile Spatial Data, the Subject in Mobile Spatial Research, Jim Thatcher


Searching for Common Ground (Again), Jim Thatcher, Luke Bergmann, and David O'Sullivan

Revisiting Critical GIS, Jim Thatcher, Luke Bergmann, Britta Ricker, Reuben Rose-Redwood, David O'Sullivan, Trevor J. Barnes, Luke R. Barnesmoore, Laura Beltz Imaoka, Ryan Burns, Jonathan Cinnamon, Craig M. Dalton, Clinton Davis, Stuart Dunn, Francis Harvey, Jin-Kyu Jung, Ellen Kersten, LaDona Knigge, Nick Lally, Wen Lin, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Martin, Will Payne, Amir Sheikh, Taylor Shelton, Eric Sheppard, Chris W. Strother, Alexander Tarr, Matthew W. Wilson, and Jason C. Young

Provenance and Possibility, Thoughts Towards a Scheme for Urban Data, Jim Thatcher and Craig M. Dalton

Data Colonialism Through Accumulation by Dispossession: New Metaphors for Daily Data, Jim Thatcher, David O’Sullivan, and Dillon Mahmoudi

Introduction to Social Media and Location Minitrack, J. Thatcher and B. Ricker

Practice Variation as a Mechanism for Influencing Institutional Complexity: Local Experiments in Funding Social Impact Businesses, Tracy A. Thompson and Jill M. Purdy

Hardship Among Older Adults in the HRS: Exploring Measurement Differences Across Socio-Demographic Characteristics, R. D. Tucker-Seeley, Gillian Marshall, and F. Yang

Data Lakes: The Biggest Big Data Challenges, Prashant Tyagi and Haluk Demirkan


Creativity as a Practice of Freedom: Imaginative Play, Moral Imagination, and the Production of Culture, Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur, Tony Perone, and Natalia Panina-Beard

Uniting the Right: Anti-Immigration, Organizing, and the Legitimation of Extreme Racist Organizations, Stanislav Vysotsky and Eric Madfis


Intoxication and US Culture: An Interview With Craig Reinarman, Ingrid Walker

Exploring the use of social network analysis to inform exit strategies for rural water and sanitation NGOs, Jeffrey Walters


Exploring agricultural production systems and their fundamentalcomponents with system dynamics modelling, Jeffrey Walters, David W. Archer, Gretchen F. Sassenrath, John R. Hendrickson, Jon D. Hanson, John M. Holloran, Peter Vadas, and Vladamir J. Alarcon

Planning rural water services in Nicaragua: A systems-based analysis of impact factors using graphical modeling, Jeffrey Walters and Paul Chinowsky

Freedom Lessons: Black Mothers Asserting Smartness of Their Children, M. Billye Sankofa Waters

We Can Speak for Ourselves: Parent Involvement and Ideologies of Black Mothers in Chicago, M. Billye Sankofa Waters and George W. Noblit

Imagining Science Education Through Ethnographies of Neoliberal Resistance, M. Weinstein

Using Sharepoint as a Limited Learning Management System, Bruce Worobec and Robert Bryant

A Posterior Probability Approach for Gene Regulatory Network Inference in Genetic Perturbation Data, William Chad Young, Ka Yee Yeung, and Adrian E. Raftery

Submissions from 2015


Leaders in Sex Offender Research and Policy, Alissa R. Ackerman and Michelle Cubellis


Sex Crimes: Transnational Problems and Global Perspectives, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman


Masculinities and Sex Offenses, Alissa R. Ackerman, Rich Furman, Jeffrey Cohen, Eric Madfis, and Michelle Sanchez


The Use of Masculinities in the Understanding and Treatment of Male Sexual Offenders, Alissa R. Ackerman, Rich Furman, Jeffrey W. Cohen, Eric Madfis, and Michelle Sanchez

Making Sense of Methods and Measurement: Ethics and Participant Recruitment, Part I, Katie A. Adamson and Susan Prion

Desiring biracial whites: cultural consumption of white mixed-race celebrities in South Korean popular media, Ji-Hyun Ahn

“I Mean, We’re Guys” Constructing Gender at an All-Male Trade School, Miriam R. Arbeit, Rachel M. Hershberg, Sara K. Johnson, Jacqueline V. Lerner, and Richard M. Lerner


Insights into the Seismically-Induced Rock-slope Failures in the Canterbury Region Using the Discrete Element Method, Lorne Arnold, Joseph Wartman, Chris Massey, Mary Maclaughlin, and David Keefer

Teaching Predictive Model Management in MIS Classrooms: A Tutorial, Sule Balkan and Haluk Demirkan


Fishbowl, Ellen Bayer

Income Generation in Recovering Heroin Users: A Comparative Analysis of Legal and Illegal Earnings, Christopher Beasley, Sarah Callahan, Anthony LoSasso, Bradley Olson, Stephanie Nisle, Kristina Campagna, and Leonard A. Jason

Engagement & Disengagement in Mutual-Help Addiction Recovery Housing: A Test of Affective Events Theory, Christopher Beasley and Leonard A. Jason

Special Section on LGBT Resilience Across Cultures: Introduction, Christopher Beasley, Richard A. Jenkins, and Maria Valenti

Evaluating Public Transit Investment in Congested Cities, Justin Beaudoin, Y. Hossein Farzin, and C. Y. Lin

Public Transit Investment and Sustainable Transportation: A Review of Studies of Transit's Impact on Traffic Congestion and Air Quality, Justin Beaudoin, Y. Hossein Farzin, and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell

Toward Individualized Therapy: Correlation of Mutation Analysis With in Vitro High Throughput Drug Sensitivity Testing in New Diagnosis and Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Pamela S. Becker, Michael W. Schmitt, Zhiyi Xie, Andrew R. Carson, Bradley Patay, Seyed Sina Khankhajeh, Qi Wei, Ling-Hong Hung, Timothy Martins, Elihu H. Estey, C. Anthony Blau, Vivian G. Oehler, and Ka Yee Yeung


Understanding Donor Intent: Legal and Ethical Lessons From a Religious Nonprofit, Ruth Bernstein, J. Brooke Hamilton, and Lise Anne Slatten


The Challenges of Foundation Stewardship: When a Philanthropic Gift Becomes a Burden, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Fabio Ambrosio, and Lise Anne Slatten


Reflections on Diversity and Inclusion Practices at the Organizational, Group, and Individual Levels, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Diana Bilimoria, Marcy Crary, and Donna Maria Blancero


Nonprofit Board Performance: Board Members' Understanding Their Roles and Responsibilities, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Kathleen Buse, and Lise Anne Slatten


Working Effectively Across Differences - Diversity and Inclusion at the Individual, Team and Organizational Levels, Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Marcy Crary, and Diana Bilimoria


Comfort Versus Discomfort in Interracial/Interethnic Interactions: Group Practices on Campus, Ruth Sessler Bernstein and Paul Salipante


Lessons from the Local: Rurality and Responses to Intimate Partner Abuse in Sub-Saharan Africa and the United States, Johanna Bond and Elizabeth M. Bruch


Educational Leadership Against Racism: Challenging Policy, Pedagogy, and Practice, Jeffrey S. Brooks, Christopher B. Knaus, and Heewon Chang


The Psychology of Overeating: Food and the Culture of Consumerism, Kima Cargill

Strategies To Engage Men And Boys In Violence Prevention A Global Organizational Perspective, Juliana Carlson, Erin A. Casey, Jeffrey L. Edleson, Richard M. Tolman, and Tova B. Walsh

Support in Hand: Mobile Nudges for Math Success, Colleen Carmean, J. Sierschynski, and J. Frankfort


Patterns Of Intimate Partner Violence And Sexual Risk Behavior Among Young Heterosexually Active Men, Erin A. Casey, Katherine Querna, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Elizabeth A. Wells, Diane M. Morrison, and Marilyn J. Hoppe


Dear Carole, at the Galthouse Pool, Louisville, KY 2014, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, if I Were the Type to Vaguebook, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, It Hurts to Look at Things, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, It’s Halloween, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, I Wait to Stop Feeling Hungry, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, of Course Now I Do the Dishes, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, Remember How Much I Hated Throwing Up?, Sarah A. Chavez


Dear Carole, There Are Bugs Everywhere, Sarah A. Chavez


Ire'ne Lara Silva Interviews Sarah A. Chavez, Sarah A. Chavez

Review of Some Fatal Effects of Curiostity and Disobedience by Laura Madeline Wiseman, Sarah A. Chavez


The Day the Alligators Feasted on Time, Sarah A. Chavez


Thirteen and Catholic, Sarah A. Chavez


When Turtle First Began to Carry the Earth, Sarah A. Chavez

Perceived Workplace Health Support Is Associated With Employee Productivity, Lu Chen, Peggy A. Hannon, Sharon S. Laing, Marlana J. Kohn, Kathleen Clark, Scott Pritchard, and Jeffrey R. Harris

Measuring Learning Outcomes and Attitudes in a Flipped Introductory Statistics Course, Emily Cilli-Turner


Book Reviews: Irwin, J. (2005). The Warehouse Prison: Disposal of the New Dangerous Class. Los Angeles: Roxbury, Jeffrey W. Cohen


Criminal Justice as a Male Enterprise, Jeffrey W. Cohen

Rates and Product Identification for Trenbolone Acetate Metabolite Biotransformation Under Aerobic Conditions, Emily A. Cole, Samantha A. McBride, Kaitlin C. Kimbrough, Jaewoong Lee, Eric A. Marchand, David M. Cwiertny, and Edward P. Kolodziej


The CARE heuristic for addressing burnout in nurses, Jane Compson

Still Exploring the Middle Path: a Response to Commentaries, Jane Compson and Lynette Monteiro


Push or Pull? Weeds Crosses the Border, David R. Coon


Obstetric Fistula in Low-Resource Countries: An Under-Valued and Under-Studied Problem - Systematic Review of Its Incidence, Prevalence, and Association With Stillbirth, Karen D. Cowgill, Jennifer Bishop, Amanda K. Norgaard, Craig E. Rubens, and Michael G. Gravett

Biophysical Characterization Data on Aβ Soluble Oligomers Produced Through a Method Enabling Prolonged Oligomer Stability and Biological Buffer Conditions, Amanda C. Crisostomo, Loan Dang, Jyothi L. Digambaranath, Andrea C. Klaver, David A. Loeffler, Jeremiah J. Payne, Lynnae M. Smith, Adam L. Yokom, and John M. Finke

Kinetic analysis of IgG antibodies to beta-amyloid oligomers with surface plasmon resonance, Amanda C. Crisostomo, Loan Dang, Jyothi L. Digambaranath, Andrea C. Klaver, David A. Loeffler, Jeremiah J. Payne, Lynnae M. Smith, Adam L. Yokom, and John M. Finke


Inflated Granularity: Spatial 'Big Data' and Geodemographics, Craig M. Dalton and Jim Thatcher

All My Students Are Non-Majors: Designing Sustainable Music Courses for an Urban-Serving University, Kim Davenport