All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2003

Undergraduate Marine Research, Cheryl L. Greengrove and David L. Secord

The Interaction of Race, Ethnicity, and Family Structure With Respect to the Timing of Family Reunification, Marian S. Harris and Mark E. Courtney

Review of Lu Ann Jones. Mama Learned Us To Work: Farm Women in the New South, Natalie Jolly

Quantification of Steroid Hormones With Pheromonal Properties in Municipal Wastewater Effluent, Edward P. Kolodziej, James L. Gray, and David L. Sedlak

Anything Besides Anything About Babies, Michael Kula

Bit Ottici Nei Computer Del 2010, Massimiliano Laddomada

Verso Il Wireless Di Quarta Generazione, Massimiliano Laddomada

An Improved Interleaver Design Technique for Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and F. Daneshgaran

Iterative LBG Clustering for SIMO Channel Identification, Massimiliano Laddomada and F. Daneshgaran

Transceiver Front-End Technology for Software Radio Implementation of Wideband Satellite Communication Systems, Massimiliano Laddomada and Fred Daneshgaran

Digital Pulse-Shaping FIR Filter Design With Reduced Intersymbol and Interchannel Interference, Massimiliano Laddomada, Letizia Lo Presti, and Marina Mondin

Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Urban Atmosphere: A Comparison of Three Methods, Randolph K. Larsen and Joel E. Baker

Television, Gender, and Labor in the Global City, Divya C. McMillin

Gli Esquilini: Contributi Al Dibattito Sulle Trasformazioni Nel Rione Esquilino Di Roma Dagli Anni Settanta Al Duemila. [The Esquilini: Notes on the Transformations of the Esquilino Area in Rome From 1970s to 2000], Pierpaolo Mudu


The Architecture of Control: Shaker Dwelling Houses and the Reform Movement in Early-Nineteenth-Century America, Julie Nicoletta


Community Activist, Nurse, and South Puget Sound Legislator: Washington State Senator Rosa Franklin, Janet Primomo and Sally York


Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof, Jennifer J. Quinn and Arthur T. Benjamin

Exotic Islands and the Stranded Traveler in the Works of Caspar David Friedrich, Johann J. K. Reusch

Space to Grow Using Dialogue Techniques for Multinational, Multicultural Learning, Mona Schatz, Rich Furman, and Lowell E. Jenkins

Approaches for Quantifying the Attenuation of Wastewater-Derived Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment, David L. Sedlak, Karen E. Pinkston, James L. Gray, and Edward P. Kolodziej

The Multiple Impacts of TANF, ASFA, and Mandatory Drug Sentencing for Families Affected by Maternal Incarceration, Carrie Jefferson Smith and Diane S. Young

Comparing Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Bioaccumulation in a Food Web in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan, Heather M. Stapleton and Joel E. Baker

Population-Level Effects of Pesticides and Other Toxicants on Arthropods, John D. Stark and John E. Banks

Startle Eyeblink Modulation: Detecting Changes in Directed Attentional Allocation During Early Preattentive Processing, Sharon Steele-Laing and Leslie H. Hicks

Bring Socio-cultural Contexts into Activities: A Localization Study of Mobile Text Messaging Use, Huatong Sun


Ways of Knowing for a Restorative Worldview, Barb Toews and Howard Zehr

Linux in a Brave New Firmware Environment, Matthew Tolentino


William L. Pierce, Ingrid Walker Fields


Violence in the Lives of Black Women: Battered, Black, and Blue, Carolyn M. West

Managing Agreements With Chains, Bruce Worobec

Clustering or Automatic Class Discovery: Non-Hierarchical, Non-Som, Ka Yee Yeung


Multiclass Classification of Microarray Data With Repeated Measurements: Application to Cancer, Ka Yee Yeung and Roger E. Bumgarner


Clustering Gene-Expression Data With Repeated Measurements, Ka Yee Yeung, Mario Medvedovic, and Roger E. Bumgarner

Co-Occurring Disorders Among Jail Inmates: Bridging the Treatment Gap, Diane S. Young

Predictors of Placement on a Jail Mental Health Unit: Assessing Equitable Access to Care, Diane S. Young

Books from 2002


Nelson's Run, Peter Bacho

Why Am I Here? The Influence of Group and Relational Attributes on Member-Initiated Team Selection, Zoe Barsness, AE Tenbrunsel, J. H. Michael, and L. Lawson


Defining the Terms: Postfeminism as an Ideology of Cool, Anne Bartlett

Greatest Hits in Behavioral Ecology, Alison M. Bell, Jeremy M. Davis, Jennifer L. DeBose, Sarah J. Long, Karen E. Mabry, Theodore Stankowich, Jason V. Watters, and J. Chadwick Johnson


The Portrayal of Women on Sex Tour Websites, Kimberly A. Bender and Rich Furman


Measuring Individual-Level Resource Specialization, Daniel I. Bolnick, Louie H. Yang, James A. Fordyce, Jeremy M. Davis, and Richard Svanback

Mind Over Matter: Transforming Course Management Systems Into Effective Learning Environments, Colleen Carmean and Jeremy Haefner

A Novel Electromagnetic Bandgap Metal Plate for Parallel Plate Mode Suppression in Shielded Structures, Debasis Dawn, Y. Ohashi, and T. Shimura

Using Contemporary Film in Human Service Education, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, and Rich Furman

Service Priorities, Use, and Needs, Charles A. Emlet and James P. Berghuis

Correlates of Service Utilization Among Midlife and Older Adults With HIV/AIDS: The Role of Age in the Equation, Charles A. Emlet and Kathleen J. Farkas

Alcohol Use and Abuse in a Population of Community Dwelling, Frail Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet, Helena Hawks, and Jane Callahana

A Feminist Approach to Practice in Working With Midlife and Older Women With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet, Katy Tangenberg, and Claire Siverson

HIV/AIDS and Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Colette M. Vallee

HIV/AIDS in Adults 50 and Over [Special Issue], Charles A. Emlet and Colette M. Vallee

The Results Of A Management Redesign, Mark Ezell, Erin A. Casey, Peter J. Pecora, Candace Grossman, and Robert Friend

Interleukin-1 beta folding between pH 5 and 7: experimental evidence for three-state folding behavior and robust transition state positions late in folding, John M. Finke and Patricia A. Jennings

Progress as Human Rights: Condorcet and the Human Rights Discourse, Michael Forman

Jazz and Some Sorrow Selected Early Works: 19911993, Rich Furman

The Definition of Enlightenment - Lighten Up: My Use of Humor in Social Work Education and Practice, Rich Furman

Wrap-Around Services: An Analysis of Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children, Rich Furman and Robert Jackson

Teaching Crisis Intervention, Rich Furman and Mona C.S. Schatz


Review of "The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam," edited by Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Mary Hanneman

Addiction, Abuse, and Family Relationships, Henia D. Johnson and Diane S. Young


Key Determinants of a Mother's Decision to File for Child Support, Janice Laakso

Key Determinants of a Mother's Decision to File for Child Support, Janice H. Laakso

Così Internet Accelera. Ma I Costi.., Massimiliano Laddomada

Il Concetto Software Radio, Massimiliano Laddomada

Internet (In Piccolo) Aspettando l'UMTS, Massimiliano Laddomada

Nelle Reti Locali, Addio Ai Cavi- La Tecnologia WLAN, Massimiliano Laddomada

Reconfiguration Issues of Future Mobile Software Radio Platforms, Massimiliano Laddomada

Multiscale Iterative LBG Clustering for SIMO Channel Identification, Massimiliano Laddomada and F. Daneshgaran

A Novel Class of Decimation Filters for ΣΔ A/D Converters, Massimiliano Laddomada and Fred Daneshgaran


Effectiveness of Elicitation Techniques in Distributed Requirements Engineering, Wesley James Lloyd, Mary Beth Rosson, and James D. Arthur

American Revolution: From the Electoral Gap to the Banana Republic, Zine Magubane and Emily N. Ignacio

Choosing Commercial Television's Identities in India: A Reception Analysis, Divya C. McMillin

Repressive Tolerance: The Gay Movement and the Vatican in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Brasil: Perspectivas Internacionais, Amós Nascimento

Group Oral Presentations as Support for Writing in Large Classes, Sushil K. Oswal


Would the Real Undagi Please Stand Up? On the Social Location of Balinese Architectural Knowledge, Samuel K. Parker and Graeme MacRae

Child Advocacy and Pedagogical Theories in the Works of Philipp Otto Runge , Johann J. K. Reusch


Analysis of Web-based WSDOT Traveler Information: Testing Users' Information Retrieval Strategies, Geoffrey Sauer, Emma J. Rose, Beth E. Kolko, Mark Haselkorn, and Bill Legg

Sexual Trafficking of Women: Strategies for Developing Trauma Recovery Teams, M. S. Schatz and Rich Furman

Environmental Science as a Vehicle for Building Natural Sciences and Environmental Education Into a New Interdisciplinary Urban Public University, David L. Secord and Cheryl L. Greengrove


Response From Stark and Banks, John D. Stark and John Banks

Review Essay: Text, Talk, and Writing in Recovery: Implications for Composition Studies, Riki Thompson

Book Reviews: Stephen Kinzer, Crescent and Star: Turkey between Two Worlds, Etga Ugur

Sustainable Watershed Management: An International Multi-Watershed Case Study, Walter Wagner, James E. Gawel, Hiroaki Furamai, Marcelo P. DeSouza, Denilson Teixeira, Leonardo Rios, Shinichiro Ohgaki, Alexander J. B. Zehnder, and Harold F. Hemond

White Hope: Conspiracy, Nationalism, and Revolution in The Turner Diaries and Hunter, Ingrid Walker

Non-Psychiatric Services Provided in a Mental Health Unit in a County Jail, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2001

African American Migration to Louisville in the Mid-Twentieth Century, Luther J. Adams


Review of "Duels and the Roots of Violence in Missouri" by D. Steward, Mike Allen

Family Mediation: Facts, Myths, and Future Prospects, Connie J. Beck and Bruce Dennis Sales

Evolutionary Questions in an Ecologically Relevant Context, A. M. Bell, J. M. Davis, C. M. Greene, S. C. Lema, J. V. Watters, and L. H. Yang

Noise in the Quiet Zone, M. Cronin, Lisa Tauxe, Catherine G. Constable, Peter A. Selkin, and T. Pick

The University's Role in Promoting Human Rights Through Nurturing Human Diversities, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari


University's Role in Promoting Human Rights Through Nurturing Human Diversities, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari


Aging Agencies: City/County Leve, Charles A. Emlet

Neformalni Oskrbovalci StarejÁih Odraslih: Obremenitev Oskrbovalcev in Koristi Oz. Prednosti Skupin Za Samopomo€ [[Informal Caregivers of Older Adults: Caregiver Burden and the Benefits of Support Groups], Charles A. Emlet

Geriatric Home-And Community-Based Care Training Project for Transitional Societies From Central and Eastern Europe Through Asia, Charles A. Emlet and Merl C. Hokenstad


Assessment Tools/Devices, Charles A. Emlet and A. Rang

Early Aggregated States in the Folding of Interleukin-1β, John M. Finke and P. A. Jennings

Toward an Etiology of Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Neurodevelopmental Approach, Kelly A. Forrest

A Radical Analysis of the Privatization of Mental Health Services: Lessons for Educators, Rich Furman

Frameworks for Resolving Value Conflicts in Social Work Practice: A Case Study, Rich Furman