All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2006


You Mean I Can Use a 'Zine in a Research Paper?, Lauren Pressley

Systemische Implikationen Zum Menschen Und Seiner Position in Der Sozialen Arbeit (Systemic Implications About Human Beings and Their Position in Social Work), Claudia Sellmaier


The Comedy of Language in Borges' "La Busca de Averroes", E. J. Sharkey


Idling the Engine: Linguistic Skepticism in And Around Cortazar, Kafka, And Joyce, E. Joseph Sharkey

Adaptive Effects of Natal Experience on Habitat Selection by Dispersers, Judy A. Stamps and Jeremy M. Davis

The Triumph of Users: Achieving Cultural Usability Goals with User Localization, Huatong Sun

The Triumph of Users: Achieving Cultural Usability Goals With User Localization, Huatong Sun

Bilingual, Bicultural, and Binominal Identities: Personal Name Investment and the Imagination in the Lives of Korean Americans, Riki Thompson

Little Book of Restorative Justice for People in Prison: Rebuilding The Web Of Relationships, Barb Toews

Bayesian Robust Inference for Differential Gene Expression in Microarrays With Multiple Samples, Ka Yee Yeung, Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, and Roger Bumgarner

Robust Estimation of cDNA Microarray Intensities With Replicates, Ka Yee Yeung, Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, and Roger Bumgarner

Enhancing the Vocational Skills of Incarcerated Women Through a Plumbing Maintenance Program, Diane S. Young and Robert F. Mattucci

Submissions from 2005

Population Dynamics Models in Plant-Insect Herbivore-Pesticide Interactions, B. M. Adams, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, and John D. Stark


Review of "The Deacons for Defense: Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement" by L. Hill, Luther Adams

I Just Want to Be a Cosmic Cowboy: Hippies, Cowboy Code, and the Culture of a Counterculture, Michael Allen


Entrys, Peter Bacho

Motivation and Opportunity: The Role of Remote Work, Demographic Dissimilarity, and Social Network Centrality in Impression Management, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Marc-David L. Seidel


Washington Environmental Law Handbook, Theda Braddock

Where Have All the Children Gone? A Review of the Literature on Factors Contributing to Disproportionality: Five Key Child Welfare Decision Points, K. Cahn and M. S. Harris

Measure for Measure: Assessing Course Management Systems, Colleen Carmean and Gary Brown


Trauma Exposure And Sexual Revictimization Risk: Comparisons Across Single, Multiple Incident, And Multiple Perpetrator Victimizations, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Rethinking Religion: A Concise Introduction, Will Deming, Jane Compson

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Selling of Charlie'S Angels and Alias, David Roger Coon


Recurrence of Legionnaires Disease at a Hotel in the United States Virgin Islands Over a 20-Year Period, Karen D. Cowgill, Claressa E. Lucas, Robert F. Benson, Shadi Chamany, Ellen W. Brown, Barry S. Fields, and Daniel R. Feikin

The Market Place of Ideas? Global Implications of Market-Driven US Media, Chris Demaske

Twelve Characters in Search of a Televisual Text: Magnolia Masquerading as Soap Opera, Joanne Clarke Dillman

Measuring Stigma in Older and Younger Adults With HIV/AIDS: An Analysis of an HIV Stigma Scale and Initial Exploration of Subscales, Charles A. Emlet


Equilibrium and Kinetic Folding Pathways of a TIM Barrel with a Funneled Energy Landscape, John M. Finke and José N. Onuchic

Autoethnographic Poems and Narrative Reflections: A Qualitative Study on the Death of a Companion Animal, Rich Furman


Understanding Privatization Through the Lens of Dorwart and Epstein's Privatization and Mental Health Services: A Warning for Latin America and the Developing World, Rich Furman

Using Poetry and Written Exercises to Teach Empathy, Rich Furman

A Narrative Poem as a Source of Qualitative Data, Rich Furman and Stan Cavers

Guidelines for Responding to Clients Spontaneously Presenting Their Poetry in Therapy, Rich Furman and Kathryn Collins

Culturally Sensitive Practices and Crisis Management, Rich Furman and Kathryn S. Collins


Designing Undergraduate Research Experiences for Nontraditional Student Learning At Sea, James E. Gawel and Cheryl L. Greengrove

Pretend Play as a Life-Span Activity: Play, Games and Philosophy [Special Issue], A. Goncu and Tony Perone

Book Review: Exploring the Role of Narrative and Play in Young Children's Development and Education, Artin Göncü and Tony Perone

Database Schema Design for a Web Services Supply Chain Manager: Requirements and Proposed Infrastructure, Michael Goul, Karen Corral, and Haluk Demirkan

Korean Males Attitudes and Behaviors on Men's Health and Erectile Dysfunction: a Qualitative Study, Deok Hyun Han, Hyoung Suk Lee, Ji Hae Kim, and Sung Won Lee


Working With African American Children and Families in the Child Welfare System, Marian S. Harris and Ada Skyles

Washington State Department of Transportation Electronic Information and Supporting Systems: Challenges to Effective Practice and Policy, M. Haselkorn, B. Kolko, Emma J. Rose, M. A. Krug, and G. Sauer


Out Here In The Out There: Essays In A Region Of Superlatives, Philip Heldrich

Career Decisions and Experiences of Social Work Faculty: A Gender Comparison, Lynn C. Holley and Diane S. Young

An Information Theoretical Model for Quantum Secret Sharing, Hideki Imai, Jörn Müller-Quade, Anderson C. Nascimento, Pim Tuyls, and Andreas Winter

More White Supremacy? "The Lord of the Rings" as Pro-American Imperialism, Christopher B. Knaus

The Use of Water and Its Regulation in Medieval Siena, Michael Kucher

Clinical Efficacy of the Individual Tests in 7 Minute Screen Test(7MS), Hyoung Mo Ku, Ji Hae Kim, Seon Gyu Ko, Hye Jung Ko, Hyoung Suk Lee, Sang Yun Kim, and Doh Kwan Kim


What Have Bagels Got to Do with Midwesternness?, Michael Kula

Internet Arriverà Con L'elettricità, Massimiliano Laddomada

Reduced Complexity Interleaver Growth Algorithm for Turbo Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and F. Daneshgaran

Iterative Joint Channel Decoding of Correlated Sources Employing Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

A Flexible Communication System for High-Speed Broadband Wireless Access From High Altitude Platforms: A CAPANINA Candidate, Massimiliano Laddomada, Emanuela Falletti, Alessandro Boch, Marina Mondin, and Fabrizio Sellone

An Algorithm for the Estimation of the Minimum Distance of LDPC Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and Marina Mondin

Design of Punctured Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and B. Scanavino

Beyond the Ethnographic Interview: The Research Poem as a Tool for Teaching Culturally Sensitive Social Work With Natives, C. Langer and Rich Furman

'We Are More Than Jailbirds': An Arts Program for Incarcerated Young Women, Marceline M. Lazzari, Kathryn A. Amundson, and Robert L. Jackson

Donuts, Scratches and Blanks: Robust Model-Based Segmentation of Microarray Images, Qunhua Li, Chris Fraley, Roger E. Bumgarner, Ka Yee Yeung, and Adrian E. Raftery

Development of Empathetic Responses With Multicultural Literature, Belinda Louie


Eyewitness memory and identification, Roy S. Malpass, Laura A. Zimmerman, Christian A. Meissner, Stephen J. Ross, Mary E. Rigoni, Lisa D. Topp, Nicole Pruss, Colin G. Tredoux, and Jessica M. Leyva

Quantum Arthur-Merlin Games, Chris Marriott and John Watrous

The Match Game: Instructional Design for Every Learner, Patricia McGee, Uli Rauch, Colleen Carmean, and Cyprien Lomas

Changing Backdrops in Rome: An Exploration of the Geography of Social Centers, Pierpaolo Mudu

A Comparative Evaluation of Recent Chinese Immigration in USA and Italy: Settlement Patterns and Local Resistance, Pierpaolo Mudu and Wei Lei

Outside the Frame: Teaching a Socially Engaged Art Practice, Beverly Naidus

Teaching Art as a Subversive Activity, Beverly Naidus

Louise Bourgeois's Femmes Maisons: Confronting Lacan, Julie Nicoletta

The Impact of Urban Areas on the Deposition of Air toxics to Adjacent Surface Waters: A Mass Budget of PCBs in Lake Michigan in 1994, John Offenberg, Matt Simcik, Joel E. Baker, and Steven J. Eisenreich

One Tribe Among the Host of Living Tribes: A Response to Scott Russell Sanders, Sushil K. Oswal

Generalizing the Quinn-Wojs Theorem on Distinct Multiplets of Composite Fermions, Jennifer J. Quinn and Josef M. Tobiska

The native energy landscape for interleukin-1beta. Modulation of the population ensemble through native-state topology, Melinda Roy, Leslie L. Chavez, John M. Finke, David K. Heidary, José N. Onuchic, and Patricia A. Jennings

Hotplug Memory Redux, Joel Schopp, Dave Hansen, Mike Kravetz, Hirokazu Takahashi, Toshihiro Iwamoto, Yasunori Goto, Hiroyuki Kamezawa, Matt Tolentino, and Bob Picco


Three New Species of Micrura (Nemertea: Heteronemertea) and a New Type of Heteronemertean Larva from the Caribbean Sea, Megan L. Schwartz and Jon L. Norenburg

Examining Interpersonal Relationship Predictors of Delinquency Across Ethnic and Racial Samples, Jeffrey K. Shears and Rich Furman

Genotypic Differences in Space Use and Movement Patterns in Drosophila Melanogaster, Judy Stamps, Marybeth Buechner, Katie Alexander, Jeremy Davis, and Nicole Zuniga

Poetry and Photography an Exploration Into Expressive/Creative Qualitative Research, Peter Szto, Rich Furman, and Carol Langer

Improving the Energy Efficiency of High-Performance Server Systems, Matthew E. Tolentino and Kirk W. Cameron

Public or Republic Sphere? Parameters of "Kamusal Alan" Debate in Turkey, Etga Ugur

Domestic Violence in Ethnically and Racially Diverse Families, Carolyn M. West

The Racial Politics of Progressive Americanism: New Deal Liberalism and the Subordination of Black Workers in the UAW, Charles Williams

Bayesian Model Averaging: Development of an Improved Multi-Class, Gene Selection and Classification Tool for Microarray Data, Ka Yee Yeung, Roger E. Bumgarner, and Adrian E. Raftery

Combining Caregiving and Career: Experiences of Social Work Faculty, Diane S. Young and Lynn C. Holley

Experiencing Social Welfare History: New York City as Case Study, Diane S. Young, P. Selmi, and L. Kilpatrick

Submissions from 2004

Review of Alaska Native Political Leadership and Higher Education: One University, Two Universes, Katherine Elizabeth Baird


Dominance in College Football and the Role of Scholarship Restrictions, Katie Baird


Divided Culture: Integrating and Conservation Biology Agriculture, John Banks

Aphid Response to Vegetation Diversity and Insecticide Applications, John E. Banks and John D. Stark

Uncertainty, Fairness Perceptions, and Job Satisfaction: A Field Study, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Harris Sondak

Focus Please: Team Coordination and Performance at a Wood Manufacturer, Zoe I. Barsness, J. H. Michael, L. Lawson, and P. Balkundi

Is It Terminal? Re-Evaluating the Master's Degree, Anne Clark Bartlett

Reading It Personally: Robert Glück, Margery Kempe, and Language in Crisis, Anne Clark Bartlett

Understanding the Life of Point Loma, Bonnie Becker

The Implications of Sex Tourism on Men's Social, Psychological, and Physical Health, Kimberly Bender and Rich Furman


Models wanted: The search for an effective response to human trafficking, Elizabeth M. Bruch


Experiences With Influenza-Like Illness and Attitudes Regarding Influenza Prevention--United States, 2003-04 Influenza Season, Karen D. Cowgill and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Laboratory Practices for Prenatal Group B Streptococcal Screening--Seven States, 2003, Karen D. Cowgill and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Case-Control Study of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Egypt, Karen D. Cowgill, Christopher A. Loffredo, Soheir Abdel-Latif Eissa, Nadia Mokhtar, Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, Ahmed Fahmy, and G. Thomas Strickland

Risk Ritual and the Management of Control and Anxiety in Medical Culture, Robert Crawford

Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean Atmospheres During INDOEX and AEROSOLs99: Continental Sources to the Marine Atmosphere, Bernard S. Crimmins, Russel R. Dickerson, Bruce G. Doddridge, and Joel E. Baker


The Effect of Natal Experience on Habitat Preferences, J Davis

Modern Power and The First Amendment: Reassessing Hate Speech, Chris Demaske