
Submissions from 2018

Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution in a Region of Stable Postglacial Relative Sea Levels, British Columbia Central Coast, Canada, J.B.R. Eamer, D.H. Shugar, I.J. Walker, C.M. Neudorf, O.B. Lian, J.L. Eamer, J. Bryce, and L. Biln

Human Rights, M. Forman

The Nationalist Temptation: Labor and the Crisis of Global Capitalism, Michael Forman

The New Spirit Lake: Changes to Hydrology, Nutrient Cycling, and Biological Productivity, James E. Gawel, Charles M. Crisafulli, and Rich Miller

Submarine Deposition of a Subaerial Landslide in Taan Fiord, Alaska, P.J. Haeussler, S.P.S. Gulick, N. McCall, M. Walton, R. Reece, C. Larsen, Dan Shugar, M. Geertsema, J.G. Venditti, and K. Labay

Law’s Promises and Its Limits: A Reply to Cramer and McNulty, S.C. Hampson

Black Workers Matter: The Continuing Search for Racial and Economic Equality in Memphis, Michael K. Honey


Revisiting Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign and Unfinished Agenda, Michael K. Honey

The Effect of Prenatal Exposure to Ramadan on Children's Height, Seyed Karimi and A. Basu


Disability and Accessibility in the Workplace: Some Exemplars and a Research Agenda for Business and Professional Communication, M. Knight and S.K. Oswal

Editor's Choice: Underappreciated Science, E.P. Kolodziej

Use of Science in Collaborative Environmental Management: Evidence From Local Watershed Partnerships in the Puget Sound, T.M. Koontz and C.W. Thomas

Reflections on a Retrofit: Organizational Commitment, Perceived Productivity and Controllability in a Building Lighting Project in the United States, Lindsay McCunn, A. Kim, and J. Feracor

Non-Human Humanitarians, Benjamin Meiches


Commercialization of Obstetric and Neonatal Care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Study of the Variability in User Fees in Lubumbashi, 2014, A.M. Ntambue, F.K. Malonga, M. Dramaix-Wilmet, T.M. Ilunga, A.N. Musau, C.M. Matungulu, Karen Cowgill, and P. Donnen


Can Diversity Be Intersectional? Inclusive Business Planning and Accessible Web Design Internationally on Two Continents and Three Campuses, Sushil K. Oswal and Zsuzsanna Palmer

Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Identify Organic Contaminants Linked to Urban Stormwater Mortality Syndrome in Coho Salmon, K.T. Peter, Z. Tian, C. Wu, P. Lin, S. White, B. Du, J.K. McIntyre, N.L. Scholz, and E.P. Kolodziej

Social Justice in UX: Centering Marginalized Users, Emma Rose, L. Gonzales, N. Jones, A. Edenfield, A.S. McNair, G.I. Garcia De Mueller, R. Walton, T. Zhvotovska, and K. Moore


Usability Testing With Teens: Adapting Human-Centered Design and UX Methods, Emma J. Rose, Elin A. Björling, Ada Kim, and Nicole Young Alvarez


Approaching Engagement Towards Human-Engaged Computing, Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Sayan Sarcar, Huatong Sun, Effie L-C. Law, Torkil Clemmensen, Jeffrey Bardzell, Antti Oulasvirta, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, Ann Light, and Xiangshi Ren

Evaluation of Semi-Volatile Contaminant Transport in a Novel, Gas-Tight Direct Contact Membrane Distillation System, K.A. Salls, D. Won, E.P. Kolodziej, A.E. Childress, and S.R. Hiibel


Trade Liberalization and Constraints on Moves to Protectionism: Multilateralism vs. Regionalism, I.M. Sheldon, D.C.K. Chow, and W. McGuire

Late Holocene Activity of Sherman and Sheridan Glaciers, Prince William Sound, Alaska, D.H. Shugar, J.J. Clague, and M.J. McSaveney

Evaluation of Student Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Perception of the Value of Geologic Monitoring From Living on the Edge, an Integrate Curriculum Module, R. Teasdale, P. Selkin, and L. Goodell


From Mass to Social Media: Governing Mental Health and Depression in the Digital Age, Riki Thompson and Rich Furman


Math Origins: Orders of Growth | Mathematical Association of America, Erik Tou


Developing a Transformative Drug Policy Research Agenda in the United States, Ingrid Walker and J. Netherland

Treatment Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence in the Lives of African American Women, Carolyn M. West

Submissions from 2017


A Qualitative Study of Transgender Women and Cisgender Men Living Together in Two Recovery Homes, Christopher Beasley, Sarah Callahan, Emily Stecker, Michael Dekhtyar, Charmaine Yang-Atian, Frank Charles Ponziano, Brandon Isler, and Leonard Jason

50 Years of the Golomb–Welch Conjecture, P. Horak and D. Kim


Dear Carole, Dermatologists Call the Body a “trunk”, Sarah A. Chavez


Wapato Lake Water Quality Monitoring Data Report, James E. Gawel and Kimberly Oliva-Membreno


Impacts of Inquiry Pedagogy on Undergraduate Students Conceptions of the Function of Proof, Emily Cilli-Turner


Fostering Divergent Opinions and Encouraging Free Speech on Campus, Riki Thompson and Lars Larson

Uncertainty and Complexity Tradeoffs When Integrating Fire Spread With Hydroecological Projections: Modeling and Decision Support, Maureen C. Kennedy and Donald McKenzie


College Campuses Are Vital for Critical Conversations, Riki Thompson


Not Another Guilty Mother, Natalie Jolly

Is Mindfulness Secular or Religious, and Does It Matter?, Jane Compson


Men Must Fight Oppression Against Women, Support #Metoo Movement, Alex Miller

Writing Through Comics, Riki Thompson


Inquiry as an Entry Point to Equity in the Classroom, Gail Tang, Houssein El Turkey, Emily Cilli-Turner, Milos Savic, Gulden Karakok, and David Plaxco


Math Origins: The Totient Function | Mathematical Association of America, Erik Tou

Cultivating the Contemplative Mind in Cyberspace: Field Notes From Pedagogical Experiments in Fully Online Classes, Jane Compson


Guest Editorial: Safe Consumption Sites Will Save Lives, Money, and Improve Public Health, Ingrid Walker

We Shall Not Be Moved/No Nos Moverán: Biography of a Song of Struggle, Michael Honey


Balancing Uncertainty and Complexity to Incorporate Fire Spread in an Eco-Hydrological Model, Maureen C. Kennedy, Donald McKenzie, Christina Tague, and Aubrey L. Dugger


Consejos as a Family Process in Transnational and Mixed-Status Mayan Families, Rachel M. Hershberg

Advocating for Advocacy: An Exploratory Survey on Student Advocacy Skills and Training in Counseling Psychology, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege, Dustin Brockberg, and William T. Hoyt

Culture in La Clínica: Evaluating the Utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in a Mexican Outpatient Setting, Alyssa M. Ramírez Stege and Kristin Elizabeth Yarris

The Creativity-In-Progress Rubric (CPR) on Proving: Two Teaching Implementations and Students' Reported Usage, Houssein El Turkey, Gail Tang, Milos Savic, Gulden Karakok, Emily Cilli-Turner, and David Plaxco


Rethinking the Numerate Citizen: Quantitative Literacy and Public Issues – Reply, Ander Erickson


The Handmaid's Homebirth, Natalie Jolly


Sexy Birth: Breaking Hollywood’s Last Taboo, Natalie Jolly


Dear Carole, I've Been Meditating on Transgression, Sarah A. Chavez


In This New Age, Sarah A. Chavez


Beyoncé and Amal's Pregnancies Can Change the World in a Real Way, Natalie Jolly


Framing Disaster: News Media Coverage of Environmental Justice, Ellen E. Moore and Kylie R. Lanthorn

Making Practice-Level Struggles Visible: Researching UX Practice to Inform Pedagogy, Emma Rose and Josh Tenenberg


The Road to Scholarly Riches: Preparing and Applying for the Academic Market, Christopher Beasley


Contacting, Conveying, and Connecting Online Literacy Instruction in International Settings, Sushil K. Oswal and Rich Rice


'Girls' and the Power of Hannah Horvath's Vagina, Natalie Jolly


Hot Mamas & Knocked Up Knockouts, Natalie Jolly


CBC News Interview, Dan Shugar


Expert Yet Vulnerable: Understanding the Needs of Transit Dependent Riders to Inform Policy and Design, Emma J. Rose, Robert Racadio, Travis Martin, Deidre Girard, and Beth Kolko


Introduction to the Bedford Bibliography of Research in Online Writing Instruction, Heidi Harris, Mahli Mechenbier, Sushil K. Oswal, and Natalie Stillman-Webb


Birth and the Bush: Untangling the Debate Around Women's Pubic Hair, Natalie Jolly

Institutional, Legal, and Attitudinal Barriers to the Accessibility of University Digital Libraries: Implications for Retention of Disabled Students, Sushil K. Oswal


Community-Based User Experience: Evaluating the Usability of Health Insurance Information With Immigrant Patients, Emma J. Rose, R. Racadio, K. Wong, S. Nguyen, J. Kim, and A. Zahler

Suicide Attempts and Personal Need for Structure Among Ex-Offenders, Christopher Beasley, John M. Majer, and Leonard A. Jason


Waughop Lake Management Plan Grant G1400475, James E. Gawel


Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Availability, Use, and Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study in the City of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011, Abel Mukengeshayi Ntambue, Françoise Kaj Malonga, Karen D. Cowgill, Michèle Dramaix-Wilmet, and Philippe Donnen


Emergency Response Mapping of Alexandrium Cysts in the Surface Sediments of Hood Canal WA, Cheryl Greengrove, Julie Masura, and Stephanie Moore


Historical Abundance of the Harmful Dinoflagellate Alexandrium in a Sediment Core From Quartermaster Harbor, Puget Sound, Washington, Alison-Marie Johnson, Julie Masura, and Cheryl Greengrove

Advancing Prevention Intervention From Theory to Application: Challenges and Contributions of Community Psychology, Christopher Beasley

The Legacy of the American Legacy Foundation, Ruth Bernstein


What Went Wrong at the Wounded Warrior Project, Ruth Bernstein and Jeff Aulgur


Intercultural Comfort Through Social Practices: Exploring Conditions for Cultural Learning, Ruth Sessler Bernstein and Paul Salipante

A Legal and Economic Critique of President Trump's China Trade Policies, D.C.K. Chow, W. McGuire, and I. Sheldon

Development of Suspect and Non-Target Screening Methods for Detection of Organic Contaminants in Highway Runoff and Fish Tissue With High-Resolution Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, B. Du, J.M. Lofton, K.T. Peter, A.D. Gipe, C.A. James, J.K. McIntyre, N.L. Scholz, J.E. Baker, and E.P. Kolodziej

Antibody Blood-Brain Barrier Efflux Is Modulated by Glycan Modification, J.M. Finke, K.R. Ayres, R.P. Brisbin, H.A. Hill, E.E. Wing, and W.A. Banks


Modulators of IgG Penetration Through the Blood-Brain Barrier: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease Immunotherapy, John M. Finke and William A. Banks

Birthing New Kinships: The Cross-Pollinating Potential of Amish Health Research, Natalie Jolly


Envisioning Mothers: Visualizations and the Invisibility of Motherhood, Natalie Jolly

Roundtable: Current Perspectives on Music, Sound, and Narrative in Screen Media, Anahid Kassabian, E Boschi, J Buhler, C Gorbman, M Mera, R Moseley, R Sadoff, and B Winters

Choose Your Neighborhood Wisely: Implications of Subsampling and Autocorrelation Structure in Simultaneous Autoregression Models for Landscape Ecology, M.C. Kennedy and S.J. Prichard

The Necessity of Bioanalytical Tools for Advancing Water and Sediment Quality Assessment, E.P. Kolodziej, K. Choi, R. Marfil-Vega, and B.W. Brooks


Designing for Engagement: Using Participatory Design to Develop a Social Robot to Measure Teen Stress, Emma J. Rose and Elin A. Björling

River Piracy and Drainage Basin Reorganization Led by Climate-Driven Glacier Retreat, D.H. Shugar, J.J. Clague, J.L. Best, C. Schoof, M.J. Willis, L. Copland, and G.H. Roe

Hillary Clinton and the Women Who Supported Her: Emotional Attachments and the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary, Evelyn M. Simien and Sarah Cote Hampson

Multiplexed Detection of Infectious Diseases With Microfluidic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and a Smartphone, F. Sun, W. Chen, H. Yu, A. Omob, R. Brisbin, A. Ganguli, V. Vemuri, P. Strzebonski, G. Cui, K.J. Allen, S.A. Desai, W. Lin, D.M. Nash, D.L. Hirschberg, I. Brooks, R. Bashir, and B.T. Cunningham

The Farey Sequence: From Fractions to Fractals, Erik Tou

Quadratic Prime-Generating Polynomials Over the Gaussian Integers, Erik Tou, Frank Fuentes, and Monta Meirose

Submissions from 2016


Lake Kapowsin Data Report, James E. Gawel and Christopher Wu


Oppositional Identities and the Mestiz@ Writer/Scholar: A Memoir, Sarah A. Chavez

In the Toaster Room at Irene's Cafe, Sarah A. Chavez

The Psychology of Food Cult Membership, Kima Cargill


MOOCs in the Global Context, Sushil K. Oswal


Letter to America, JM Miller

Heard Music, Claudia Gorbman


Attending to Loyalties, Afections, Convictions… and Doubts, J. Compson